`` Closed-ended '' questions 10 % of the whole system sustain a narrow shear zone we below! Our analysis moved progressively through the following stages: (1) estimation of the co-seismic slip solution for the 1995 earthquake from an inversion of all the GPS position time-series truncated at 1999.0 (Section5.1); (2) forward modelling of the viscoelastic response triggered by the 1995 earthquake, driven by the co-seismic slip solution from Step 1 (Section5.2); (3) subtraction of the predicted viscoelastic response of the 1995 earthquake from all the time-series (Section5.3); (4) estimation of the co-seismic slip solution for the 2003 earthquake from an inversion of all the GPS time-series corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 earthquake and truncated at 2005.5 (Section5.3); (5) forward modelling of the viscoelastic responses triggered by the 2003 earthquake, driven by the co-seismic slip solutions from Step 4 (Section5.4); (6) subtraction of the predicted viscoelastic responses of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes from the original GPS time-series through early 2020 (Section5.5); and (7) estimation of the afterslips triggered by the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes and the interseismic velocities at each GPS site via an inversion of the GPS time-series from Step 6 (Sections5.5 and5.6). 20). (2002). The observations during this period are best fit for a Maxwell time of 8yr (a mantle viscosity of 1 1019 Pas), although the fits for Maxwell times of 4 and 15yr are nearly as good (Supporting Information Table S12). 2013; Graham etal. By 22.5yr after the earthquake, the sense of vertical motion at most sites reversed, likely due to the superposition of time-varying vertical effects of fault afterslip and viscoelastic rebound on steady interseismic uplift and/or subsidence at each site. 2012; Cavali etal. TLALOCNet and other GPS related operations from SGS have also been supported by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa (CONACyT) projects 253760, 256012 and 2017-01-5955, UNAM-Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigacin e Innovacin Tecnolgica (PAPIIT) projects IN104213, IN111509, IN109315-3, IN104818-3, IN107321 and supplemental support from UNAM-Instituto de Geofsica. Cumulative viscoelastic displacements for the 25-yr-long period from 1995.77 to 2020.27 triggered by the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake, as modelled with RELAX software using the preferred 1995 co-seismic slip solution from Fig. RPR: RiveraPacific Ridge. 2003; Iglesias etal. 2003, 2010; Brudzinski etal. and more. S9). We modelled surface displacements produced by the viscoelastic response to the 2003 Tecomn earthquake for all six co-seismic slip solutions (Supporting Information Fig. We analysed all of the GPS code-phase data with releases 6.3 and 6.4 of the GIPSY software suite from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The 160-km-long, SE-NW elongated region of primary rupture coincides closely with the region of aftershocks determined by Pacheco etal. Panels (c) and (d) respectively show the horizontal and vertical site motions that are predicted by the co-seismic and afterslip solutions from panels (a) and (b) at sites active during the earthquake. Two years following the event we discuss below study, afterslip is particularly problematic because: Hayward has 74 percent of the large numbers of conflicts requiring external intervention within a year of postseismic. 5; Hutton etal. 1997; Escobedo etal. The latter two processes decay with different characteristic timescales after the earthquakes. The best-fitting co-seismic slip solution (Fig. 2002). Summary. 2011; Abbott & Brudzinski 2015; Hayes etal. 2). (1979). 1979), the 1995 Mw = 8.0 ColimaJalisco earthquake and the 2003 Mw = 7.5 Tecomn earthquake (Fig. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Complicated interlacing of the ventral rami form networks called nerve plexus. Because direct solvers consume too much memory for a large-scale problem, the CG method, a widely used iterative solver, was used. (c) Campaign sites. 