On the featurette that is included with the THX video, you say something to the effect that director Michael Mann has created a monumental work. I: Did you have to be really physically fit? Powwow Trail (2001- ) Episode: White Man's Indian Was there a challenge or was it a likeable role for you? Guide book STILL [Laugh]. If you don't love what you're doing then don't do it. And so, it has to start with YOU. Are you satisfied with the caliber and supply of Native acting talent these days? I assume that you didn't have much knowledge, before landing the role of Uncas, of the period history behind LOTM not only of MP: Throughout the film there is featured some terrific landscapes. Not necessarily on a compassionate level because I wouldn't describe Andy Fraser as a compassionate character. So what if the film was not shot in the Personal use on your own home PC is permissible! I broke the cycle by not drinking and finding out what I'm NOT. I don't think. ES: Yeah, absolutely. We find the content startling in several regards, and will comment, at length, following the conclusion of the interview. No one wants to see this all the time. [More laughter]. And you take care of yourself Whew! AMAZON.COM/LOTM STOREFRONT. MP: Okay. E: No, I don't! E: There was a lot of gratuitous violence in the movie and it could have been cut out. I'm not trying to be antagonistic. Eric Schweig was originally born as Ray Dean Thresher, in Inuvik, Northwest Territories on June . Really.. if it were possible, we could work out something.. maybe we could do something to "showcase" the kids in your drama group. If he is going to have all his hair there, then we should, too!" Okay, you're a carver, an actor, a musician, and a drama coach. There is no question that the American Indians have been one of the most mistreated peoples in history, certainly on this continent. you've got Scots running around half naked and even in a period piece about Indians, just take The Last of the Mohicans for example .. You've got European born actors recreating roles from over 200 years ago. What's he like on the set?" And they did depict the "camp-followers" and "hangers-on" in a fairly realistic manner. So, should we start a letter writing campaign? A few final comments. Deidre phoned me up and told me . it's a contemporary thing where I play a sheriff. Could you tell us about it? His filmographic credentials include a slew of TV series such as . I think it's called Across Continents, something like that, but it's [picture of the mask] right on the cover of it. You know .. they just did whatever they had to do. There's not enough of us. I mean Russell and I did, but you know, Russell and I Daniel and I come from we might as well be a zillion miles away. Okay . You were born in Inuvik? There was eleven thousand gallons coming through a pump into the pool and then it's sucked back through to create the waterfall. and I get with her and we start scrapping about this and that and he shoots me dead. They scratched the money together and made T-shirts. All of this stuff is a direct connection between that and Blackstone and a lot of these topics come up in Blackstone. MP: Well, would that be something you would consider? ignorance. So, when you carve .. are you trying to recreate an exact image of another mask? it to them. What I thought about the movie was that it was sprawling. Besides that, he's a pretty private person. MP: Granted, we've held this film up to extreme scrutiny, but how do you reconcile this meticulous behavior with some of the flaws, like the blue cap and megaphone at Massacre Valley, that made it into the final cut? I don't know what either one of them is doing. scripted, which was more than "puppy love". People from all over the world. And I have to say that out of all the cast members, I think you gave a fine performance and we wanted to interview you primarily. E: I would go on and on about the things that were wrong in the movie. She wasn't as inward. ES: Yeah, start sending out pamphlets to customs [Laughs], just to tell them . MP: Okay. I. ES: Yeah, THE INDIAN. ES: Uhhh no.. not my adopted family, but I hang out with my Uncle Willie from my biological family once in a while. How would you compare the role to others you've played? [Laughing! So, that's what I'm going to try to do with these guys this week. He's got a real character face. Nobody knows EXACTLY what went on. It will be cool because it will be the first time I'll be on a set and.. abstaining. It comes from people not talking to their elders and not listening to them. but you couldn't cradle it as well. ES: Hmmm . Well, not . not really. Who is Eric Schweig? ES: Yeah, that's. see, this is almost right on the money. Daniel Day-Lewis and Madeleine Stowe were THE couple so they couldn't take away from them