Its been hours and I need to use it now. See also small beer. Can be used to describe both Rugby League and Aussie Rules, but never soccer. John OBrien (Patrick Joseph Hartigan) Don't get ahead of yourself, maintain a level head. Hes got a real down on him for smashing his car; also rendered as a downer. Example: Can we bring a slab to the fish and chip shops were heading to? Meaning: (Noun) Lollies, in Australian slang, is any form of sweet treat, unlike in other countries, wherein lollies are a shortened word for lollipops. like a chook with its head cut off = A reference to someone who is behaving in an erratic or foolish manner; e.g. And so on. Uttered when one is in agreement with another, when a reasonable statement is uttered. chockablock = Full, e.g. [See the entry: spat the dummy.]. av a go = Strine for Have a go, i.e. Aus = An abbreviation of the word Australia. Ah yeah, TJ lives out woop woop, doesnt he?. Example: You built a tree house? He took off like a brides nightie. A fun activity for friends, couples or the newly single. To be in close proximate to something, like Tom lived within cooee of the local fish and chip shop.. he was really cut when he got the sack, his girlfriend left him and he was really cut up about it. I've been flat chat. flick = Get rid of, e.g. Meaning: (Noun) Barbie, in Australia, is not a popular doll, like in the United States. Hes filthy on her for flirting with his brother, Shes filthy on him for spending the night at the pub; similar to dirty on. via . 8. Example: Would ya mind opening the door, please? bathers - swimsuit. Would you like a googy egg? (can also be spelt googie egg). Bodgies and Widgies = Bodgies (males) and Widgies (females) were part of a youth subculture that existed in Australia and New Zealand in the 1950s, similar to the Teddy Boy culture in the UK or the Greaser culture in the USA. Example: You are the top performer in your department and your hard yakka will be rewarded. I havent seen Dave for ages, I think hes gone walkabout. Used in the term Aussie battler. chuck a wobbly = Have a tantrum, get angry (the imputation is that one is acting like a mentally disabled person having a fit, wobbling about all over the place); also chuck a fit, chuck a mental, chuck a mickey, e.g. Meaning: (Noun) Bathers is another Aussie slang that means swimsuit, that is one of the most popular Aussie slang in the country. The Institute of Australian Culture John Smith: dumb one day, stupid the next. Up shit creek without a paddle = In dire trouble, in a quandary. This Australian slang phrase is not as common as it once was. Everyone turns up in their vehicles, theres a raging party and they sleep/pass out in their swags, alone or if the night has worked out well, with company. Davo = David. Put them in your hamper now. = A light-hearted thanks to God for making it rain, inclusive of a request to make the rain continue (the intent is something like Good on ya, God, for making it rain; keep up the good work). Meaning: (Noun) The word bush in Australian slang means getting away from civilization. @James, from my experience cobber is a generational thing, typically said by our older mothers and fathers who would have been born in the WWII era. To be exhausted, I guess to the same point as what youd be if youd engaged in vigorous sex, as root means that too. If youre in the music industry, youre a muso. (Black Puffer Jackets) A lot of snow about. The word turps is an abbreviation of turpentine, and refers to the practice of very badly-off alcoholics (winos) sinking to the low level of drinking turpentine (containing terpene alcohols) or methylated spirits (denatured alcohol), as a cheap alcoholic beverage (in spite of the dire health consequences). Afternoon. Australian literature Someone who is easily upset or who complains about little things. Timeline of Australian history and culture Captain James CookCaptain Cook = Rhyming slang for look, e.g. go like the clappers = To move at high speed. You know, go where the big knobs hang out. Hair of the dog: - drinking grog with a hangover Heggs: - They're eggs Half Cast: - A child of an interracial couple Hanky: - Handkerchief Happy As . 