She tries to get pregnant again but learns that it would be difficult for her to carry another child. Victoria is very proud of him and Jack supports his decision as well. According to Jack, Billy is a screw-up, a slacker, and a walking disaster. Phyllis laughs and challenges him to gamble in a card game. The job was actually just what Billy needed, and Lily was there to help prevent any impulsive catastrophes. Billy had an affair with Jack's wife, Sharon Abbott (Sharon Case), and was a candidate in her paternity of her baby, Faith Newman. Dr Simon Neville also examines Billy's medical chart as a favor to his sister, Ashley Abbott, and takes photographs. He refused to allow his girlfriend to carry Cane's baby, so Mac dumped him. Victor eventually had the charges dropped. His birthday is November 20th. When Billy returns, he finds Delia's body by the bushes on the side of the road. How are you?" Chelsea came to Genoa City, pregnant with his child. When Billy returns home, Victoria is furious that Billy lied to her again and went to dig up information on Stitch. He informs everyone "I'm going to tell the Doctors to take my little brother off all the machines. After going back and forth, they made love, right before Billy abandoned her again and left for Hong Kong. Billy Abbott on The Young and the Restless. After Chelsea learns Adam partnered with Ian Ward on the Paragon Virus which destroyed her company, Chelsea 2.0, and Newman Enterprises, she vows to make Adam pay for all the rotten things he has done, starting with killing Delia in a hit-and-run. However, Victor blackmails Elise Moxley, the Judge presiding over his Appeal, and gets Adam's sentence reduced to Probation. Although, Billy moving so far away just broke Jill's heart. Billy returns, in secret, and hides from everyone. Moving forward, Billy focused on being a father to Johnny and Katie. Billy tells Victoria that he does not want to be intimate with her anymore. This angered Billy, because the baby she would carry would be Cane's baby. However, Victoria felt the need to escape the baggage of the past year, and went to Vegas. Right now Billy has very little brain activity." [13] In 2008, Billy Miller assumed the role as the fourth actor to do so. [7] During Brown's portrayal, rumors started circulating about his dismissal, but when Brown was actually fired, the producers said it was storyline dictated. Billy begins betting on Horse Races and rapidly loses money. When Victor saw Billy's tattoo at the gym, he asked what happened and laughed in Billy's face. They went to Jamaica where, in a drunken stupor, they got married. Billy's surgeon, Dr. Dellafield, informs his family, "The damage was severe. Later Jack confides in Neil that he suspects Billy and Phyllis are still plotting behind his back. Billy and Adam get into a fight. She immediately regretted saying this and told Billy to forget it. After the death of his niece, Colleen, Billy purchased the magazine Restless Style from Nick (Joshua Morrow) and Phyllis Newman (Michelle Stafford), and began publishing scandalous stories, mostly directed at the Newman family. But then they started opening up to each other, and Victoria listed all of Billy's bad behaviour from the past. They broke up, but stayed good friends. After Victoria and Johnny leave, he goes to the park for a walk and runs into Kelly. However, Billy shows up late drunk and hungover for a visitation because he was too busy drinking and gambling the night before. As Jack continues to hurt Billy, he also starts to hurt the company he's working for, which is owned by Victoria Newman, Brash and Sassy. The Young and the Restless. Victor taunts Billy that Jack knew all along Adam was impersonating Gabriel, and how Jack had protected and helped Adam. A mystery then crops up about Victor being in Vegas with a man known as Spider. Billy and Mac got trapped in an elevator together and they finally sorted out their feelings. Later, Billy confides to Ashley that his relationship with Chelsea was a mistake. Chelsea torments Victoria calling her an "uptight infertile bitch" and rubbing her affair with Billy in her face. The Young and the Restless Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He informs Billy's mother, Jill Abbott Atkinson, that Billy has: "Direct and indirect trauma to the brain. Jenkins last appeared on January 5, 2016. However Billy overhears them and discovers Chelsea cheated on him. Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) asked Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) if it was still in her head through his mumbly voice and it made it hard for a lot of viewers to hear. At the Genoa City Athletic Club, Billy talked to a reporter about his Restless Style online story regarding Victor funding Heather's campaign. Billy begs for more time to get the cash and tries to run. You're officially a tool." After their wedding ceremony, they were both shocked to learn that Billy's mother, Jill, was actually Katherine's daughter, meaning that Billy and Mac were first cousins. Shane Silver (December 1993 - August 1995) Brett Sherman (August - November 1993) Katrin and Margret Ingimarsdottir (July - August 1993) Past History. Billy was the father of Delia Abbott and is the father ofJohnny Abbott and Katherine Newman. Chelsea became jealous but Billy insisted he is committed to her and that she has feelings for Adam. When Billy declines her offer, Chelsea decides to forfeit her parental rights and allow Billy to have full custody. Billy teamed up with his niece Colleen to ensure that Daniel and Amber stayed apart, but Colleen's plan fell through. Billy tolerates her but continues to see Kelly as they work together on The Delia Foundation, a children's charity in his daughter's name. It seems to have been implied that Lilliam may be doomed. Jack worries that Newman Enterprises can sue them for corporate espionage and theft. Jack is not himself, acting haughty and superior, all the love for his brother gone. Actor. 'The Young And The Restless' (Y&R) spoilers show that Myanmar got brought up again in a recent preview for an upcoming episode. More real-life medical drama as staff at Leeds Teaching Hospitals battle to treat patients amid the longest waiting lists in NHS history. You'll find joy again. Sage admits that Chelsea doesn't know the real Gabriel Bingham, although she claims she does more than Sage. They lie and hide their kiss from Jack. Lily then broke into Alyssa's hotel room and unearthed a pair of shooting gloves. Created by William J. She is rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead from her injuries. Victoria didn't know what was to come of her marriage and went forward with divorce proceedings, just as Billy's daughter, Delia, was diagnosed with leukemia. He flirted with a waitress, Jana Hawkes (Emily O'Brien), making Jana's boyfriend, Kevin Fisher (Greg Rikaart), jealous. Needless to say, Lily was not happy. They are the proud parents of their son, Bowie and daughter, Rome Coco. John took Billy to New York City. Billy and the kids were thrilled. At Billy and Chelsea's engagement party, Chelsea kept putting off the wedding date. Y&R spoilers promise that Tuesday's episode is a standalone dedicated to Billy Abbott and his inner demons.As he's left alone at the boathouse, the first person to show up - strictly as a hallucination in Billy's mind is his dead daughter. Jack is furious and fires Billy. Years active. Chloe, Cane, Delia's Birth, Affair with Sharon, Mackenzie's Return, Victoria, Jamaican Wedding, Abby's Meddling, Invalid Marriage, Jill's Meddling, Tattoos, Billy Loses Custody of Lucy & Delia, Affair with Chelsea, Johnny's Birth, Death Of Delia, Affair with Kelly, Divorce from Victoria, Billy & Chelsea's Engagement and Break Up, Billy Learns Gabriel Bingham is Adam Newman, Delia's Trial. Billy had a rocky friendship with Mac, but they began to feel romantic feelings developing when she stayed by his bedside while he recovered. Paul Cramer on One Life to Live. Both Jack and Victoria's father, Victor Newman, found out that they were in Jamaica together but neither of them suspected marriage. In recent years, Billy has regained closeness with his Abbott siblings, however in early 2016, Billy starts a relationship with Phyllis Summers, although she is married to his half brother, Jack Abbott. Billy returns to Genoa City in August of 2006 for his father John's funeral. Billy asks Adam about it at the hospital, and Adam says that it was an ex-girlfriend of his that shot him. Created by William J. They decided to share a loft with Raul and Brittany, who were dating at the time. David Tom returned to the role for a few months in 2014 before being quickly replaced by Burgess Jenkins. When the apartment catches fire, Adam rescues Connor from the apartment, leaving Billy collapsed on the floor, only able to save one of them. Chelsea puts the breaks on their potential relationship, and Billy turns his attention to Ben Rayburn who is dating his ex-wife Victoria. Chloe and Billy divorced and Chloe took full custody of Delia. As Sally slowly put her plan into motion, she also attempted to form an alliance with Tara, claiming that Tara still loved Kyle and her plan would get Summer out of the way. Victor had Billy released from a prison in Myanmar where Victor had had him jailed on trumped up charges of drug trafficking and rape, and brought him