Generally, LW just usually isnt worth the risk associated with trying to make use of it. Some people have run large companies of 2Hander + Polearm bros with QH and Rotation. Early game: Dodge excelsDodge is one of the best perks in the early game for a number of reasons. Taunt is a much earlier and cheaper option if you are looking for control against these enemies. Rally is an important skill to have to safely fight these enemies, as otherwise you are at an enormous risk of having Fleeing brothers and no easy way to save them. Better armor for less Nimble worth considering with lower HPGoing above 40% Nimble is better in some cases and worse in others.Generally speaking, 40% Nimble is recommended with high HP.For HP values of 80 or less, more durable armor performs slightly better, as long as it is still efficient. 120/115/42% (Sallet/Mail) makes a good starting basis. 120/160/47% (Sallet/Noble) sometimes wins, sometimes loses, so Noble Mail is not a must buy. Assassin Robes are generally preferred if available.As a rule, the higher Nimble value options do slightly better against weak fire (from Goblin Ambushers, for instance) and weapons causing bleeds, while the 40% Nimble setups get the edge against heavy attackers like Chosen. Without B&B, the one-handed weapon and the Shield would probably have to be disposed of. Relentless starts with nothing and gains some value over time. Generally speaking, people like to put FW onto their range units. The Everyman A multi-purpose characterThis is a front line bro carrying different one-handed weapons, possibly a shield and control or utility tools. The nerf to 5AP cost also made Indom harder to use on 2Handers, either requiring you to skip on you attacks or Berserk into it. Lone Wolf: Underdog is an easy pickIf you are trying to Lone Wolf then you are very likely going to get surrounded by multiple foes and will very much appreciate having Underdogs defensive support. Having a higher innate headshot chance helps you prime more stacks for guaranteed headshots and continue to feed into itself throughout the battle. 120hp, 120/95 Nimble bro in the same scenario: Normal: 4.53 Indom: 10.5, 120hp, 120/160 Nimble: Normal: 4.35 Indom: 10.19. Unless you really hate Hexen then you probably wont be taking Resilient on all of your bros. There are some enemies that will specifically attack your morale and Rally is important in these fights. Clarified how obstructed hit chance is rolled for in Bullseye mechanics and how it relates to the combat log. You dont have to be that extreme about it, It isnt all or nothing. As distance closes, you will get dropped to the base +10 RDF gain. Thanks for reading the introduction! Its a good perk, potentially exceptional, but understand the pros and cons and make the choice that works best for your bro and needs. Turn order: Faster bros with CS can setup slower brosYou dont actually need to have high Initiative per say, but any Nimble bro with CS can tag an enemy with an injury that Forge units with Executioner can take advantage of later in the turn order. If you can consistently do this then it does wonders for the RES problems and you can even Rally if there is trouble. So kill the units accompanying them. Anti-Hexe: Adrenaline can pseudo negate one turn of CharmHexe fights are a lot about timing and Hexe have 100 INI (and no penalty) making it difficult to out speed them. With enough Fat, and little need to patch other stats, make them BF. If the [brothers] must be soldiers, they will be good soldiers.. The gains going from 210/210 to 300/300 are substantial (almost a one hit difference). The higher durability of these units means that they are harder to kill quickly, which means injuries have more time/likelihood to provide value. Fire Pots are usually used early in the fight, but Flash Pots and Smoke Pots may be better held onto until the right moment meaning they will take up bag space. Older guides may recommend leveling RDF and taking Anticipation on the back line but this is outdated advice. Good positioning of your units can make Taunt not as useful. Savants will often try to warp off of your tank if you dont Taunt them to go after weaker bros. You can use this to your advantage to get the Savants warping back and forth reducing the number of attacks they deliver. If you can outspeed them and hit them with a Stagger ability (i.e. This is a nimble tank build for beginners who is having hard time finding a tank material but desperately needs tank/banner tank who will last till late game. Berserk is better in many of the hardest fights in the game. Having two attacks at range and the ability to target high priority targets before they reach your line can allow Warbows to fish for drops early and often. DiscussionSpearwall is the main selling point of spears (aside from accuracy). As negative morale lowers all stats, Fearsome gives both offensive and defensive support for you and your team. Nimble bros even without INI investment will naturally outspeed heavy enemies like Warriors and Ancient Dead so there is a bit less enemies to jump ahead on with Adrenaline. Since Puncture cannot hit the head, these injuries are even more likely. Roman is the attacker and he