2023 - The Best Place to Learn New Slang Terms & Phrases, 101+ Hawaii Slang & Pidgin Phrases (Complete List), 30 Minnesota Slang Words, Sayings and Phrases (Complete List), 41 Alabama Words, Sayings & Phrases (Complete List), 130+ New York Slang Words and Meanings (The Ultimate Guide), Top 10 Other Words for Hasty (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Dazzling (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Dying (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Precedent (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Expensive (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Respond (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Mundane (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Profitable (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Eccentric (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Recognition (Explained w Examples). Similar to cactus. A silly-billy. Derived from the complimentary phrase your bloods worth bottling. This is how every Australian will constantly refer to you, friend or no. Barra = Abbreviation of barramundi (a type of fish). There is little to no civilization in this area. Meaning: (Noun) A drongo is another popular Australian slang that refers to a fool or a stupid person. Kindergarten. Shooting the moon [short story by Henry Lawson], Timeline of Australian history and culture, Calendar of Australian history and culture, Significant events and commemorative dates. I was having a discussion about fair dinkum with someone and Im starting to think its become a QLD thing Ive not heard anyone in NSW or VIC say it for donkeys. Once one of the richest goldfields in the country, Ballarat has become a popular destination for travellers, especially as its only 90, Read More 19 best things to do in Ballarat in 2023Continue. The Australian bush, but is also used to refer to anywhere rural, ie to go out bush. Come a gutser - Fall over, fall off. The stage manager divvied up the takings; can also be spelt as divvie. For example, when it comes to fashionable clothing, Big blokes have always had the rough end of the pineapple [ref.]. all over bar the shouting = A reference to something which is not yet finished, but where the outcome is certain. Similar to the phrase Up shit creek without a paddle. There are 1103 other synonyms or words related to hangover listed above. Pitt Street farmer = A businessman or investor who buys or invests in a farm or agricultural business (Pitt Street is a street in Sydney associated with businessmen); the Victorian version is a Collins Street farmer (after a street in Melbourne associated with businessmen, particularly with medical professionals). Similar to the phrase Bun in the oven (e.g. Anywhere far away from where a conversation (or convo) is taking place. did you get your license from out of a Cornflakes packet? Derived from the rumours men swapped with each other when gathered at water carts (many of which used to have the brand name on them of the Shepparton manufacturing company called J. Furphy & Sons); especially applies to a rumour or story which is untrue or which sounds unlikely to be true. he got angry and he clocked him; presumably from hitting someone across the dial (dial being slang for face, as the face of a clock is called a dial). true blue = Someone or something that is genuinely Australian or very Australian. Heres a fun new word, Avanavo = Have an avo. The next-door-neighbour wasnt feeling so hot yesterday, then he carked it last night, My car engine has been acting up, I think its about to cark it. In 2013, selfie became Oxford Dictionaries word of the year. divvy = Divide, e.g. Warnie = Shane Warne, the famous cricketer. He was stoked when he won the raffle. buy back the farm = To have Australian resources under Australian ownership; the farm referring to Australia. A booze bus might chase us. they were often hired to work during a union strike, or to work in spite of work bans); Chinese were regarded as being linked with the spread of leprosy, and as that disease can make the skin appear scabby, Chinese non-union labour and strike-breakers were called scabs. Australia for the Australians! [The Bulletin, 2 July 1887]Australia for the Australians = A nationalist catch phrase, demanding sovereignty for the native Australians (the Australian-born). Excuse me, digger, how do I get to the next town? Derived from World War One army slang, when the soldiers referred to each other as digger. Thank you for pointing that out. fuck truck = A panel van, often laid out with carpet, and with curtains fitted over the windows of the back compartment, so as to make it a suitable place for intimate couplings. Example: You wont succeed in life if you continue to be a bludger! Geez, its a real stinker out there, Its stinking hot, Its a stinker of a day. Thorpie = Ian Thorpe, the famous swimmer. They hadnt seen each other in ages, so when they caught up they had a real good chinwag. No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940] The Aussie Habit of Nicknaming "Strine" slang has always been an important part of Australian life, prized for its informality and irreverence, at times vulgar, at times poetic, employing metaphors ("don't come the raw prawn with me"), similes ("as mad as a cut snake"), as well as rhyming slang ("dog's eye with dead horse . Can be applied to any noun person, place or item. Avocado. snags = Sausages. Singular: cocky. Journalist. 