back to town in hopes of Billy becoming a bone marrow donor for Delia. But it's great to be on the same show! "[22], In October 2015, Daytime Confidential announced Jenkins had been fired from the show, and former General Hospital actor Jason Thompson was one of the top choices for recast, following another "plastic surgery arc" storyline. Billy takes Adam hostage at gunpoint and forces him to drive to Delia's memorial site. She called Victoria an "uptight infertile ice queen" and tried to break up her marriage. Billy vowed to change his ways. Two years later in 2008, Billy Miller took over the role until his exit in 2014. Billy decided to stay in jail for the sake of the juror, but Chloe wanted him to be around for Delia's first Christmas and told the cops whom the source was. After Adam's disappearance, Billy became close with his widow Chelsea. Jack reacts angrily and expresses reservations about the PassKey project. Young and the Restless Spoilers: Billy Abbott Tormented by Delia Abbott - and Guilt. Billy voted for Jack to be CEO, and encouraged him not to give up on romance. Chelsea confronted Sage when she returned to her home. The character was originated in 1999 by David Tom until 2002 when the role was recast with Ryan Brown stepping in from 2002-2003. Bill decides to propose to Chelsea but she says no. Victor hired a security guard to escort Billy to New Delhi, India, with a connecting flight in New York City, where Victoria was. Later, Billy went to see Chloe in jail and told her he didn't think she should see Delia. With much difficulty, Billy starts to have flashes of memory about gaslighting himself, writing on the walls and moving Delia's doll. Victoria became depressed after miscarrying her baby with Billy. The nurse informs Billy's family "There's brain activity!". Adam drives away not seeing her. As romantic as The Young and the Restless can be and when it's firing on all cylinders, it can be pretty damn romantic its. Not only does Delia's doll keep showing up in unexpected places, but there is also writing on the wall that says "STOP ADAM NOW," which he believes Delia wrote. Later, back in Genoa City, Billy feels like he might start gambling, so he goes to Jack for help. Billy and Victoria attended the opening of Gloworm. In recent months, Billy and Jack have supported each other through good times and bad. Billy had sex with Heather Stevens. Billy begins snapping at Victoria and lashing out her in anger. Even so, Amanda couldn't help but confide in Billy about finding out she was Hilary's long-lost twin. While concocting the expos, Victoria had been a valuable ally and provided Billy with lots of intel about Adam. Adam called for a cab to pick them up. Adam begs Billy to please take him to the police station so Adam can go to prison and do his time. However, Jack is visited by the spirit of his father, John Abbott, who reminds him "Billy always burned hot and bright. Tonight, at a specialist unit, preparations are made for a . Billy was introduced in July 1993 and grew up naturally until 1999, when the producers decided to age the character. Billy's attorney, Michael Baldwin, informs his family that Billy signed a legal and binding Health Care Power Of Attorney which puts all the decisions in the hands of his brother Jack. Billy and Phyllis talk about starting their new lives and agree they are the best when they are together. Billy pursued Cane's former fiancee, Lily Winters. Ultimately, Victoria files for legal separation and starts a romance with Stitch Rayburn (Sean Carrigan). She was a series regular on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills for three seasons from 2014 to 2018. Billy bragged of his experience in New York City with drinking, partying, and girls. Billy is impressed when Victoria wins. Eventually, after the pair were officially divorced, Victoria and Billy's mother went searching for him but were unsuccessful, and in a turn of events, she found him in a New York City airport bar,[33] and eventually they reunited, with Victoria cutting her father out of her life after the discovery of his role in Billy's absence. Jack agreed to pay off the bookies if Billy took the job, hoping this would give Billy a fresh start. Gabriel learns the couple have eloped and charms Anita into telling him the location of their hotel. He tells Billy that he cannot give him the money. University of Texas. For a while, Billy was very lost and he even broke up with Victoria. Billy was born in the episode that aired on July 7th 1993, but the onscreen date was July 4th 1993. She claimed she didn't know. Billy and Victoria split up. Billy moves into Chelsea's apartment and they begin a life together as a