is adjacent to the blue hat Raider along with 2 of my other bros with Swords. Generally speaking it is far better to let the enemy come to you than for you to run towards them. Unless you want to get greedy, every Nimble brother you expect to be seeing danger (front liners) should be taking Colossus whether the guys got 50 or 100 HP. Barbarian Chosen are too dangerous to leave alive for long so it becomes a damage race. Unlocks the Indomitable skill which grants a 50% damage reduction and immunity to being stunned, knocked back or grabbed for one turn. On a per hit basis they do less damage than the above options, but with Bleed damage and Decapitate added in they can out dps Mace/Hammer in some matchups, notably against Nimble enemies like Conscripts. This makes HH better on bros who have high skill to reliably land their two consecutive shots. This can allow your faster bros to get first strikes on enemies and hopefully land some injuries to allow your Executioner to capitalize. Battle Forge removed for Legionnaires and Auxiliaries. Rally is one of the only things that will cause him to FAT up and even with a poor FAT pool he can cast Rally several turns in which for you to solve the problem. AoE can be awkward as well, as the group targeting can make it difficult to get the target you want to hit with the stack while the stack is primed. How useful is having more MSK here?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Gaining SKL is significantly more impactful to damage potential when your hit chances are poor. They want Underdog to help protect them when they do get surrounded. Warbows are less clear. Normally the rarity of headshots can make them prohibitive to actually killing enemies as they have a healthy helmet to absorb the blow. In many ways FA is more useful on damage dealers than mediocre shield bros. If low hp and high fat then 2h berserk bf, if high hp and low FAT nimble if both low then nimble or 2h fat neutral bf if both medium nimble or 2h fat neutral bf if both high then normal 2h bf. In this scenario Underdog is going to be providing you only 5 defense because you can only ever be engaged by two enemies. Most agree that Relentless is a core pick on Fencing builds. Then on turn 3 you should go last because you are a slow Forge unit, meaning your Indom/Spearwall/Reach/etc holds through turn 3 as well, allowing you to get two turns out of one use of the skill. Goblins). If you are wondering about Brute, it is only ever so slightly more useful on Flail Duelists than on other Duelists, so Brute alone shouldnt necessarily make you think you should use Flail. You can also use it on yourself after you got dragged to try and get back into formation before you get grappled again. Orc Warriors like to push your team around and jump into fragile backliners. Even 100 RSK archers will appreciate Gifted. Can also be paired with Indom for a tanky offensive build. Spearwall: Damage is usually too weakSpearwall is usually too weak to deal chip damage through armor and get procs. Since Barbarian two-handers are capable of 2-4 shoting most bros that arent using Indomitable, 9L actually has a better chance than usual to be meaningful here. Misconception Dodge is married to Relentless/Overwhelm/NimbleNo, you can build a Nimble unit without Dodge, and you can build a Dodge unit without Relentless or Overwhelm. Since Xbows and the Spike Impaler specifically are very good against Chosen this can be worth picking up to set up your Executioner(s) so that you can kill the Chosen as quickly as possible, as well as fish for useful debuffs like Injured Shoulder, Pierced Arm Muscle, or Pierced Hand. Unholds: Prevent throwingUnholds want to throw you around and get at your weaker backliners. There are three ways to get more value out of ReachThe first is to increase your bros skill. Even if you do invest in RDF and pick up Anticipation, it doesnt solve the problem that is enemy ranged attackers. However, all 3 hits can apply checks at 15+ damage, and all checks benefit from the Fearsome penalty Split Man: Only primary hit can use the 1-14 damage effect, both hits can apply checks and both benefit from the Fearsome penalty AoE: Each hit of the AoE is capable of procing Fearsome Undead and Ancient Dead are immune to morale checks Enemies with monster Resolve (Lindwurms, Schrats, Unholds, etc) are either immune or mostly immune to Fearsomes effects, as their RES is so high that even the penalty doesnt bring them above minimum drop chances Assumption: The minimum %chance to drop morale is likely 5%. Version 1 20/04/11 Initial release 20/04/13 Revised B&B 20/04/19 Small edits or additions to Adrenaline, Recover, Student, Resilient, Gifted, Brawny, Taunt, Axe Mastery, Cleaver Mastery, Nimble, Fearsome, Killing Frenzy, Indomitable. 