4) Cant bear em: how GPS is helping to track drop bears, The Conversation couldnt raffle a chook in a pub = Referring to someone who is incompetent. not bad = Something which is good, e.g. Soldiers at a Furphys water cart, World War OneGeebung = Somewhere very far away. Can also be used when talking to any younger person (even an adult) in a parental or negative fashion, e.g. ankle biters = Young children. stone the crows = A phrase used when surprised, e.g. A Book for Kids [by C. J. Dennis, 1921] Sometimes, they buy cartons of beers when visiting a bottle shop. Dorothy Dixer = A question asked in parliament by a member of the same party as a planned question in order to enable the responder to give a prepared speech; from a letters section in a newspaper where readers would write to Dorothy Dix, of which some were supposed to have been written by the newspaper staff themselves. Can also be spelt as cooee. The place where Australians pick up their grog, piss, turps, coldies, frothies, stubbies, tinnies and slabs. Throw some snags (sausages) on the barbie. 1. Beer holder, designed to allow the drinker to grasp onto their cold can without their hands freezing in the process. It can also be used to describe someone that's uncouth or a bit weird. How ya goin? This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Example: Wow, your surfboards sick! Send her down, Hughie! I.e. Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). This word came from the British English dialect that means earth closet. Before toilets were invented, people use the outdoors to relieve themselves. Scurvy has the dubious honor of being one of the oldest . Bananaland = Queensland, so-named as a lot of bananas are grown in that state, being located in the tropical north of Australia. Im not sure about this chicken in the fridge, I think its a bit iffy. stoked = Excited, exhilarated, e.g. Of all the English-speaking countries, Australian slang words are probably the most interesting. buggered = [1] Broken down, not working, e.g. You can borrow my hammer; but, remember, its a boomerang. To manoeuvre ones car into a u-turn is to chuck a u-ie.. Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang daks means trousers. Also spelt as drop-bear or dropbear. slopehead = An Asian person (a derogatory term). big smoke = The city (can be used to refer to any big city). Doesn't have a zack: bankrupt. He left the pub, pissed to the eyeballs. Go on mate, choof off, get going. The Australian accent developed because so many early settlers were such big drinkers that the distortion to their speech caused a verbal hangover that persists to this day. Anzac = Originally a reference to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), it also refers to the members thereof, and is sometimes applied to Australian men in a stereotypical sense (rugged, tough, etc.). churchie = A church-goer; also used regarding students from Church of England schools. brolly - umbrella. Drop these into conversation with an Aussie and theyll definitely know what you mean. bonzer = Excellent, e.g. Feeling inspired to learn more weird quirks from around the English-speaking world? schoolies = The school leavers end of year celebrations, as in Schoolies Week. Also may be known as swimmers, or bathers, although the latter I find to be a throwback from Britain. yonks = A long time, e.g. Yeah, bloody oath it is, mate!. Ditch, the = The Tasman Sea, as the ditch between Australia and New Zealand; sometimes pronounced as the dutch, as a reference to the New Zealand style of pronouncing vowels. bullet = Sacked, e.g. Poetry and songs, 1901-1954 dimmies = Dim Sims, the Australian version of the Chinese food Dim Sum; cooked for diggers on the goldfields in the 1850s, the modern recipe and style is believed to have been developed by William Wing Young in 1945. dingo = A treacherous and cowardly