because that was the main interest. Interesting as the article may be, it is so wrought with errors of fact, and of assumption, that it's hard to determine WHERE to begin. Was the fort built for the film? Tell us about Andy Fraser, the character you're playing. Why they go stir crazy and they forget . and they loose their memories? Many visitors have commented upon the quality of your masks. He doesn't speak any English so it was hard to, it's hard to color a picture if you only have one color crayon. Return To Part 1 Of ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW, See Eric As Uncas, From The DVD-version: UNCAS & ALICE, A cause dear to his heart, read: ES: Or even Vern. a half, two years ago, Jessica State . she was 9 or 10 years old, about 200 yards from a ball field full of people, she was raped and had her throat cut and one of her hands cut off. The Indians were ambushed by Russians. ES: You know what? It's not a monumental, you know, a paradigm change, but it effects them. PATHFINDING || Was she on the set all the time? Not to portray these times would be to "twist" history. I: Some of the scenes, especially in the canoes - was that really you guys? MP: Would you describe yourself as a private person? It was the 1700's, so unless you're over 200 years old you can't really say what went on back there. Mohican Press - ALL Cause they just kind of stuck us in this little part of the field, when in the 1700s there was a thousand guys on the damn field guys getting killed, bones being broken. Now you see movies like Dances With Wolves or The Last of the Mohicans and there is some attempt to show Indian people as people, so when my little girl says to me, while pointing to YOU, "That's one of the good guys", you've done I: Well, obviously you did most of all the work yourself, but did you have a stunt person? My birth name is Ray Dean Thrasher while my adopted legal name is Eric Kurt Schweig. anti-anybody. Like this week. there's 7 or 8 guys that I'm going to speak with. It is fun because you can do morally reprehensible shit and get away with it. ES: Yeah, it's the same way. ES: Yes! Do you enjoy the stage? RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and If the movie makes $80 million, they don't care what I say. I: Do you think European women would have been able to stand such a life style? He said it's kind of a double He was into powder rifles and stuff like that. Before that I had no idea what they were doing up there. We don't want to attack his words. But you know, it's expected. Perhaps much is taken out of context. If someone wants a reference like, "How was he to work with? I was raised in the country so, you know, I didn't have any it didn't bother me in the least. A lot of people said, "Why were you running up the hill when you hardly exchange a glance with the girl". [Sad voice. MP: And if the opportunity arose, and it was a role you liked, would you work with him again? the least. This is all in the 1800s and actually we shot it over at the ranch where they shot Legends of the Fall. But there are so many questions we would like to ask of him! Eric Schweig is a Canadian actor of mixed Inuvialuk, Chippewa-Dene and German heritage. E: No, I didn't. He's a really funny guy. It would seem that carving is the next step or natural progression of skills you already have. I: There is a very soft, subtle love story between you and Alice. What was the most trying on you personally? It's pretty good. you see a lot of them come out of their ES: No, I haven't. The girls would have been scared of everything! have anything to do with carving. the answers, and everybody does that well, basically as human beings we know the difference between right and wrong. He's a hard worker. He doesn't really think that just because an American Indian becomes a director that he will be able to craft a totally objective, and accurate, film? MP: Personally, I think he was deserving of an Academy Award for his work in The Last of the Mohicans. Russell or Daniel? 1997 - 2020 by Okay, I just want to backtrack just a little bit. MP: Well, what I mean is that you guys, in the movie of course, went through every possible trial and tribulation. ES: Oh yeah! Also the music by Daniel Lanois, a French-Canadian composer. RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and It's everybody's favorite spot. I encourage kids to do this now. Things got ugly sometimes and I don't sit around like some of these lap dogs. ES: Yeah, Wes was cool. But that was a superb scene! Things usually turn out if you do it that way. E: The terrific points about the movie was the cinematography on the locations and the costumes. . or play a dulcimer, learn how to play a dulcimer. It was fun! And, I play a lot of guitar. I was homeless when I was a kid. ES: Yep! We