Get a Federation, or Klingon character to Level 50. Alternatively, you can buy 3 blue ones and use those while you wait out the long process of farming B'Tran cluster. You can turn on the option at the bottom of the Exchange window to only show usable items. The other faction's duty officers CAN, however, be used to supply Starbase projects. Klingon High Council Awards. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. When you have the purple doffs you need for active duty & other doff missions, grind down new ones at Starfleet Academy and sell the resulting unbound doffs. With that said, if you really need higher-rarity doffs this can be a good source. trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. For those taking notes, 1 VR doff will generate 27 common doffs. In this video I am showing how to easily get Common Duty Officers to fill your fleet projects. This system was eventually removed for many reasons--one of them being that the missions it gave felt like something lower-ranking officers should be doing. Copyright 2010 by Attilio Vassallo. These areas included procedurally-generated missions of questionable quality, mostly revolving around giving a random NPC a certain amount of commodities. Please feel to contribute as this is meant to be a guide and not the cure all, be all solutions. You must transwarp to the Allied Space area. Colonial missions are also not as frequent for the KDF. Video Guides. :angryface: Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I've seen them act wonky before. This is one of the factors that determines which doffs can go on which missions. For some reason I see a spike in rare doff prices. Generally speaking (and not counting a few odd exceptions, such as the assignment in the Wasteland arc), there are four uses for doffs: Commendation XP: Accruing Commendation XP, or CXP, allows for a variety of rewards. After you complete each of the 14 Colonization chains, you get the repeatable Support Colonization Efforts mission for each one. Do note, however, that for the purposes of the doffing mission system abilities do not matter at all. You can repeat this until you stop getting expertise for killing ships, which also makes loot stop dropping. as there's a daily/20 hour cap on the amount of foundry loot/drops/expertise. Buying slaves! There are quite a few who get frustrated with, and ultimately abandon the DOff system. This is one of the factors that determines which doffs can go on which missions. Running a CXP bonus pool can speed the time up. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. I did join the reddit chat chanel though. If you have them, use them; if you don't, look on the Exchange for one of the other options. The various assignment items available from lockboxes or the exchange which can lead to doff rewards are not worth the cost. The ability is what sets the price for doffs, generally speaking. Also, I believe you can exchange your bound doffs, right? I have been saving my data samples and leving up crafting as I can. You can successfully craft rare items without the below DOFFs, however Ultra Rare crafting does require special DOFFs. These are preferred because you can obviously double down and cut your doff time in half. The transwarp unlocks are useful in any context, not just DOffing. While most of the bundle can only be used by Federation-aligned characters, Klingon-aligned ones can in fact still claim the doffs through a Klingon version in the Zen store. Of course, what doffs are and how to get them is in service to for what you actually want to use them. It does you no good to fill up all of your available slots with 20 hours assignments that may not award the same amount of points. Thus, in many ways the rarity of a doff is the most important factor when grinding Commendation XP. This is a fine way to fill out your initial roster. Before you waste time and credits, however, always check to make sure you do not have free doffs waiting. Transwarp Computer: Obtained with the T3 Excelsior but usable by any ship, this console drastically reduces transwarp cooldown time. Consular Authority assignment chains: Found in the Alpha Quadrant, these chains each end with a repeatable assignment which allow one to trade one doff for one of (likely) equal or better value. Currently, there are duty officers of white, green, blue, purple, dark purple and gold quality. Delta Rising Operations Pack: The Delta Rising Pack includes three doffs available to all characters on an account, including a Research Lab Scientist (useful for R&D). You definitely want to get this down, because a lot of the doff assignments can reward you with damage, speed, and other buffs fr completion and even more on Critical outcomes. Ya i see that, but its still nice having it maxed out. Continue to grind them down until you get them to common. Romulan Republic Awards. At level 11, a character receives their initial consignment of doffs. Each extra slot can only be purchased once. Astrometrics Scientist: Putting one of these on active duty will allow you to use transwarp more frequently, which is useful for assignment-gathering. Assignments will reward you with a proper faction duty officer, but if you intend to trade or buy another one, you have to make sure that the duty officer belongs to your faction. It's a good way to make a chunk of change fairly quickly and meet your daily cap in one run. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. cool-down, 28% disaster rate, and 1000 dil (2500 dil for a crit) payout. Also some doff missions like Scan for genetic anomaly or scan for re sequencers show up in sector and department head tabs sometimes. At higher CXP ranks, this is also a method for passively farming Fleet Marks. Both have a disaster rate of 4% with no fail rate, you crit, succeed, or there is a disaster. Continue to grind them down until you get them to common. The DOff-system allows you to craft MK XII items, Consumables not obtainable elsewhere, and even deployable weapons platforms. I tried to get back in september 2018 but not many people were on so I left again. Specialist Fleet Awards. Generally speaking, it isn't as profitable to dismiss a Duty Officer as it is to donate one or more to your fleet projects. I imagine you can do this earlier than 50, but being level 50 insures you get the highest mark of loot. I zipped through the recruitment CXP using your technique at the Personnel Officer. At the respective factions academies, Personnel Officers allow a captain to commission cadres of duty officers, and also to turn in five underperforming duty officers, plus a modest amount of Dilithium, for a random duty officer of the next highest quality. One "good" place to boost your Crafting XP is in Defera invasion zone, you only need three types of Materials, and you gain Experience and often Omega Marks while you do so. For Feds, there is also a uniform option unlocked by doffing. I have see the multiphasic event. Ferengi Awards. I have played many, many, many different MMO's, and my favorite thing to do is crafting. The mechanics of the duty officer system are rather similar to those of many collectible card games, in that officers can be acquired from random booster packs from assignments or the Zen Store. These missions take place "in the background," so to speak, and happen in real-world time. You select an assignment from any of the several lists. KDF players, this applies to you as well, but you will already be marauding your hearts out to gather prisoners for the slave battalions and contraband, so this will be less of a burden for you. The assignments offered reset every 20 hours and are specific to your ship, so visiting another player's ship will present different assignments. Like foundry mission farming, PVE/PVP combat can be quite lucrative. Any more of an in-depth look than that is somewhat outside the scope of this guide; however, do note that R&D doffs are valuable even at lower rarities. (doffs return to your roster). 3 security doffs (returned to your roster upon completion). Then click on Undine or Space battlezone contact. This is an easy mission that also qualifies for basic foundry rewards (dilithum). B. Once purchased, right click and choose use or double click and you will open them. Doff missions. Press J to jump to the feed. Recruitment assignments from the academies (visit representatives and accept the assignment). This is a guide to farming EC, originally written by RockyCoon. Thank you to @spacewitch3 for compiling this list and @masterskittle for passing it on to me.You can find the list used in the video here: https://www.dropbo. Even though it is a good passive source of dilithium, they feel that they don't have the understanding, or time to devote to it. Cryptic Studios, Inc. or its licensees and used with permission. I have a warp core theorist with stubborn up on the exchange right now, but it seems somewhat difficult to figure out how to gauge the pricing properly Oh joy. See how to distinguish faction side on this frame comparison image. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. Forced Labor Requisition for requires 4 prisoners, but has an 8 hr cool-down. I am releasing it now because of the recruitment event in progress, but I do intend to expand on all points which are simply outlined below. This will help you make a decent amount of EC so you can survive your needs. It was at that point that I first considered collating what I had learned into a new doffing guide. Or really, just outfit a ship for DPS. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Farmer's Guide to Energy Credits and Dilithium, Farming EC with Duty Officer missions (FED), Farming Dilithium with Duty Officer missions, Infuse Alien Artifact with Rare Particles, Completion of the respective star cluster's. Resettle Colonists: Awards five colonists on success. All Rights Reserved. The main use of fleet doffs is when you need a specific one for your build. Quality depends on quality and rarity of duty officers assigned. Some assignment slots may require duty officers of a particular rank to succeed. Definitely doable if you want to burn some of that hard earned EC and commons can be cheap. By default the Exchange lists all doffs, whether your character can use them or not. Play whatever race you would like to play. If you Crit it, you get one of 14 Very Rare Duty officers. One may find, however, that downgrinding is necessary at some point; some of the missions award doffs that are bound, which makes them untradeable and unsellable. Starbase 24 and Gorn Minefield both have a good reward system: first place awards 2 purple mk xi items, second place awards 1 purple mk xi item, and 3rd place awards 1 blue mk xi item. Doffs can be attached to messages at mail terminals just like items. Uncommons contribute +5%, Rares +10%, and Very Rare and higher contribute +20%. Those are the traits that your DOFFS or Duty officers have specifically listed to them. Along with that, there's the Children's Toys chain, which lets you craft Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare Mk XII consoles. For duty officer discussion, visit /r/STODOff/. While this is an option, and one many take (sometimes for the reason of receiving such advice), it is not an absolute. You get commendation by initiating DOFF assignments and completing them. Science, Engineering, or any other category). Caitian Diaspora / Unforgiven of Ferasa assignment chains: Awards a very rare flight deck officer and unlocks a repeatable assignment to get more. While these are generally good deals, the assignments are somewhat rare to appear and (unlike prisoners) refugees take up slots on your main roster. Green, blue, and purple quality duty officers cannot die while on assignment, but can sustain injury which will make them unavailable for a period of time (Usually 8 hours) and is likely to place them in sickbay. Reclaim Assimilated Borg Drones: Awards an uncommon or rare doff on a crit. One of the items you can craft on Defera is a fractal remodulator. It isn't hard to see that by doing Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion often, your brig will be swiftly depleted. Several doffs are available through the Phoenix Box. All players receive bonus packs at levels 18, 23, 31, and 41. Operations Facilities Tier III is required to buy the additional active space roster slot. The final step of Children's Toys, Fabricate Prototype Console from Alien Artifact, needs five Engineers with Resolve for Success, with Crits on Efficient, Stubborn, and Cunning. D.Espionage - For some reason these assignments award very high CXP points upon completion. Frequently, those who own these will offer bridge invites to players who do not in order to allow them access to these assignments. 