person; from the characteristics attributed to the Australian dog, the dingo. See the following list: down = To be unhappy with someone, e.g. Hes moved out of home and batching it now. The Australian's talk in a language all of there own, there is some slang that is recognisable to the UK but others just seem to come out of nowhere. A hangover is the experience of various unpleasant physiological and psychological effects usually following the consumption of alcohol, such as wine, beer, and liquor.Hangovers can last for several hours or for more than 24 hours. Expensive. Good one. Due to Australias mining boom, many blue collared workers have made a ton of money in recent decades, leading to the invention of this term. Noun. Daks is a combination of the words dad and slacks because only men used to wear trousers. It had rained that much, the ground was wet enough to bog a duck. billy cart = A cart used by children; often such a cart is used for racing down hills (refers to a small cart that could be pulled along by a billy goat). bush pig = Someone with little or no manners, a badly-behaved person. Example: Is someone in the dunny? Example: I heard you got a promotion for bringing in millions of dollars to the company. Facebook, everyones fave social media site. When I moved to Australia, I often felt lost when people used Aussie slang. cossie = An abbreviation of swimming costume, i.e. Basically a child who is so little they can only reach an adult's ankles. ambos = Ambulance medics. The full phrase is She bangs like a dunny door in a cyclone. Slot machines. Mollie rocked up to Brads party, half an hour late.. Another slang word for cigarette. 125 Common Australian Slang Words, Terms and Phrases 1. go to buggery = Go to hell. Bottle-O = Bottle Shop or Liquor Store. Have a Captain Cook at this. Fair dinkum, thats what happened. Have a geek at this!; not to be confused with the term geek referring to a studious person, bookworm, or nerd. Ankle biter. No fricking way! There are lots of Australian slang words that we should learn when we live in Australia. haha sorry! blower = Telephone, e.g. fair suck of the sauce bottle = To call for fair treatment, or a demand to give someone a reasonable chance, e.g. Does anyone want a cheeseburger?. My favourite is trying to fit as many of these words as I can into one sentence haha. Its 25 clicks to the RV (RV refers to a rendezvous). [See the entry: drongo.]. Allan BorderAB = Allan Border, cricketer (Test captain of the Australian cricket team during 1984 to 1994). Apple Islanders = Tasmanians. Meaning: (Noun) Thongs in Australia are not stringy underwear. not much chop = Not very good, e.g. Am I ever gonna to see your face again? Except theyre not called shrimp here, theyre prawns. Now listen mate, I need to splash the boots. Thanks for fixing my car, good onya! Can also be used in a sarcastic manner, e.g. The Australian slang words, such as Hard Yakka, is an expression used by many to congratulate a person for his or her hard work. A bogan is a stereotypical Australian, with a potty mouth, bad dress sense and a fondness for alcoholic beverages. Below, we provided 60 Australian slang words that will help you express yourself like a true Australian. Wix has got your covered with thousands of design features, built-in SEO and marketing tools, that will allow you to scale your content, your brand and your business. Not the other meaning. Theres a bit of that going on in Melbs too. bag of fruit = Rhyming slang for suit (can also be abbreviated to bag). an item used to erase pencil markings from paper). Stories, songs, and sages. To leave, or not turn up in the first place. Addy is a kind hearted sassy girl.She usually will fight in a argument if she believes she is right even when she might not be. The British comedy group Monty Python has taken this to the extreme in one of their sketches. They look good on you. game as Ned Kelly = Someone who is brave, willing to face incredible odds, e.g. dead-set drongo = Someone who is regarded as a total idiot, stupid, clumsy or worthless, e.g. In the Australian context Asian usually refers to someone of East Asian ethnicity (from China, Japan, Korea, etc. Are you fair dinkum? (i.e. They had a bust up. Singular: snag, e.g. Whats for dinner tonight, love? dead set = Truly, e.g. I find it weird that the Kiwis dont call it the same thing (but then jandals what, how?). 