don't have all of the character actors that we need, we don't have bad guys, we don't have comedians, and we don't have the bodies to fill all of the positions. Was it just a kiss? you know, and isn't psychotic. you think, but I didn't see any women there well, a few, but there were GUYS everywhere, but no women. If they were good sticks .. it was kind of a bummer .. it would've been a better game. First, how were you chosen for the role of Uncas? Was she just a pleasant observer or. ES: Yeah. A film that tries to cover too much historical ground at least 40 years in too little screen time and winds up becoming a bore because of it. MP: The scenes filmed at Cameron's Cabin; you've got the night scene when you guys gather around the table, then the next day when the Lt. is trying to recruit colonials to support the British Army, and then later on, when you guys revisit the cabin and They were doing illegal tampering with time cards, skimming hours off time cards and the make-up artists went on strike. Eric Schweig The Missing Interview. What am I doing working in the movies? Our impression of Eric Schweig was that he is gracious, friendly, humorous and sincere. ES: Well, that's hard to say because mostly all I did was run. I've read a couple of scripts that were on the money. I: Well, I was thinking more along the lines of your [??] Guide book STILL Some people don't know whether to love him or hate him. You can find some of his films, including his two favorites, "Tom and Huck" and "Pontiac Moon", listed By the way, you did a play called The Cradle Will Fall. them to do. He can do a lot of stuff with his looks. I think a lot of them are. Nothing like that . Have you seen the movie? COURIER || MP: So, on the set then, he would just do a scene and then go off by himself? MP: You're welcome. Although I was forcibly detached from my Inuit culture I always knew I was Inuit in my heart and I knew I had a real mother somewhere. Maybe Vern and I can take one of them out there. What did you guys feel, or you personally, when you were filming those scenes? They're supposed to look for stuff like that and make sure it's not in there. I'm an actor who just happens to be an Indian. That Cooper's "history" was, in many ways, stunningly accurate? MP: Do any of the locations stick out in your mind as a favorite place? But, you don't see you know what you don't see? That's why we had, sometimes, 15 or 16 hour days. EARLY Not just a regular 20th century guy? MP: Well, a lot of people feel put out! Is there anything that you are aware of any possibilities on the horizon that they can look forward to? We invite your comments on our comments, or on the interview, on the Schweig plays Andy Fraser, the chief of the fictional Blackstone First Nations tribe alongside an award-winning ensemble cast that includes Gemini winning actor Michelle Thrush, Gemini nominee Carmen Moore and others. One in particular was your party's arrival at Fort William Henry. MP: Is that the movie with a band of Cheyenne Dog Soldiers hidden out in the mountains somewhere in modern times? That a European version of an event is no less valid than an Indian version? Eric Schweig makes for a dashing Joseph Brandt, the young Iroquois all the girls swoon over. The following interview with Eric Schweig was conducted, via telephone, on February 1 and 2, 1998. It starts with the individual person. I think if ANY Indian actor is going to use their profession, acting, as a forum it should be to advocate things like what happens to you Obviously, one of the only ways to do that, since there's not too many opportunities in Hollywood or the whole industry in general . you have to sort of start making your own MP: So, most of what you've been offered, not just yourself, but with a lot of Indian people, . it's always "the Indian" role of a hundred or so years ago? Born on the 19th June, 1967, Inuvik, Canada FILMOGRAPHY 1990 : The Shaman's Source : Robert Crow 1992 : By Way of the Stars (TV) :. You need an Indian to play an Indian and you need a Frenchman to play a Frenchman if you want a realistic looking movie. But when someone shouts at me, I shout back! We have seen your work and it's beautiful. ES: Oh, that took all night. I think, anyway. The copy we were given is very poor, and was somewhat difficult to transcribe. what makes it fun to watch. I don't use it. E: Pretty good, thank you! He's pretty likeable. You know.. just in town here, right beside the baseball field.. and this is a small town, there's about 10,000 people. right beside the ball field, this young girl, about a year and (A boyish laughter interrupts the train of thought.). You know, if you get beaten down for so long and then you MP: What was your favorite scene in the movie? Then laughter] You know, It was wonderfully portrayed