blended family. Daniel let the couple keep Lucy, however, his mother Phyllis wanted to raise her granddaughter. Years active. Billy and Mac soon got married in 2003. She gets to know Billy, and they talk about "living in a fishbowl" and having people watch their every move. He broke her heart so many times through his irresponsible and reckless choices. I did this to all of you." Billy Abbott is the son of Jill and John Abbott. Lily told him he should do some soul-searching to see if he reciprocated Victoria's sentiments. He tells his children, "You got the best Mom. Billy eventually came to appreciate Lily's caution and started to think of her as the angel to his devil. This ends up wrecking the relationship between Jack and Billy, and Phyllis ends up breaking up with Billy, although Jack later divorces her. Jill chose to have her baby anyway. Thompson has received critical acclaim for his performances in the role, winning Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series in 2020, and earning another nomination in 2022. Billy begins to attend group therapy meetings to help with his grief and here he meets Kelly Andrews, a woman who lost her son Sam in an accident a few years earlier. Adam sees Sage and Nick hugging, and warns her about getting too close to Nick. Lily admitted that the popularity of the article was good for their company, but that still didn't give Billy the right to make decisions without consulting her. Once again, he lashes out in anger. Billy's spirit wanders into the hospital lobby and sees his family members grieving. Delia asks Billy why he is leaving her by herself, but Billy dismisses her concerns. Kevin's girlfriend, Mariah Copeland, urges Kevin to demand $2 Million from Billy as "seed money" for his investment. He asks Billy for a business plan but Billy has none. She is the only one who can see Billy's spirit. She warned her that Billy's impulsiveness could be charming, but had a tendency to spiral out of control. Billy's mother is shocked, "It's Jack's call if my son lives or dies?" Mac and Billy stayed together until Billy decided that they should take their relationship to the next level by having sex, but Mac was not ready. He is assisted by Delia's step-father, Kevin Fisher, who is also a Hacker. Brittany wanted Billy for herself so she tricked Mac into thinking Brittany and Billy were having sex. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. But then Victoria Newman stepped in to throw her own hat into the ring in an attempt to stop Victor from using Cyaxares as a weapon to destroy Billy. [18] Miller taped his final scenes on December 19, and last aired on January 30, 2014. After Delia's death, Billy embarks on an affair with Kelly Andrews, a woman he meets in his grief support group. Terry Lester who played the 1st Jack Abbott on "Young and the Restless" died of a heart attack on 11-28-14. Sage admits that Gabriel is in love with Chelsea. Sally quickly found out that Tara and Harrison were at the Abbott mansion, and told Ashland. His sister Traci Abbott tells him "You're gonna be with Daddy, and Colleen, and Katherine, and that beautiful little girl of yours." and Brittany about partying and was invited to a party that resulted in him getting alcohol poisoning. They later include Luca Santori in their project after he discovers their scheme through Phyllis's daughter Summer Newman. During the night, Victor informed Victoria that Billy had released a photo of the gun she gave to a Japanese official to ensure Newman Enterprises' hold on the cosmetics market in Japan. She partied with a guy named Brandon who was in a band. Raul, Brittany Hodges, Mackenzie Browning, J.T. Billy and Victoria tried to get their marriage annulled, but it took longer than they expected. [14][15] He first aired on September 19, 2008. His ghost is full of regret and blames himself, "This is my fault. When Billy confesses to the kiss which he regrets and tells Chelsea that he no longer loves Victoria anymore and only loves Chelsea and wants to spend the next 60 years of his life with her, she forgives him and tells Gabriel to forget their fling. Eventually, Billy lures Adam to the road where Delia was hit and almost runs him over, but Chloe pushes Adam out of the way. Contents 1 Storylines 1.1 Background 1.2 The illegal drunk Jamaican wedding 1.3 The proposal and Father Knows Best wedding 1.4 Victor's disapproval and a miscarriage 1.5 Lucy's illegal adoption 1.6 Billy flees to Asia, Delia's Leukemia, Here comes Johnny Billy reunites with Delia who tells him "You're not out of time. She quickly apologizes. Ghost Delia and Billy's spirit see Victoria standing in front of Billy's room. After Billy is fired from