History shows that both houses rebelled against God, and despite warnings from the prophets, both houses were eventually removed from their Promised Land. In fact, the spiritual aggression shown to Israel (and to the true followers of Christ) will intensify towards the end of this age (Rev 12.13-17). Sea of Galilee: The Sea of Galilee occupiesJudges 7:25 - And they took two princes of the Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb; and they slew Oreb upon the rock Oreb, and Zeeb they slew at the winepress of Zeeb, and pursued Midian, and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon on the other side Jordan.Joshua 13:23 - And the border of the children of Reuben was Jordan, and the border [thereof]. It is an agreement with promises of delivery, but also with stipulations and penalty clauses. So today Israel is meeting much of its water needs by purifying seawater from the Mediterranean and some 80% of domestic water in Israeli cities comes from desalinated water (the desalination facilities are connected to the NWC). Today we see God fulfilling this promise as Gods people return to their promised land. But it will happen in the Millennial age under Christs rule. It may safely be reckoned at 10,000 feet.Hermon in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE hur'-mon (chermon; Codex Vaticanus, Haermon): 1. Jesus said that unless those days are shortened, no flesh would be saved (Mat 24.22). The biggest change to Israel's frontiers came in 1967, when the conflict known as the Six Day War left Israel in occupation of the Sinai peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and most of the Syrian Golan Heights - effectively tripling the size of territory under Israel's control. It was part, of the dominion of Og (Josh 12:5), and with the fall of that monarch, it would naturally come under Israelite influence. So it is this one-third remnant of Israel that survives these times and comes through, refined as silver and tested as gold, to be Gods worthy servant in the millennial reign of Christ, link. God bless you all and bring all His children safely Home in Jesus Christ. Where did the twelve tribes of Israel settle? Of that day and hour no man knoweth is a Jewish euphemism for Rosh Hashanah. Under the 1995 Oslo Accords II, the West Bank was divided into three areas (A, B, and C) and within these areas the Palestinian and Israeli authorities have different levels of control. But the concept and promise is there (and the caveat is there too)! The LORD appeared to Abram and said, To your descendants I will give this land. So he built an altar there to the LORD who had appeared to him. Now that blows your mind! When Jesus spoke of the appearance of new shoots on the fig tree signalling that summer is near, He was really saying that His return and the coming of the fullness of the Kingdom of God is near even at the doors. The Bareighit receives its supply of water from the hills on the West, which separate the valley from the river Litany, and is the least important of the four. Mount Tabor was famous for Deborah's victory (Judges 4:6).6. The Maritime Plain, The Shephelah, The Hill Country, The Jordan Valley, and the Eastern Mountain Range.1. In the Old Testament, Zion came to mean Jerusalem, and the temple area in particular. Your email address will not be published. David, it is probable, passed over them in one instance to fight the Syrians. In fact, since prophecy is not precise, some see several major Middle East wars just before the close of this age and the Second Coming of Christ. The three promises to Abraham b. According to international law, Israel is NOT occupying Palestinian land since the West Bank and Gaza Strip were not under any sovereignty prior to the Six Day War. The highest of the Antilibanus range, at its S. end. Its not regular because the moon is on a 27 1/2 day cycle so it could be the 27 or 28th day. Dave: Yeah, it's interesting. The amazing promise of eternal life with our Creator is. Additional Detailed outlines: a. Listen to this secret truth: we shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. He became his father's favorite son because he was born when Jacob was old (Genesis 37:3). In Genesis 12:1-4 we are told that God visited Abram and promised him 1) that he would become a great nation and 2) have a land of his own. He implied that Israel will be the vortex of the nations at the end of this age and the sign of His soon return. Source: The Jordan river proper begins at the junction of four streams (the Bareighit, the Hasbany, the Leddan, and the Banias), in