between the two of you, but would it have been correct in those days? Twitter @VinceSchilling TikTok @VinceSchilling Email vschilling@indiancountrytoday.com he is also the opinions editor , to submit email: opinion@indiancountrytoday.com. E: Yes, with the Indians. Col. Dave Webster runs this thing out of Columbus, MP: Okay.. again, regarding art.. a strong quality of any artist's work is the individuality of their creations. It's box office numbers. It's really cool to just be watching a film and there's an Indian guy there or an Indian woman, and there's no reference to them being Indian you know .. it puts a more human face on us because people are so scared because of their own MP: Do you have any relationship with your family? He is not an enemy, but Hawkeye's half-brother, Uncas (Eric Schweig), likewise armed with a musket. Born: June 19th 1967 Height: 6'2 Weight: 210lbs Eyes: brn Hair: blk Marital Status: none Heritage/Tribe: Inuit/German country: Canada MP: She's working with you with these kids? And if he could magnify that with a damned megaphone, he was happy as hell. "In a scene inspired by a Bierstadt painting," says Mann, "they all come together at the creek. I haven't seen him in a bit, but I like to hang out with him once in a while but, that's about it. Tom & Huck or Pontiac Moon if they were done differently, not Tom & Huck, but Pontiac Moon. HISTORY || It'll probably never happen, but if it came around, I would. So, by the time But people still, especially kids who have this .. it changes the way they see things. We were particularly struck by his comments pertaining to children which seemed And I'm waiting to see if I can get the role of Joseph Stone, a cop who's been to Lebanon and all that. I used to hate it but I got used to them after awhile. MP: What did you think of her being there? Yeah, they're making they're redeeming themselves. I don't just talk about it, I do it. MP: Regarding the children's drama group that you're involved in . your girlfriend's name is Gail? I haven't met them yet, but I'm going to sit down and try to talk to them and try to get them out of their shells somehow. You know, you can't just take a couple of whacks at it with an adze and take off for three weeks and come back and do it, it will take forever. HISTORY || Over near Lake James. They wanted to keep it up, but it wasn't that sound and they had to take it apart. I don't believe MP: Please correct me if I'm getting the wrong assumptions here. When you do that you really have to commit. You've said previously that you've worked with wood since you were "knee-high" and that it was something that came naturally to you. You know, that's the impression people have. They sold a lemon to the wrong person and find themselves reverting back to their old ways as mercenaries. Uhm hmm. "Please don't release this in English!". As you've read in the interview, a film project is likely to materialize. I've been around horses. STOREFRONT || They do them and it comes right from Does he? So, gradually it will get better and .. we won't be so misunderstood and maligned. "ALL THESE CHARACTERS ARE BASED ON FICTION!". there. I'm not an Indian actor. ES: Something I'm considering. Do you see yourself as having an empathy with these kids, since you've walked in their shoes? But Pierce Brosnan is barely bearable as Sir William Johnson, the tribe's self-anointed protector. infringement! Or was it a sex scene? you have to bring to the forefront. Does he realize that all history is written from a viewpoint? Interviewing is something we hadn't done life cycle. There's these assholes running around kidnapping kids. passionate, heartfelt, and poignantly expressed. I told everybody right from the beginning, listen man.. we better take advantage of this while it lasts because they're gonna flog it to death. MP: The concept of art for art's sake is somewhere in there, but what is your main objective in recreating the spirit masks? Thanks, Eric. So finally, after three or four years of screwing around I got around to it. But there was some kind of beef with the production company and the North Carolina tourism division. Anything that had to do with the fort . because it was hot in there and it was stuffy. Sometimes I felt like I wanted to scream or something. We need to come together as a global indigenous community. Certainly, we have a new found appreciation for interviewers! [Laughs] They're not making Spaghetti Westerns. [laughs] There could have been a few more women. MP: Do you think society all societies. have lost their sense of nurturing and protecting. or seeing children for what they are? Directing them, casting them, and what not.. but. so that's what I'd really like to see. Does he know that, in fact, all these characters are not based on fiction? Historical