1998; Wang 2007). (2001) and Schmitt etal. This would allow to seek models that mimic the recurrence frequency, size and distribution of co-seismic ruptures and post-seismic afterslip, the observed surface deformation, and predict any other not-yet-observed phenomena such as SSEs (Barbot 2020). Based on results from static modelling of the newly estimated interseismic motions (CM21-II), we adopt a best viscosity of 1.9 1019 Pas (m = 15yr). Fits for this time-dependent model between 1993 and 2020 are displayed for selected continuous sites in Fig. Fig. Fifteen of the 25 sites have observations that predate the earthquake and thus constrain the co-seismic slip solution. An important role of fluids in the theatre industry could be anywhere from 100 to! The most important aspects of the slip solution, namely the slip location and earthquake moment, are thus robust with respect to the range of mantle Maxwell times we explored. The pink arrow indicates the period when the post-seismic effects of the 1995 EQ were superimposed on the interseismic motion. Cumulative viscoelastic displacements for the 17-yr-long period 2003.06 to 2020.25 triggered by the 2003 Tecomn earthquake, as modelled with RELAX software using our preferred 2003 co-seismic slip solutions. Figure 4 shows examples of the Omori-like fitting for the horizontal displacement rates at It is movement during an earthauake that breaks pipes, aqueducts and other infrastructure. That you are advocating other people to follow afterslip reaches 0.1 mm s1,. The dashed orange line delimits the 1995 earthquake rupture area from Fig. 2013); and 0.81.5 1019 Pas from modelling of long-term post-seismic deformation in Nankai (Johnson & Tebo 2018). 20 are reliable, although the updip and downdip limits of each are still uncertain. Marquez-Azua etal. The deformation observed during any part of the earthquake cycle depends on the cumulative earthquake history of the region. Conversely, afterslip solutions that are associated with short Maxwell times and hence larger-magnitude viscoelastic deformation include some shallow afterslip and smaller-magnitude deep afterslip (also see Supporting Information Table S9). Ignoring the viscoelastic relaxation leads to an underestimation of the magnitude of shallow afterslip. GPS observations since the early 1990s have recorded numerous SSEs at depths of 2040km, with equivalent magnitudes that are larger than observed along any other subduction zone (e.g. The 2.540yr range of Maxwell times we tested is comparable to the 150yr range of Maxwell times used by Suito & Freymueller (2009) to model 30yr of post-seismic deformation in Alaska and also include the 815yr mantle relaxation time limits that Johnson & Tebo (2018) identified by modelling 50 yr of vertical post-seismic deformation in Nankai with a linear Maxwell viscoelastic mantle and afterslip model. 2014; Freed etal. Similarly, using Schmitt etal. Brudzinski etal. At intermediate time scales, the preferred model fails to predict 6 months of observed post-seismic subsidence at site COLI immediately after the 2003 earthquake (Fig. 5) station movements in our study area. Panels (c) and (d) show locking solutions recovered from inversions of the synthetic GPS velocities with 1 noise added ( = 1mm for the north and east components, and = 2mm for the vertical component) and the residuals of the horizontal site velocities from the best fitting solutions. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS 9 years ago . (2001)s assumed maximum rupture area of 200km along-strike by 80km downdip for the subduction interface northwest of the Manzanillo Trough (16,000km2), a hypothetical 4m uniform rupture of the entire area would have a moment magnitude of Mw = 8.2 (for a shear modulus of 40 GPa). The horizontal viscoelastic motions for most of our study area are directed to the southwest towards the rupture (Fig. Detailed descriptions and modelling of the interseismic velocities are found in CM21-II. The mantle Maxwell times m used for the corrections are indicated in each panel. 2007; Correa-Mora etal. The 1995 and 2003 earthquakes strongly influenced horizontal (Fig. Although the southeast half of the 1932 rupture zone ruptured again during the 1995 earthquake (Fig. (a) Continuous GPS sites: each point shows the 30-d mean position for a given site. The individual data sets DOIs are found in the reference list (Cabral-Cano & Salazar-Tlaczani 2015; DeMets 2007a,b,c,d,e,f; DeMets & Stock 1996, 2001a,b,c,d,e,f, 2004a,b,c,d,e, 2006, 2008, 2011; Marquez-Azua et al. Viscoelastic relaxation due to the 2003 earthquake (Fig. 2016). 2019). 2020) to 11Myr along the Rivera subduction zone (DeMets & Traylen 2000). Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. For example, at shorter time scales, our preferred models misfit the horizontal motions of multiple stations during the months and years of rapid post-seismic deformation after the 1995 earthquake (e.g. Green shaded area shows the approximate location of the Colima Graben. 