Jabot, he and Chelsea decide to elope. In addition, the celebrity actor was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. Around this time, Mackenzie returned to town. Gil accosts Billy in a parking lot and demands payment of his gambling debt. When Chloe called him out on having been in jail, too, Billy said that was because he was protecting a source. [11] However, Seymour was let go after only three months,[12] and his final airdate was November 9, 2006. Its fun, but he is a bad boy you might want to take home, but he is not the kind that will slit your throat before you get there." In 2015, Jenkins announced his decision to depart the soap. They kiss passionately but are interrupted by a police officer sent by Jack who is wondering where they are. After Chelsea goes to check on Billy after Adam told her about the fight, she then sees Billy kiss his ex-wife Victoria. Bachelor's degree. Billy was miserable in his marriage with Chloe, so he started to date Mac (who turned out to not be his cousin after all). Chloe tries to get Billy to admit that he tried to kill Adam, but Billy thinks Chloe is playing some sick game with him. Hellstrom, Rianna Miner, and Billy were friends as they attended Walnut Grove Academy. Adam and Sage returned home and Billy and Chelsea informed then about the big news. However, after Billy is hit on the head with a chandelier at a party, he becomes delirious and publicly confesses to his affair with Kelly, humiliating Victoria who files for divorce. He has a lot of confusing emotions inside of him. He has two half brothers, Jack Abbott, and Phillip Chancellor III, and one half-sister, Traci Abbott. Jack took Adam to the back and explained that this is not the right time to announced his true identity. Victoria hosts a poker game in her hotel room to try and lure him there. So now we are stealing babies together! Chelsea didn't believe it at first and Sage listed all of the conveniences that Adam purposely met up with her, moved across the hall, and his car broke down. Billy returned home to Victoria and hinted that he was not sure he wanted Chloe around Delia if Chloe was going to be trouble. In 2017, the closeness of Jack and Phyllis, as well as Jack distancing himself from Billy, leads Billy back to Victoria, but neither one are able to connect on a personal level, so they decide to thrive, as well as they can in a business relationship. Billy was checking up research on Gabriel, and he found out that Gabriel was expelled and all his pictures are happy and smiling as opposed to the look on Gabriel's face now. Did you feel good about it?'" For the character's first six-year period, he appeared as a minor, portrayed by various child actors. [8] He last aired on July 16, 2003. In his four decades in Daytime television, including 10 years on "All My Children," Bergman has received 23 Emmy nominations for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, winning the coveted award in 1991, 1992 and 2002. But at least they were friends and could co-parent their children. But the person he's talking to is actually a lawyer named Amanda Sinclair, whom he met at a bar. Victoria noticed their connection and gave Lily some words of advice. Billy pursued Cane's former fiance, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil), and began a relationship with her. When Connor has Croup, Billy spends more time with Chelsea and his attraction to her increases after he sees her in the shower. Their son, Johnny, is born on April 9, 2012. Jill was not happy with the idea. Chelsea had a meeting with a guy Gabriel conveniently had a meeting with next week and he offered to carpool. JT eventually spilled that it was all Brittany's idea. However, after months of contract negotiations, Miller agreed to one more year on the series. When the character was rapidly aged, the character was first portrayed by David Tom, brother of the acclaimed Heather Tom, who first aired on July 23, 1999. He faces insomnia as a result of having nightmares about Delia. Bell as the son of John Abbott ( Jerry Douglas) and Jill Abbott ( Jess Walton ), the character is currently portrayed by Jason Thompson. They got married. On Billy's birthday, Billy has sex with Chelsea and begins a serious relationship with her. For Adam with lots of intel about Adam she tricked Mac into thinking and. Met at a specialist unit, preparations are made for a queen '' and tried to get their marriage,. Partying and was invited to a reporter about his Restless Style online story regarding Victor funding 's. See if he reciprocated Victoria 's sentiments she would carry would be Cane 's former fiance Lily... 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