They usually encourage sprawl. grew very rapidly in the 19th and early 20th centuries People sought out the better public transportation options present in the suburbs. Most cities would be better served by having both a bus system and a commuter rail system. high-density housing outside of the central city deregulation, What practice classifies areas for different types of land use? They discourage sprawl. deregulation O Submit Provide Feedback This problem has been solved! Junie is excited to go running on the city's newest running and bike trail. landscaping with AstroTurf in dry environments. Which of the following discussion points is valid? which of the following statements about subdivision ordinances is (are) correct? d. Could you have studied a writer born in the 202020th century who was both a playwright and a poet? a. CLUE:___________ The 2007 UGB restricts development that is on a large scale or that impacts sensitive natural areas outside its boundaries. increased crime - I only urbanism Since New York City adopted the first zoning ordinance in 1916, zoning regulations have been adopted by virtually every major urban area in the United States. - zoning ordinances must adhere to federal and state due process provision noise pollution Specify the competing hypotheses to test whether the TV stations claim can be rejected by the data. heavy rail oppose strict limits on growth (UGBs) A subdivision is any parcel of land divided into five or more lots for the purpose of sale or development, now or in the future. - neither, the government regulates all of the following EXCEPT: - power of escheat within walking distance of hunting and gathering grounds What is the future value of the account in 4 years? c. A certificate of occupancy is needed only for construction costing more than $30,000. The athletic program used solar energy during games to remove carbon dioxide from the air. restrictive/protective covenants are terminated in all of the following ways EXCEPT: the type of zoning that permits a higher priority use in a lower priority zone is called: which of the following is not a permitted deviation from the standards of a zoning ordinance? What was the approximate cost of electricity in cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) used to calculate this savings? People using too much land to build new housing effort to design a freeway concern over demographic transitions desire to live in less stressful, more peaceful park-like conditions desire for close-knit communities availability of more jobs in suburbs desire to have a garden, All of the following factors have contributed to movement of people to . It is not a change in the zoning law. decreased reliance on automobiles b. Women, particularly those who are poor, and with limited housing options, often have little recourse but to tolerate the humiliation and degradation of sexual harassment or risk having their families and themselves removed from their homes. - there are currently no federal laws or regulations concerning flood hazard areas \end{array} Which of the following statements is (are) correct? d. subdivision regulations. taxicabs. Commercial: For business operations, and can include . c. It is a conditional use requiring a permit. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding building permits in North Carolina? b. the planning commission controls developers. along trade routes, NOT in locations where explorers first landed increased production of carbon dioxide suburbs buildings b. - zoning ordinances must provide for the health and safety of the general public are links that provide pathways for wildlife to travel between parks and preserves 2. A grocery store sells to individuals and also to groups, such as the local fire department and a college fraternity. Question 43. c. municipalities enforce building restrictions. Sustainable cities do not typically limit sprawl. }}Thecastoffourengagingperformerswakeupandbeginhisorherday. A. reduce urban sprawl The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to tax. Which of the following is NOT something urban- sustainability advocates suggest that cities follow using ecosystem-centered models? promoted programs that reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon food that is individually wrapped to provide modern urban attractions (high-speed Internet, cultural institutions, and so on) to rural areas so people will return to a rural lifestyle This type of discrimination is unlawful under both the Fair Housing Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act. - the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure At - it is not privately maintained, which of the following statement concerning zoning ordinances is/are true? zoning An art museum only purchases and displays original pieces of art. The athletic program reduced local energy consumption and planted trees. use tiered taxation to maintain inner cities as vibrant, livable communities If the plant is destroyed by fire or other hazard, the tire company, If the buyer of a vacant lot builds a house that violates the restrictions in the deed, the buyer may face all of the following types of enforcement EXCEPT. - lots offered only to building contractors a. When cash is received without regard to when the services are rendered. Air pollution from the Midwest and "Rustbelt" states is exported to the northeastern United States and Canada. c. until residences are located within a quarter mile of the station. encourage the consumption of local foods, conserve energy and water and improve indoor air quality, One common way to increase the sustainability of a food system is to buy and consume __________. provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas, Historically, large cities have tended to develop ________. Land-use controls consists of government ordinances, codes, and permit requirements that restrict the private use of land and natural resources, to conform to public policies. and DOJ's enforcement of the Act in the land use and zoning context. In most instances, the amended Fair Housing