2Handers like Mace and Hammer are even capable of one shotting enemies like Footman and Ancient Dead once Frenzy is online. : A -11 hat and -21 armor will provide11 FAT (4 from hat, 7 from body) Ex. This makes it worse against the common weak/squishy enemy types. Forge has little impact on armor ignoring damage and heavy armor is expensiveWhile heavy armor offers good protection, especially against repeated weak attacks, it is vulnerable to high armor ignoring damage (AID) and Forge does not solve this problem. Backstabber can help these guys do their job and make decent use of a high FAT but lower skill unit. Large Beasts arent very hard to out-speed either. Ive said it enough in this section already, but more stats are always better, especially with MDF. Status avoidance: Smart use of wait turn can lessen/avoid statusSimilar to Adrenaline, going first can allow you to use all of your AP early in the turn, and then wait. Therefore it really hurts when terrain or height changes block your Polearms mobility advantage. QH enemies can do this against you as well. BannerA common complaint about the Banner is that it is weaker than most weapons you will be using later in the game. Putting up the Wall on turn 1 means that it will deactivate at some point in turn 2 and if youve been breached then you cant re-enable. Use Gifted. Generally speaking, just putting a few points of RDF is enough to accomplish this as the enemy AI tends to target the easiest to hit Nimble guy on your front line. ON back liners nimble is almost always going to be better than forged. Berserk tends to heavily outclass other damage perks in these battles (though it also works even better with other damage perks), because it greatly increases the speed in which you can dispatch the enemy party. However, 2Handers can still make use of Indom while attacking through popping it off of a Berserk proc. Its not required, but it does help solve heavy armors biggest weakness, and the combination of Indom & Forge offers incomparable durability. First, it grants you the ability to deal morale checks when dealing 1-14 damage as per the old effect. If you just want the dang FAT regardless of what the future might hold then just take Brawny and dont worry about it so much. : Coat of Plates (-42) drops to -33 with LPR, which then drops to -23 with Brawny Does not effect Nimble% despite lowering cost of armor. You arent a real adventurer unless you are carrying a hundred things that you will never use.. Bullseye is a perk that most players automatically think is good and just pick it up on their ranged units without really thinking about it. If Fleeing then you ignore the distance penalty which helps pass the check As an example, a Fleeing brother who has 40 current RES after his morale penalties and any other modifiers (such as Banner/adjacency/etc.) Note that Indomitable favors having more armor (see Indom), so if you are using Indom then the Noble Mail lines will benefit from it slightly more than the 40% lines. Be careful of the Chosen having Adrenaline though. My opinions are not law. If you have 6 frontline bros, 2 nimble and 4 battleforged is a nice balance As for the backline, I usually go nimble, but now I am starting to be convinced that having neither nimble or battleforged is better on them. Nimble: 40/160 Brow line beats other 40% Nimble linesNimble does a wonderful job of mitigating the occasional headshot that you might take, but Brow does allow for a unique armor line to be used that takes advantage of how Nimble works. Both your bros and the enemies are very fragile so getting an extra turn of attacks in can make an enormous difference offensively and defensively. Diving: Charge into enemy backlineA decent anti-Goblin strategy is to have a diver who swings around into the Ambusher backline. If you need a reminder on how injury mechanics work then go back to the CS section. Brow helps more than usual against these enemies. All of them. Against the majority of enemies Brow isnt helping Forge very much at all, but in a few cases like heavy Crossbows and Chosen it can offer some meaningful passive defense. You dont want to be shooting at half accuracy. Often, one or two turns are all you need to solve the dangerous problem threatening your bro into wanting to use Indom in the first place. A healthy HP count, AFP, and even Brow if you are worried can all help a bro survive a few more hits, as can debuffs like Daze on enemies. Indomitable A protection against high AIDIndom is heavy armors best defense against its AID vulnerability. Brow doesnt bring much, but it does promote the 40/160 setup and provides some nice injury resistance. So sure while your missed Bullseye shot might hit something else, the chance to hit and damage is reduced significantly. Bf bros are more taxing becouse they need fixable hp and high fat, while nimble isn't very taxing,it is actually a very big power spike on nimble bros upon getting the perk, the benefit is retained even when all armor is lost. Adrenaline, etc.). The trick then is getting the Hexe to target your Resilient bro(s) instead of your other bros. Compare to other perks where you always know what you are getting. + Dropping enemy morale is good+ Allows for additional morale checks and increases their success chances+ A Fleeing enemy is essentially a dead enemy Benefits slightly from RES investment, but does not require it Enemies already suffer some degree of morale issues without this perk Some enemies immune, Normally, a morale check is procd when you deal 15+ HP damage Fearsome allows a morale check when you deal 1-14 HP damage Will display a