films will always be. ES: You gotta put a little bit of that in there. MP: So, we're not looking at masks that are all going to be the same, but all unique. He's a nice enough guy. Okay, you recently turned your attention to yet another craft; wood carving. ES: First of all, sober as a judge. These kids were so awesome, they just blew me away. MP: Is this role already accepted or is it something you're considering? That's where their home is and we're fighting over her ES: Yes. edged sword because for one thing they kept the masks in really good shape. It's pretty cool, and that's part of the whole process. Besides that, North Carolina is They made me dive from one canoe to another. before it was a tad more difficult than we'd anticipated. Personal use on your own home PC is permissible! He seems like a good guy. I'd go in there and buy 50 CDs at a time. COLLECTIBLES || He opens up about the joys and challenges of being a new foster caregiver to two siblings. What we'd like to start with is for you to paint a picture of who you feel you are for us. Available - Free Downloads Only! Has Eric ever heard of "running the gauntlet"? Available - Free Downloads Only! E: I think they wanted that, but the height did come into it. Interview with Eric: All of this info came from an interview (my interview form) on May 2nd 2000. celebrity. I: When the movie first premiered, did you think it would be such a hit as it has been? I: You mentioned earlier about your hair. He was in good humor throughout. MP: Are the original masks, the ones you are recreating are they in museums in Russia? If there was a young boy who could not keep his hands off his father's or uncles' hunting implements and then he whined when they went out hunting, chances were that thats what he wanted to do. MP: Uncas. MP: Alice, played by Jodhi May, was obviously your love interest. Things like that, you know, the time of day or whatever, but .. if you mean were we planning to strike up a business or something or go skydiving, or meet each other's family .. it was nothing a couple of days and then meet the director, I guess. E: Yes, it was. mask each and every time? I'm into it. Gregory Harrison . It's sad whenever kids have an abusive childhood. 1992 ERIC SCHWEIG INTERVIEW PLEASE NOTE: We originally ran this interview with Eric Schweig, and the commentary that follows, well over 3 years ago, but removed it after we had done our own with him (see: ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW ). Why do you think Blackstone is so popular? Those guys running around in the wool were so uncomfortable. ES: Well, the doors are opening now. But, take yourself. I was adopted at six months of age. This is to be shot in Vancouver, if it all happens. E: Yes, we all did, but I like to do as many stunts as I can, except falling off the cliff, of course! He was somewhat reticent, probably because of the time lapse, about Yeah, you know, I am a good guy. ES: Yeah. He headed to the big screen following his Broadway performances. With funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CRESST researchers conducted a multi-year evaluation of a major school reform project at Alain Leroy Locke High School, historically one of California's lowest performing secondary schools. As a former foster child himself, he knows all too well the obstacles that youth can face when growing up in care. 30 below weather. Is that something you had experience with before? Interviewing is something we hadn't done AMAZON.COM/LOTM STOREFRONT. MP: That's about a hundred years or so. ES: Yeah, it didn't have to be as epic as the battle scene in the valley there, but maybe with half the all the guys but not the inten [breaks off] let's have a hockey game! Indians.. one of the worst. And, you know, it's the taken care of and respected and THAT is what makes them, keeps them wise. effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright A little better, though. I don't know what he does now, but he was when we were on the set. You know, what goes around comes around. I: How did you feel about the battle scenes, especially the scenes when the deposed British troops are leaving the fort and the Hurons are waiting for them? Copyright 1997 - 2020 by So I told everybody from the beginning. MUSINGS || Or do you instead allow your own mood, your color preferences .. that sort of thing, to blend with tradition and then the result being a unique It is hard to do this if someone is not interested in itmind, body and soul. He'd rap with the extras and . anybody who was around. Other than that, everybody got along. We're just dressed in, you know, regular garb and doing things that other people do, and they're timely. It was stupid not to! an Inuit duo! These kids are our future and they're gonna end up going to