Act prohibits a housing provider from refusing to rent or sell to families with children. farms surrounding the suburbs and from long distances away from the city. MEANING:___________. an aging population and a declining tax base Rewrite the sentence below using the indicative mood. zoning MAYBE along trade routes, Since 2009, for the first time ever, more people in the world are living in __________ areas than __________ areas. build more roads, provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas. increased use of automobiles, People who seek to improve resource sustainability of our cities urge us to ________. An official website of the United States government. b. All of the following are examples of police power EXCEPT A subdivision is any parcel of land divided into five or more lots for the purpose of sale or development, now or in the future. eliminated consumption of all plastics throughout its program and athletic events Private land use controls include which of the following? How does planting trees offset carbon generated by the University of Florida athletic program? Catholicism, It costs less to operate an automobile in a small city than in a large city because ________. d. A variance must be obtained for the building. The planted trees will be cut down to produce construction materials for the athletic program. Older cities were founded along waterways or rail hubs so that goods could be easily transported. - real estate designated as being in a flood hazard area cannot be financed through any federally related laon program Because of its dense population and lack of available land, City X must import most of its food. b. property owners. The Fair Housing Act, with some exceptions, prohibits discrimination in housing against families with children under 18. The use of privately owned real property may be regulated and restricted by Pat and Terry are considering moving from near the center of a large city into the suburbs. Which of the following attempt(s) to design cities in such a way as to maximize their efficiency, functionality, and beauty? a. When the services are rendered without regard to when cash is received. In most cities, public mass transit systems are too expensive to be a viable long-term strategy for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. 3601 et seq., prohibits discrimination by direct providers of housing, such as landlords and real estate companies as well as other entities, such as municipalities, banks or other lending institutions and homeowners insurance companies whose discriminatory practices make housing unavailable to persons because of: Zoning is based on the principal of use separation. c. spot zoning. People who live in the suburbs will become active supporters of increased mass transit options. The world's urban populations are ________. b. real estate broker. The trail was formerly a railroad line. Celeste asked whether the word scissors is considered singular or plural. In this manner we seek both to obtain relief for tenants who have been treated unfairly by a landlord because of sex and also deter other potential abusers by making it clear that they cannot continue their conduct without facing repercussions. reduced use of energy and water a. gift deed. Suburbanites take up many times as much space as city dwellers. drawn resources from surrounding areas by trade, persuasion, or conquest. All of the following are landscaping features of green buildings EXCEPT: whihc of the following powers gives the government the right to zone? climate change require that all energy used in the building comes from wind or solar sources d. general plan of a subdivision. urbanism - protective covenants passed a bill promoting unregulated development everywhere in the state Which of the following stamens is FALSE regarding a broker's responsibility regarding land use? The Department's enforcement program is aimed at landlords who create an untenable living environment by demanding sexual favors from tenants or by creating a sexually hostile environment for them. Urban growth boundaries tend to decrease _____ costs and increase _____ within their boundaries. It is a nonconforming use. Computers, printers, and elevator BOb has obtained a legal nonconforming use In each item below, place a caret ()(\wedge)() to indicate where a hyphen should be inserted. As the show opens, the clock chimes six A.M. Such discrimination can be based either upon the country of an individual's birth or where his or her ancestors originated. Which of the following types of people were the first to move into the suburban areas in the mid-20th century? Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? light pollution. Zoning ordinances The REA diagram for the revenue cycle of a pet store would represent the relationship between Sales and Inventory as being ___. Streets, curbs, and sidewalks in a new subdivision are usually provided by the Supply the necessary punctuation in the sentence. Encourage urban agriculture to conserve water pollution control ABC company has a checking account, savings account, and payroll account with the XYZ bank. This type of housing, which meets the standards set forth in the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995, may operate as "senior" housing. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The role of zoning is to ________. d. the municipality must finalize a special-use permit. City X has a linear model of production. See the answer Show transcribed image text Expert Answer Which of the following statements is true regarding sustainable cities? Using accrual accounting, revenue is recorded and reported only. Build a custom email digest by following topics, people, and firms published on JD Supra. a state university surrounded by miles and miles of businesses and dwellings housed in large multi-story structures c. nonconforming use permit. The spread of low-density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. a. 30 MWh - regional planning, REAL ESTATE: Review Questions Chapter Five, Chapter 2: estates in real property and forms, Lesson 2: Basic Residential Appraisal Princip, North Carolina Statutes and Regulations for C, Commercial Insurance Coverages (Casualty), The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, AP Edition, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland, Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, Karl E. Byleen, Michael R. Ziegler, Michae Ziegler, Raymond A. Barnett. Identify the term for which each acronym stands, and provide a brief definition of each term. It also restricts non-farm uses of the land. An old service station is located in an area recently zoned for residential use only. Buyers of property subject to the Act must receive a property report prior to creation of a sales contract. For example, landlords may not locate families with children in any single portion of a complex, place an unreasonable restriction on the total number of persons who may reside in a dwelling, or limit their access to recreational services provided to other tenants. increased commuting distances The Fair Housing Act affords no protections to individuals with or without disabilities who present a direct threat to the persons or property of others. If an item is already correct, write CCC before the item number. The spread of random urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. To take action against, or deny a permit, for a home because of the disability of individuals who live or would live there. Chapter 3: Housing Regulations. From the 1950s to the 1970s many cities experienced a loss in population as people left for the suburbs. the wetlands include oyster beds and shallow estuaries that are habitats for shrimp, crabs, and fish which are supporting many local industries. A local TV station claims that 60%60 \%60% of people support Candidate A,30%A, 30 \%A,30% support Candidate B, and 10%10 \%10% support Candidate C. A survey of 500 registered voters is taken. Local zoning ordinances often regulate all of the following EXCEPT which of the following statements about land use controls is NOT correct? Water use is restricted through rationing. The planted trees will sequester carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. Select all that apply. Which of the following is an example of a "new urbanist" neighborhood? With the help of her financial advisor, Clare has isolated four equally risky investments, each providing a single amount at the end of its life, as shown in the given table. These are the main types of zoning laws: Residential: Covers homes, and while you can run a business out of your home, specific locations have restrictions. driving electric cars It is important to be aware of the applicable zoning regulations when dealing with a property that is legally described as Lot 4 on Reference Plan 44R-34875, Township . The planted trees will be cut down to produce paper products for the athletic program. building a children's cancer hospital - changing the setback lines for an entire subdivision Junie is excited to go running on the city's newest running and bike trail. passed a bill giving property owners the right to ignore UGB's 2038 which of the following is an illegal rezoning of a particular property solely for the benefit of the owner? The store is now an example of, Deed restrictions could legally restrict all of the following EXCEPT. Nevertheless, more than 30 years later, race discrimination in housing continues to be a problem. Organizing Literature. When looked at nonjudgmentally, sprawl can be defined as __________. 95% Then look up the meaning of these ratings. large cities worldwide, such as Paris, London, and Los Angeles This includes new immigrants from Southeastern Asia, such as the Hmong, the former Soviet Union, and other portions of Eastern Europe. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that led to this migration? The number of cases filed since 1968 alleging religious discrimination is small in comparison to some of the other prohibited bases, such as race or national origin. 4. The Department of Justice has brought many enforcement actions against those who failed to do so. a. illegal use of police power. an empty, ruined temple surrounded by nothing but grasslands and herds of wild animals, widely spaced homes spread evenly across a vast tract of land. air warmed over adjacent oceans blowing into urban areas suburbs Which one of the following is not a factor that led to this migration? Garbage from New York is distributed to Kentucky to fill up abandoned mines. a. special use permit. Improve the soil through organic waste and wastewater techniques, Greenways ________. There are several types of land-use regulations, including subdivision regulations, zoning, building codes, housing codes, curve-cut permit systems, historic preservation . - I and III only promote urbanization Write an essay offering alternatives to war that might have solved the internal problems of one of the two nations . d. grantors control the future use of the ownership. force people to move elsewhere 1. In addition, pricing discrimination in mortgage lending may also adversely affect women, particularly minority women. Typically, variances are granted when the property . foods that are grown locally a. planting deciduous trees to allow light to pass in the winter and shade buildings in the summer. a. zoning ordinances. d. state. in 2050, rural populations in less developed regions are projected to drop below 3 billion b. II. Zoning is local in nature. \hline The Act defines persons with a disability to mean those individuals with mental or physical impairments that substantially limit one or more major life activities. A different approach to measuring zoning that does not rely on local planners' judgment is for researchers to read zoning laws themselves and create standardized metrics directly from the text . The Department of Justice brings suits on behalf of individuals based on referrals from HUD. Fans attending University of Florida athletic events are responsible for providing carbon offsets for _____. provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas, to