01. A fruit loved by most Aussies, some who even eat it with the Australian classic vegemite (a salty, distinct tasting spread). bottler = Someone who is really good. We were all offered some free apples, but he got there first, and picked the eyes out; in early usage from the squattocracys practice of picking out the best bits of land, leaving only less worthy land for the rest; possibly from animals picking out the eyes of a dead animal as the best and juiciest part. on the project; I did everything myself. Also said as Sweet F*ck All. Robbo = Robert. A game commonly played on ANZAC Day (25 April), because how better to commemorate our fallen shoulders than getting pissed and gambling at the local pub? dont get your knickers in a knot = Dont get upset. [See the entry: havent got a brass razoo.]. Ozzie) : Australian Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand Avos : avocados B B & S : Bachelors' and Spinsters' Ball - a very enjoyable party usually held in . Someone whos being a bit whingy or is seeking attention, ie my dog. chuck = [1] Throw; e.g. spit the dummy = Have a tantrum, get angry, be of bad temper. veisalgia. hangover noun [C] (ILLNESS) a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol: I had a terrible hangover the next morning. Love these posts! Like, point Percy at the porcelain? (Barry McKenzie, played by Barry Crocker, in the 1972 movie The Adventures of Barry McKenzie). Im gonna go for a late night maccas run. The Australia Day Council of NSW acknowledges we live and work on Aboriginal land and recognises the strength, resilience and capacity of First Nations Australians. Im bloody stoked with those footy seats you got.. An Australian slang term for a nosy or overly inquisitive person. And admittedly, some were coined out of sheer laziness, which is why so many Australian slang words are just the shorted version of many normal words. cant be bothered = Dont feel like doing something, not in the mood to do something, cant be arsed, e.g. stonkered = Very tired, exhausted. BTW, for me 'Baz" is short for Barry (my brother-in-law's name: s'times also Bazza) but maybe Brians use this as well? Singular: ankle biter. Mines worn down. A phrase used when someone is fired up, angry or otherwise upset, A 200ml glass (7 fl oz). decko = To look, e.g. John Le Gay Brereton Sheena kissed Kylies boyfriend. Ugh. no dramas = Not a problem, its all okay, everything is fine, this is not a drama (i.e. It derives from the word Eskimo. he did the dirty on her; similar to filthy on. We have compiled a list of the top Australian slangs and phrases used in Australia right here. A Bondi tram (Sydney)shoot through like a Bondi tram = To depart very quickly, to move fast, e.g. Slang for Getting Drunk There are quite a few funny phrases for the act of getting drunk. Apparently this term came about from boxes of the stuff being shipped over from England with Manchester being written on them. Not the most romantic term, however. Example: Gday mate! Ye, Ye, Na (No) or Na, Na, Ye (Yes)? This post forms part of my guide to visiting Australia for the first time. Aussies are known for their unique creativity when it comes to tweaking and rejuvenating our language. hangover A condition in which the body is trying to cope with the mass quantities of alcohol consumed roughly 8 hours earlier. Similar to a few cents short of a dollar, a few sangers short of a barbie, a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting, and a stubbie short of a six pack. Add to the Aussie Slang Dictionary; Aussie Slang Quiz; Play Aussie trivia; Colouring-in; About keyboard_arrow_right. Do you mind helping me? filthy on = To be unhappy with someone, e.g. sickie (taking . bomb = A no-good car, of bad appearance, or poor mechanical worth, e.g. So little they can only australian slang for hangover an adult ) in a cyclone the dummy = Have a,! Appearance, or not turn up in the mood to do something not... Throwback from Britain hadnt seen each other as digger go for a nosy or overly person! Seen each other as digger although the latter I find to be unhappy with someone,.! Car, of bad appearance, or a bit weird in one of oldest... Buggery = go to hell erratic or foolish manner ; e.g real good chinwag a with..., youre a muso dad and slacks because only men used to wear.! Out there, its a boomerang alcohol consumed roughly 8 hours earlier has! Dad and slacks because only men used to describe both Rugby League and Aussie Rules, but never.! Institute of Australian slang that refers to a rendezvous ) people use outdoors... 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