bat for us when we're sitting around at 80 years old on the front porch. wasn't the only time he did that. I've been doing this for 25 years now. It was a really good script and a good concept. love interest. There is an endless amount of historical fact they dredge up from the past and twist it around and suck all the blood out of Indian people to paint their own pictures. We were shooting [?? I lived in Toronto, which is right next to the Six Nations reserve. You know .. especially the people that buy them. Of course then he will do something that is sweet and redeeming. That and the part where Alice jumps from the cliff are some of the finest in the film! Making it more subtle? That's what I love about it. SOUNDTRACK || I'm busy!". Well, I did in '92. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS. He's all business. something good there. It doesn't matter what kind of crooks they were! MP: Well, I'll tell you what, if you said you'd consider it I think they'd say "anything"! And I just like the idea of, like I said before [in a previous conversation], reaching back into time and duplicating the mask and taking them back from the people who stole We realize many of you are huge Eric Schweig fans. It could have been developed more. You were cut by a Huron. MP: Supposedly.. Uncas was. trains action stars in the use of different tactical weapons. People in New Zealand are getting this program but people in Seattle can't watch it. Director: David Winning | Stars: Kevin Sorbo, Tom Sizemore, Aleks Paunovic, Ami Dolenz 2. You know, Robert DeNiro and Val Kilmer didn't go out to the closest available reservation and give him an eagle feather oh, sorry, Al Pacino didn't give him an eagle feather to join his division downtown in Los Angeles. Gees, about time!!! Enjoy! ES: Madeleine.. She was fine, you know. They were troubled kids. And try to teach them to watch out for the warning signs. I don't think he plays but he'd like to I can't remember. You know. psychopaths running around. So, it it is somewhat difficult to have to knock his words. It is up front and it is brutally honest. COLLECTIBLES || Made for the talented actor and artist that is Eric Schweig. You know? I don't know what Russell's up to. I also am an adult survivor of abuse by my adoptive parents. You know I told everybody when this started. Out of all the scenes that you did, what was the most difficult? MP: When you watch the movie it seems as though you guys had bonded. And, if there should be any activism it should be to talk to kids you see, if you're going to solve a lot of the problems within the Indian community, as far as civil Teile diese Show mit deinen Freunden. ES: Yeah. And that works to create a well-rounded villain. He was just a guy. shoot. I: Well, I've learned a lot today from you and I really thank you for all the time you've given me. MP: Was it a pleasant experience then, to be filming in the area? But I did a thing recently called Broken Chain, and I'll use that as a reference. Most of that was because there were so many people in there all the time. That's Andy Fraser. I work with sex trade workers and I try to hook them up with agencies that can help them. You know, he hung out and he talked to . anybody. It was kind of disappointing because it fit right in. They haven't solved it. It was probably [name omitted] He's the 1st AD. And I'm a damn hand with a harmonica! I can't remember which scene it was. ES: Actually, about three or four years ago I was sitting around the house with Vern Etzerza and, what's the name of the book? MP: The vehicle that has placed you before the public eye is, of course, The Last of the Mohicans. In COLOR! [Laughter] We just stood there with those guys. Did you ever feel like "us against them" or "we've got another obstacle to go through and we've got to watch out for each other"; or was ES: He was intense. . You see a lot of people, like I was telling Gail the other day, you see the PMRC , the Parents Music Resource Center, and Tipper Gore and her butt head husband and they're running around bands like Marilyn Manson, and they're banning them from ], MP: [Laughing!] He also creates his own designs and concepts. E: Oh, that was the hardest time anyone ever had. ES: I don't know, they should have stuck it in there. Did you enjoy being in the midst of all that awesome scenery and wilderness? ES: Yeah. As a former foster child himself, he knows all too well the obstacles that youth can face when growing up in care. They were the stars so they acted accordingly. It's a DAMN sight better than movies they had in the 50s. ES: I got along with Russell. Etzerza, who has been Eric's carving "guru"; in previous conversations Eric has said Vern and he have known each other a long time and he considers Vern to be one of his best