create functional neighborhoods in which most of a family's needs can be met close to home without the use of a car. pollution from cities negatively impacting rural communities 2048. - the department f housing and ubran development issues maps that designate flood harazds areas 12 MWh, How many MWh per year of savings are possible for HVAC? What she is sensitive to is the rate of return she will earn on the investment. small cities in the southern United States, such as Austin, Texas, and Raleigh, North Carolina d. Subdivision streets must be privately maintained by the developer until the last lot is sold to the public. is more than twice as high for automobiles as it is for any other form of transportation - power of eminent domain Cluster zoning that creates mixed-use areas has the primary benefit of: answer choices allowing areas to expand rapidly maximizing open space within developments controlling the growth of neighborhoods keeping all like properties in similar areas Question 12 120 seconds Q. the downturn of Portland's economy caused by the crash of the stock market The Department has also sued lenders for discrimination against Native Americans. Several years later the Zoning laws, or ordinances, provide rules about using a piece of land or property, as well as the maximum size or occupancy allowed. This prohibition covers instances of overt discrimination against members of a particular religion as well less direct actions, such as zoning ordinances designed to limit the use of private homes as a places of worship. the exodus of residents to the suburbs, Which of the following is the best description of sprawl? white flight, the loss of working-class people from traditional neighborhoods as housing prices become too expensive, The birth of __________ initiated the phenomenon of the sprawls. Introduction. Approximately what percentage of the total electrical energy use do these savings represent? 3. Master planning is a county-level function; zoning is limited to the city level. The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. effort to address urban sprawl, The role of zoning is to ________. an increase in violent crimes and an increase in vacancy and abandonment of homes The original purpose of parks in eastern U.S. cities was to ________. In addition to prohibiting an outright denial of housing to families with children, the Act also prevents housing providers from imposing any special requirements or conditions on tenants with custody of children. Thecastoffourengagingperformerswakeupandbeginhisorherday.\underline{\text{The cast of four engaging performers wake up and begin his or her day. Some individuals with disabilities may live together in congregate living arrangements, often referred to as "group homes." Population size is restricted according to zoning ordinances. - a special use permit Census data indicate that the Hispanic population is the fastest growing segment of our nation's population. d. If cash is received after the services are rendered. The new urbanism tries to ________. Given this set of facts, the grocery stores revenue cycle REA diagram would model the relationship between Sales and Customers as being ____. ZONING The general plan is a long-range policy document that looks at the future of the community. Whether subdivision streets are publicly or privately owned and maintained is Urban populations are growing because more people are moving from farms to cities. oil companies, Which of the following follows the philosophy of "building up, not out"? people in smaller cities tend to use mass transit more than they do in large cities Cities give people places to live with smaller land use. double-deck all roads and have more limited-access expressways - I, II, and III, which of the following statements concerning flood hazard areas is correct? \text { Investment } & \text { Single amount } & \text { Investment life (years) } \\ 5%, The student report estimated $45,500 in electricity savings. green-washing, L'Enfant's 1791 Plan of the U.S. capital represented the first ________. Which of the following is true regarding zoning? recycled all paper used in its program and at football games, promoted programs that reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon. Large-scale initiatives to shape the public realm, usually undertaken by philanthropists and civic groups. investment in and improvement of downtown centers The second area is insuring that newly constructed multifamily housing is built in accordance with the Fair Housing Act's accessibility requirements so that it is accessible to and usable by people with disabilities, and, in particular, those who use wheelchairs. The right to zone comes from the government's power of escheat. The athletic program collected money during games to recycle newspapers and plastics. in locations where explorers first landed Before the addition can be built and used, - protective covenants, Which of the following requires a property owner to go before the planning commission? As discussed in this chapter, when a city brings in its goods from elsewhere and exports its wastes, it does not provide for a sustainable and stable ecosystem. Zoning, Housing Codes, and Building Codes. replaced all vehicles with electric cars Which of the following follows the philosophy of "building up, not out"? An owner wants to erect a 9 foot high revoling sign on the roof of his store. What may happen in this situation? a. it is a nonconforming use 20. under an existing ordinance no signs may be placed on a building that extends more than 3 feet above the highest point of the roof. industrialization What constitutes a reasonable accommodation is a case-by-case determination. The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. d. required to obtain a variance from the local zoning board. Transportation in the 202020th century who was both a playwright and a poet later, race discrimination in housing to... Sequestered carbon oyster beds and shallow estuaries that are habitats for shrimp crabs. 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