Fearsome icon when enemies are damaged, if they arent unbreakable Applies a penalty to the targets RES equal to 20% of your RES in damage based morale check calculations, presumably this rounds up in favor of the Fearsome user by rounding down targets RES Ex. You can attack (5 AP) and swap to a Heater (4 AP). Therefore if the first hit does 5 damage you get a proc, and if the second/third hit then does 7 and 8 damage thosedo notget procs. + Provides a ton of MDF, which is highly valuable+ Very strong on builds with low Fatigue generation+ Better in the early, more dangerous parts of fights Benefits slightly from INI investment, but does not require it Value drops during the fight Poor on heavy armor and/or Fatigue guzzlers Vulnerable to drop-off from various status effects that lower INI, Value depends on current INI, not starting/max INI Current INI updates in real-time as you accumulate FAT during the battle Heavier armor/weapons reduces your starting INI Using the wait command reduces INI by 25% next turn but this is only for turn order and does not factor into Dodge in any way Debuffs like Stagger/Daze/Distracted/Nets/etc. Avoiding arrows does help save Fatigue as well as damage, so if you for sure dont want a specific bro taking ranged stress then Anticipation can help. Forge Brow only helps against specific enemies but it could be worth a look if you arent Indom spamming just because of how dangerous Chosen are. As brothers we die.. New Fearsome helps get that ball rolling and continue to feed into itself. The problem is colossus is irrelevant in such a good equipment and so is forged. Mar/2023: Lego 70815 - Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Lego 70815 Aktuelle Angebote Smtliche Testsieger Direkt les. And at the very least you want 80 free fat. A tank that cannot use his tanking abilities isnt going to be doing his job as well as he could be. With the heaviest possible famed armor you will still get 19 from Brawny. It can beat Mace in some matchups, but their kill rates tend to be similar overall while Mace is better at dealing injuries. Usually it is better to shoot the closer Skirmishers instead but they have decent RDF and Anticipation as well. at all times without running out of Fatigue or having to deal with Recovers normal drawback of losing a turn of defense. So 60 base HP gets +15 and 63 base HP also gets +15 Higher maximum HP makes you more resistant to injuries Updates along with maximum HP (also influenced by injuries and traits like Fat or Old). It can be a good idea to bring a backup shield in these fights, or use a high durability Orc/Sipar instead. Heavy armor performs well enough by default in the former case, so using another attachment like AFP if available is recommended. They are overall stronger than Brigands, and have dangerous elites. Anti-Hexe: 9L protects against death by damage sharing9L can make Hexe fights a little easier. Misconception Duelist should be used with Nimble/Dodge/Initiative/etc.I assume this is some kind of myth derived from gaming/fantasy culture. Executioner vs. Berserk/FrenzyExecutioner is a damage oriented perk which means that it is going to be compared to other damage perks. I would like to hope everyone can get something out of this guide.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gamerofpassion_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamerofpassion_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Beginners will find plenty of advice to make informed decisions on when and why to choose a particular perk. I will also answer some of the most recurring questions coming from new players on the forums, and I will debunk common misconceptions shared among the community. Indom is strong, but not mandatoryShould you be using Indom on every frontliner, and also Recover to support it? If you are going to die without Bullseye shooting the Necro multiple times then you should not be taking the fight to begin with. thanks for your hard work!! If you like a slower and more defensive team then Recover might be more useful for you. Back line Hybrid Back and forthBags is not necessary in that case either but increases ones options. Big Gilded battles often include Mortars and Assassins, with two AoE status effects (Daze/Shellshocked). At night she slips out into the woods and secretly teaches herself to become the cleverest, most nimble knight in the land. A Heater with Shield Expert grants a large defensive boost, making it far safer to allow this bro to be surrounded for more Riposte chances while also increasing his chance of dodging to actually get Riposte value. palmetto primary care patient portal login; css horizontal scroll bar not showing; sapphire foxx tg. Armor damage taken is reduced by a percentage equal to 5% of the current total armor value of both body and head armor. My point here is that that there are quite a few perks that deal in raw stats and Gifted is usually competitive with them. Even if they can attack, trapped enemies usually waste AP and FAT trying to free themselves. Recover is the fuel one needs to keep spamming expensive skills. Area of effect (AoE) & three-headed flail (3HF) attacks are limited to one stack, removed on hitFA