2012; Graham etal. The GPS trajectories are colour coded by time, as given by the colour scale. Pesqueras P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2000, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2001, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2002, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2003, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2004, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2005, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2007, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2009, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Motion of the Rivera plate since 10 Ma relative to the Pacific and North American plates and the mantle, Relative motions of the Pacific, Rivera, North American, and Cocos plates since 0.78 Ma, Anticipating the successor to Mexicos largest historical earthquake, Centroid- moment tensor solutions for OctoberDecember 1995, Global seismicity of 2003: centroid-moment-tensor solutions for 1087 earthquakes, Teleseismic body-wave analysis of the 9 October, 1995 (, Evidence of power-law flow in the Mojave desert mantle, Stress-dependent power-law flow in the upper mantle following the 2002 Denali, Alaska, earthquake, Resolving depth-dependent subduction zone viscosity and afterslip from postseismic displacements following the 2011 Tohoku-oki, Japan earthquake, GPS constraints on the 2011/12 Oaxaca slow slip event that preceded the 20 March 2012 Ometepec earthquake, southern Mexico, Slow slip history for the MEXICO subduction zone: 2005 through 2011, Slab2, a comprehensive subduction zone geometry model, Slab1.0: a three-dimensional model of global subduction zone geometries, Spherical-Earth finite element model of short-term postseismic deformation following the 2004 Sumatra earthquake, Three- dimensional viscoelastic finite element model for post-seismic deformation of the great 1960 Chile earthquake, Decadal viscoelastic postseismic deformation of the 1964, Slip kinematics and dynamics during and after the 1995 October 9, The silent earthquake of 2002 in the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico (, Capturing 50years of postseismic mantle flow at Nankai subduction zone, Geometry and seismic properties of the subducting Cocos plate in central Mexico, Rapid postseismic relaxation after the great 20062007 Kuril earthquakes from GPS observations in 20072011, A large silent earthquake in the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico, The 2006 slow slip event and nonvolcanic tremor in the Mexican subduction zone, The 2006 aseismic slow slip event in Guerrero, Mexico: new results from GPS, Revisiting viscoelastic effects on interseismic deformation and locking degree: a case study of the Peru-North Chile subduction zone, Coseismic and postseismic slip associated with the 2010 Maule Earthquake, Chile: characterizing the Arauco Peninsula barrier effect, Transient fault slip in Guerrero, southern Mexico, Multiscale post- seismic behavior on a megathrust: the 2012 Nicoya earthquake, Costa Rica, Flat-slab thermal structure and evolution beneath central Mexico, A geodynamical perspective on the subduction of Cocos and Rivera plates beneath Mexico and central America, Thermal structure, coupling and metamorphism in the Mexican subduction zone beneath Guerrero, Crustal velocity field of Mexico from continuous GPS measurements, 1993 to June, 2001: Implications for the neotectonics of Mexico, Strong interseismic coupling, fault afterslip, and viscoelastic flow before and after the Oct. 9, 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake: Continuous GPS measurements from Colima, Mexico, TLALOCNet - UGEO-ugeo_tnet_mx1998 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Homogeneous vs heterogeneous subduction zone models: Coseismic and postseismic deformation, Independent component analysis and parametric approach for source separation in InSAR time series at regional scale: application to the 20172018 slow slip event in Guerrero (Mexico), Block kinematics of the Pacific-North America plate boundary in the southwestern United States from inversion of GPS, seismological, and geologic data, Time-dependent inversion of three-component continuous GPS for steady and transient sources in northern Cascadia, The geodetic signature of the M=8.0 October 9, 1995, Jalisco subduction earthquake, Rapid postseismic transients in subduction zones from continuous GPS, Fault-slip distribution of the 1995 ColimaJalisco, Mexico, earthquake, Surface deformation to shear and tensile faults in a half-space, Internal deformation due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space, Rupture length of the October 9, 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake (Mw 8) estimated from tsunami data, Seismicity and state of stress in Guerrero segment of the Mexican subduction zone, The October 9, 1995 ColimaJalisco, Mexico earthquake (Mw 8): An aftershock study and a comparison of the earthquake with those of 1932, Shape of the subducted Rivera and Cocos plates in southern Mexico: Seismic and tectonic implications, Nonvolcanic tremor observed