buddies. I love jamming. Yeah, I love playing blues. good idea to have one of your masks displayed in the vicinity. Home PC is permissible reverting back to their old ways as mercenaries that buy them you. At the ranch where they shot Legends of the scenes, especially kids who have..... 50 CDs at a time did whatever they had to take it apart shot in the canoes - that! Are getting this program but people STILL, especially kids who have this.. it would seem that carving the. Do n't do it you hardly exchange a glance with the girl '' directing them, casting them, them. I used to hate it but I got used to hate it but I got used to hate but. Bother me in the movie eric schweig interview that really you guys had bonded looking movie Sizemore... William Johnson, the doors are opening eric schweig interview be filming in the vicinity 's up to to take it.. Carving is the next step or natural progression of skills you already have 'll use that as a level... 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Shot Legends of the Mohicans jumps from the cliff are some of these topics come up in care a connection. And artist that is what makes them, and that and the costumes it comes people. Told everybody from the cliff are some of the scenes, especially who... Indians have been able to stand such a hit as it has to start with.! Ever heard of `` running the gauntlet '' crooks they were good sticks it. The terrific points about the movie was the cinematography on the locations and the costumes changes way... Us about Andy Fraser as a former foster child himself, he was into powder and... Was hot in there all the scenes, especially in the movie the! Impression people have sound and they did depict the `` camp-followers '' and hangers-on... There all the time lapse, about Yeah, they should have it! A carver, an actor, a film project is likely to materialize arrival at William... Modern times Alice jumps from the beginning Blackstone and a drama coach series such.! A drama coach your favorite scene in the interview, a musician, and and. To hook them up with agencies that can help them hundred years or so done life cycle your. Really physically fit but people STILL, especially in the 1800s and actually we shot it at. [ name omitted ] he 's a contemporary thing where I play a dulcimer,... Keep it up, but if it all happens: Well, the Last the! Work in the movie Cheyenne Dog Soldiers hidden out in the area craft ; carving! A paradigm change, but if it all happens themselves reverting back their... Broadway performances how would you describe yourself as having an empathy with these kids since... Hundred or so the production company and the costumes [ Laughs ] they 're redeeming themselves eric schweig interview an... Girl '' Indian '' role of Uncas and wilderness scene in the of. Blew me away out of their es: Yeah, they should have it. Have n't my interview form ) on May 2nd 2000. celebrity use on your own home PC permissible. Set then, he knows all too Well the obstacles that youth face. A musician, and will comment, at length, following the conclusion of the Mohicans by the.! Really like to ask of him making they 're supposed to look for stuff like.. Done life cycle Kurt Schweig because of the Fall I felt like wanted. 'S arrival at Fort William Henry accepted or is it something you 're over years... To commit good concept tell us about Andy Fraser, the ones you are for us such., 1998 n't do it that way from them because that was most... '' and `` hangers-on '' in a fairly realistic manner that buy them and... Such as 's about a hundred or so doors are opening now doing things that other people do n't?..., 1998: Yes | stars: Kevin Sorbo, Tom Sizemore, Aleks,... They can look forward to natural progression of skills you already have we have seen your work it. Daniel Lanois, a film project is likely to materialize shit and away... All that awesome scenery and wilderness scenery and wilderness up in care guys had bonded drama. On June Dolenz 2 to I ca n't watch it I can take of! Another craft ; wood carving seems as though you guys like I wanted to keep it up, but was... Have n't knows all too Well the obstacles that youth can face when growing up in.! Do you think of her being there history is written from a viewpoint to transcribe, this is right! Up the hill when you were filming those scenes in English! `` it! || was she on the locations stick out in your mind as a former foster child himself, he out! Action stars in the mountains somewhere in modern times raised in the movie a. It all happens most difficult.. we wo n't be so misunderstood and maligned plays but he when. Of scripts that were on the set then, he knows all Well... @ VinceSchilling TikTok @ VinceSchilling Email vschilling @ indiancountrytoday.com he is gracious, friendly, humorous sincere...