1 Advisor, Diplomat, or Security officer and 1 other doff (doffs will be returned to your roster upon completion). Variations include, 19 duty officers and 20 entertainment provisions (doffs return to your roster). Sorry FED, that's just how it is. Obviously, if you are grinding Commendation XP you should buy as many CXP boosts as you can afford. Also, a good farming mission will spawn ships with no shields, so they will be killed a lot more easy. Below are methods commonly used to farm EC (Energy Credits). Military - the assignments are everywhere and usually award between 400-500 points per normal success. Klingons will find however that this option, while it does offer the chance of a crit for 2500 dil, is in the long run less optimal with regard to use of prisoners and risk, but more optimal with regard to time with a 2 hr duration. Duty officers (doffs) represent the junior officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian crew members of the player's starship. I have put together both a spreadsheet and explanation guide below to assist you in accomplishing this goal. And so on until I've got all saleable doffs. You just don't get any points on those. They cannot be renamed or upgraded. Lets again look at the KDF example of prisoner labor. Balance and judgement is the key here and up to you. Operations Facilities Tier II is required to buy the additional active ground roster slot. Woke up this morning, logged in, claimed my rewards. and received 4 colonists. This is the duty officer's primary role aboard the starship, such as Conn Officer, Security Officer, Astrometric Officer, etc. With a proper guide, Dil-farming through Contraband Marauding and/or Colonial assignment chaining should be just as easy as it was previously. Winters STO Top Tips. Negotiate Prisoner Exchange: Allows you to trade a prisoner for a new, random doff. I was inspired by CaptainBaldy's Cakeday Giveaway and wanted to build on the idea. This section deals with accumulating Energy Credits by: Seller beware: this is a guide on acquisition, not selling. Use a map if you're unfamiliar with sector space. (Shortcut Key is 'J' and hitting the Foundry Tab at the top of the window.). Buying two prisoners from the Orion slavers has a duration of 8 hrs. This is often abbreviated to just "doffing", and is an alternate progression system and way to earn in-game resources. I've commonly found that I can fill up my queue of 20 missions with missions that reward items needed, dilithium, and DOff recruitment in about 2-3 sectors worth of wandering. On the upside FED, your strength in earning dilithium will be in transporting colonists, and I've found that the missions that provide colonists occur in ratio to missions that take colonists to be slightly better then KDF prisoner missions, with the caveat that KDF will always have available the opportunity to turn in ten prisoners for an almost guaranteed 1000 dil. This is the most common source of Very Rare Technicians. Note: in late 2012, the Dilithium required increased significantly. (It also includes two scaling ground weapons.). The only advantage I see to farming the support missions is that it requires no starting capital. (The same idea or KDf). Fleet Research Lab has a doff mission, K13, and Mine Holding do too. * Recruitment is another slow one. This mission can be a gamble. This is because Success chance cuts into Critical Success chance. The 2/27 changes to Admiralty pushed me over the edge. Awards the doff regardless of the mission outcome. There is also some unique items that you can get such as the Aegis set, Omni-Directional beams, and more. We've already looked at the Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion mission, with its 2 hr. Also some doff missions like Scan for genetic anomaly or scan for re sequencers show up in sector and department head tabs sometimes. You only get points for DOFF assignments that are completed and not for assignments that gets an outcome of failure. Higher quality duty officers have a higher chance to complete assignments successfully, and will provide better assignment rewards than standard (common) quality officers. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The other descriptive attributes of your doffs are pure flavor and do not matter. 1 unbound purple photonic William Shakespeare. This is an optional role some duty officers may have, allowing them to be used in crafting of special items unlocked with level 15 in. Amarie Smuggler's Heavy Escort: This ship also has a bridge with a trader contact. The Dominion Fugitive can be sold on the exchange or used in other missions that will permanently remove the doff from your roster. It is possible, with the proper planning, to amass nearly 3 million EC during the event. Souse the grinder. There is little to say here beyond that civilians are generally worse than the other types, as they qualify for fewer missions. It can be a bit of a grind, but with patience can be quite profitable. Although there are some assignments like haggle for (insert whatever commodities you want) that will still say unprofitable but still award you commodities. CL1 - Star Trek: Online > CL1 - Guides, Help and Support > STO Guide - Farming Energy Credits whilst Sleeping . This is especially true for marauding Klingons. Other category ) by any ship, so visiting another player 's ship will different... 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