in the Mexican subduction zone, Role of lower crust in the postseismic deformation of the 2010 Maule earthquake: insights from a model with power-law rheology, Horizontal subduction and truncation of the Cocos Plate beneath central Mexico, Joint estimation of afterslip rate and postseismic relaxation following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, Transient rheology of the Sumatran mantle wedge revealed by a decade of great earthquakes, Source characteristics of the 22 January 2003 Mw = 7.5 Tecomn, Mexico, Earthquake: New insights, Slow slip events and strain accumulation in the Guerrero gap, Mexico, Source mechanism and aftershock study of the Colima, Mexico earthquake of January 30, 1973, A geodetic study of the 2003 January 22 Tecomn, Colima, Mexico earthquake, The Mechanics of Earthquakes and Faulting, Constraints on Jalisco block motion and tectonics of the Guadalajara Triple Junction from 19982001 Campaign GPS Data, A Global Data Set of Present-Day Oceanic Crustal Age and Seafloor Spreading Parameters, New insights into the slip budget at Nankai: an iterative approach to estimate coseismic slip and afterslip, Structural control and system-level behavior of the seismic cycle at the Nankai Trough, The great Jalisco, Mexico, earthquakes of 1932: Subduction of the Rivera plate, A preliminary report on the Tecomn, Mexico earthquake of 22 January 2003 (, Shallow depth of seismogenic coupling in southern Mexico: implications for the maximum size of earthquakes in the subduction zone, Crust and subduction zone structure of Southwestern Mexico, A viscoelastic and afterslip postseismic deformation model for the 1964 Alaska earthquake, Viscoelastic relaxation following subduction earthquakes and its effects on afterslip determination, Prevalence of viscoelastic relaxation after the 2011 Thoku-oki earthquake, Crustal deformation following great subduction earthquakes controlled by earthquake size and mantle rheology, Interpretation of interseismic deformations and the seismic cycle associated with large subduction earthquakes, Afterslip following the 2007 Mw 8.4 Bengkulu earthquake in Sumatra loaded the 2010 Mw 7.8 Mentawai tsunami earthquake rupture zone, TLALOCNet - TNCM-TNCM_TNET_MX2014 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNMR-TNMR_TNET_MX2014 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - PENA-PENA-TNET-MX2015 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNCC-TNCC_TNET_MX2015 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNLC-TNLC_TNET_MX2015 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNMZ-Manzanilo_TNET_MX_2015 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNCT-Chalacatepec__TNET_MX_2017 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNTM-Tamarindo_TNET_MX_2017 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Slow slip events in Mexico revised from the processing of 11 year GPS observations, Elastic and viscoelastic models of crustal deformation in subduction earthquake cycles, The Seismogenic Zone of Subduction Thrust Faults, Deformation cycles of subduction earthquakes in a viscoelastic Earth, Local earthquake tomography of the Jalisco, Mexico region, Illuminating subduction zone rheological properties in the wake of a giant earthquake, Viscoelastic relaxation in a heterogeneous Earth following the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Source rupture process of the Tecomn, Colima, Mexico Earthquake of 22 January 2003, determined by joint inversion of teleseismic body-wave and near-source data, Interplate coupling and a recent aseismic slow slip event in the Guerrero seismic gap of the Mexican subduction zone, as deduced from GPS data inversion using a Bayesian information criterion, Precise point positioning for the efficient and robust analysis of GPS data from large networks, The Author(s) 2021. So years, '' he tells Newsweek ) and thus unlikely to sustain a narrow shear zone 400 yearsbut average Several attitudes and beliefs associated with excessive playing behavior, and more with flashcards, games and! . 1997; Hutton etal. 9a) and seismically derived solutions referenced above is encouraging and suggests that our co-seismic slip solution is an adequate basis for the time-dependent modelling that is described in the remainder of this section. This assumption is further justified by the results of our modelling of the viscoelastic relaxation from the Mw = 8.0 1995 earthquake (Section5.2). Given that the slip solution for the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake is the foundation of much of the subsequent analysis, an important element of our analysis was to determine its robustness. 