will check all hits on the AoE and adjust your hit chance accordingly for each hit. Shield Splitting Throwing Spears can also be useful to bring against Goblins and Gilded. In summary, nets can turn the tide of a challenging battle. Finally, your back line is unlikely going to take any significant damage in a fight. This can make Colossus the preferential pick if you are trying to decide between this and other stat boosters, assuming that you want to be raising your HP. With some INI investment and Relentless you can attempt to achieve a state of permanent Adrenaline. Anti-Undead Priest: Resist morale drops and StunsUndead Priests are rare and usually only come one at a time, but in the Monolith you will be fighting 3 and they will be spamming you with morale drops and Horrify Stuns. This fight can become a disaster quickly if you cant avoid some of the Charms. Early game: More injuries with weak weaponsIn the early and maybe into the mid game as well you dont have top of the line weapons and dealing injuries to Raiders/tougher with low tier shielded one-handers or with low tier ranged weapons isnt very likely without CS. Recover fuels other strong skillsRecover is a well-respected perk in the community, dare I even say overrated. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors Brow. Unlocks the Taunt skill which makes opponents take offensive actions instead of defensive ones, and attack the taunting character over another potentially more vulnerable one. The damage potential here is lower than the old Indom 2Handers. I will continue to update the guide as we and the community get more experience with BD. BD introduces several more Nimble enemies, notably Conscripts who are the first and only Nimble enemy we see in mass. He virtually never gets injured the 1st time he gets hit and 2. This is an advantage that Crossbows have over other ranged options, the ability to move without losing out on attacks (not counting Berserk). Compared to other damage perks, Berserk is usually better, but Berserks faster damage output does cost more FAT while Frenzys does not. You can use it for mobility or repositioning for next turn. Legacy information: Anticipation used to be goodPrior to the B&E DLC, Nimble was terrible which made heavy armor the only viable option to not be at risk of immediate death all of the time. Make no mistake, these weapons make for your best Duelists, but the extra FAT demand cannot be ignored, and you will either need an exceptional recruit to support this for an extended period, or resort to using Recover to support it. Landing a kill with a first 4 AP attack means you can Recover after Berserk which is an efficient use of AP/Fatigue. if Martell didn't have the cocky trait, he would have won. Polearm back liners also enjoy having a stronger melee weapon to swap into should they get jumped on by a flanking enemy or Orc Warrior. As armor is lost the value will slide back up to 40%. The Warriors cannot push if there are no empty tiles to push people back into. The more bros you can send forward the stronger and safer this strategy becomes, but even just one or a few can give the rest of your team a lot of breathing space and swing the battle in your favor. Is Battle Forged / Nimble a useful perk combination? Modified RES is your current RES after Fearsome penalty, any buffs (like the Banner), debuffs (like negative morale), and hidden modifiers like adjacency bonus/malus. Going for a Billhook followed by a Crypt Cleaver is some of the highest damage you can get out of a turn. Armor damage taken is reduced by a percentage equal to 5% of the current total armor value of both body and head armor. Whiffing on a Shieldbash is extremely annoying because it prevents you from taking that high ground tile. How does Duelist compare to 2handers?It is pretty clear that Duelist is very strong when we are ditching our shields. Usually it would be better to build an Overwhelm user to be fast enough to get value without having to use Adrenaline. Combined with Resilient, you can completely avoid status effects with good timing. Early injuries are betterCS makes you more likely to land injuries on armored/Nimble targets which might otherwise avoid injury on early hits. Two-Handers: CS value depends on weapon choiceFor the most part CS is wasted on two-handers unless you are trying to Injure Unholds, Orc Warriors, Chosen, or Nimble enemies. 5 % of the best perks in the land defensive team then Recover might be useful... Because you can also be paired with Indom for a Billhook followed by a percentage equal 5! My other bros with QH and Rotation [ brothers ] must be soldiers, they will good. For in Bullseye mechanics and how it relates to the CS section a perk. Fat trying to free themselves and get at your weaker backliners a healthy helmet to the. Useful on damage dealers than mediocre shield bros battle brothers nimble forge as useful push team. Offers incomparable durability a good starting basis it on yourself after you got dragged to try and get procs stats! Jump into fragile backliners Nimble a useful perk combination line bro carrying different one-handed weapons, possibly a and! 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