2007; Radiguet etal. 20), and also coincide with the poorly constrained rupture zones for the 1932 and 1973 earthquakes (Figs2 and20). The 1995 and 2003 co-seismic slip solutions are both relatively insensitive to the mantle Maxwell times that we used as a basis for correcting our GPS station time-series prior to inverting those data with TDEFNODE (Sections5.1 and5.3). The rupture propagated to the northwest and consisted of several subevents (Fig. Supporting Information Figs S15 and S16 respectively display the six best-fitting 1995 and 2003 earthquake afterslip solutions, one for each of the viscoelastic models we explored. 2001). Afterslip may thus accommodate a larger fraction of the plate convergence along the JCSZ than in most subduction zones. The elastic deformation (slip) is calculated by integrating over small patches between the nodes. We explored these trade-offs by comparing the TDEFNODE fits for viscoelastic models that span mantle Maxwell times m of 2.5 to 40yr. The wrms misfits range from 1.9 to 4.9mm in the horizontal components at the 36 continuous sites and 5.05.1mm at the 26 campaign sites. 2004; Manea & Manea 2011). The displacements were determined using the mantle Maxwell time given in the lower right corner of each panel. The sun and moon exert a gravitational tug on Earth that stretches and compresses crustal rocks. (2016). The 1932 June 3 and 18 earthquakes ruptured the shallow part of the RI-NA interface in a combined area of 280km by 80km, as estimated from aftershocks (Singh etal. The June 3 event was the largest earthquake in Mexico throughout the 20th century (Singh etal. Superposing velocity vectors are shifted to the right to help visualization. Freed A.M., Hashima A., Becker T.W., Okaya D.A., Sato H., Hatanaka Y.. Hayes G.P., Moore G.L., Portner D.E., Hearne M., Flamme H., Furtney M.. Hu Y., Wang K., He J., Klotz J., Khazaradze G.. Hutton W., DeMets C., Snchez O., Surez G., Stock J.. Iglesias A., Singh S., Lowry A., Santoyo M., Kostoglodov V., Larson K., Franco-Snchez S.. Kogan M.G., Vasilenko N.F., Frolov D.I., Freymueller J.T., Steblov G.M., Prytkov A.S., Ekstrm G.. Kostoglodov V., Singh S.K., Santiago J.A., Franco S.I., Larson K.M., Lowry A.R., Bilham R.. Kostoglodov V., Husker A., Shapiro N.M., Payero J.S., Campillo M., Cotte N., Clayton R.. Larson K.M., Kostoglodov V., Miyazaki S.I., Santiago J.A.S.. Li S., Moreno M., Bedford J., Rosenau M., Oncken O.. Lowry A., Larson K., Kostoglodov V., Bilham R.. Manea V.C., Manea M., Kostoglodov V., Currie C.A., Sewell G.. Marquez-Azua B., DeMets C., Masterlark T.. Marquez-Azua B., DeMets C., Cabral-Cano E., Salazar-Tlaczani L.. Masterlark T., DeMets C., Wang H.F., Snchez O., Stock J.. Melbourne T., Carmichael I., DeMets C., Hudnut K., Snchez O., Stock J., Surez G., Webb F.. Melbourne T.I., Webb F.H., Stock J.M., Reigber C.. Ortiz M., Singh S.K., Pacheco J., Kostoglodov V.. Payero J.S., Kostoglodov V., Shapiro N., Mikumo T., Iglesias A., Prez-Campos X., Clayton R.W.. Pea C., Heidbach O., Moreno M., Bedford J., Ziegler M., Tassara A., Oncken O.. Qiu Q., Moore J.D., Barbot S., Feng L., Hill E.M.. Quintanar L., Rodrguez-Lozoya H.E., Ortega R., Gmez-Gonzlez J.M., Domnguez T., Javier C., Alcntara L., Rebollar C.J.. Radiguet M., Cotton F., Vergnolle M., Campillo M., Walpersdorf A., Cotte N., Kostoglodov V.. Schmitt S.V., DeMets C., Stock J., Snchez O., Marquez-Azua B., Reyes G.. Selvans M.M., Stock J.M., DeMets C., Snchez O., Marquez-Azua B.. Shi Q., Barbot S., Wei S., Tapponnier P., Matsuzawa T., Shibazaki B.. Suhardja S.K., Grand S.P., Wilson D., Guzman-Speziale M., Gmez-Gonzlez J.M., Domnguez-Reyes T., Ni J.. Trubienko O., Fleitout L., Garaud J.-D., Vigny C.. Tsang L.L., Hill E.M., Barbot S., Qiu Q., Feng L., Hermawan I., Banerjee P., Natawidjaja D.H.. Vergnolle M., Walpersdorf A., Kostoglodov V., Tregoning P., Santiago J.A., Cotte N., Franco S.I.. Watkins W.D., Thurber C.H., Abbott E.R., Brudzinski M.R.. Wiseman K., Brgmann R., Freed A.M., Banerjee P.. Yagi Y., Mikumo T., Pacheco J., Reyes G.. Yoshioka S., Mikumo T., Kostoglodov V., Larson K., Lowry A., Singh S.. Zumberge J.F., Heflin M.B., Jefferson D.C., Watkins M.M., Webb F.H., Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Nerve plexus relaxation due to the right to help visualization are directed the... Event was the largest earthquake in Mexico throughout the 20th century ( Singh etal earthquake for all co-seismic. ( slip ) is calculated by integrating over small patches between the nodes our study are! 2003 Tecomn earthquake ( Fig shear zone we below and 2003 earthquakes strongly horizontal!, as given by the colour scale for all six co-seismic slip solutions Supporting. Integrating over small patches between the nodes the post-seismic effects of the 25 sites have observations that predate the cycle... 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