the upper part of the plain of Lake Huleh. The 12 Tribes of Israel | Covenant Promise of Land May 11, 2022 by Curt Landry Ministries Table of contents The Covenant Promise Made with Abraham Portions of Land Given to Each of the 12 Tribes of Israel How the Promised Land Was Divided Among the 12 Tribes The 12 Tribes of Israel Today The New Babylonian Empire and the Kingdom of Egypt The Promised Land. Two Times journalists drive the length of Israel to discover what it means to be Israeli today. Israel is a special nation chosen by God to be His witness in the world and to bring redemption to the world through Christ, link. In time the LORD gave more detail of the geographical boundaries. To this day, Syrians live in a desert without proper agriculture. A perfect God-man relationship will be restored. This speaks of two births of man: a physical birth through woman and a spiritual birth through Gods Spirit. The following facts all of them support our theory that it is some earthy stuff in the water which makes it salt.[3]. In Egypt God is with Joseph and blesses him. clearly, you dont know how to add. It reaches a height of 9,200 ft. above the sea, and extends some 16 to 20 miles from North to South. It was at this stream that Israel began the conquest of Canaan (Deuteronomy 2:13, 14). In one sense indeed, that is, in so far as it was the eastern boundary of the land of Canaan, it was the eastern boundary of the promised land. The significant point here is that many understand Ezek 47 (in fact, Ezek 40-48) to describe Millennial Israel. Yohanan et al. Whilst some claim that the 6-Day war in June 1967 was miraculous in that Israel overcame huge superiority in armour, aircraft and troops, future wars will certainly be unique. Today this extreme ideology is underscored by ISIL. And GET READY! For instance, the global BDS campaign (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) aims to create economic and political pressure on Israel concerning (so-called) land occupation and Palestinian rights. 2. Hadrian was not the first to name the region Palestine. The answer to these questions is found in a mystery: we must be changed or born again as the Bible puts it. Copyright Like The Master Ministries. In 2015 the UN General Assembly adopted 20 resolutions against Israel, but only 3 against the rest of the world [UN Watch]. Instead of receiving territory as an inheritance in the Promised Land, the Levites received tithes and offerings from the people (Numbers 18, Deuteronomy 18, etc.). God says He will fulfill this amazing promise to the thirsty. Jos 4:12,13 From their vicinity to Jerusalem the lower fords were much used. Their mission was to teach the world by their example and be Gods witness to the nations. SURRENDER ALL TO JESUS CHRIST NOW NOW NOW!!! In chapter 8 of Pauls letter to the Romans he spoke a mystery. I will be a wall of fire around her he who touches you, touches the apple of (the Lords) eye (Zech 2.5,8). Israels eastern border is of particular concern since it involves the West Bank. 1. While there has not yet been a peace treaty between Israel and Lebanon, the two countries' 1949 armistice line serves as Israel's de facto northern border, while Israel's border with Syria remains unsettled. Mount Hermon was the source of the Jordan River.2. There is a caveat here: this amazing transition to immortality is conditional, as explained below. Its precise dimensions are given in Ezek 45.1-5 and it is in the center of this special section of land (see Fig.4). Here is a quote from Herodotus (440 B.C. The Knesset has legislative power and comprises 120 members who are also elected for a term of four years in nationwide elections. The river is here only about 60 ft. broad, and in less than 9 miles descends 689 ft. through a narrow rocky gorge, where it meets the delta which it has deposited at the head of the Sea of Galilee, and slowly winds its way to meet its waters. And the adventure was just getting started. These are powerful and inspired words. What? So, on the one hand we see the Vatican demanding control over Jerusalems religious sites, link, the UN stating that Jerusalem should be the capital of both Israel and Palestine, and Palestinians claiming Jerusalem as their capital. After more than a century of slavery God sends Moses and Aaron to free the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage. As to the future, at the end of the age all nations will gather against Israel in an attempt to destroy her but again God intervenes. This settlement aligned with the boundaries God gave Israel at the time: I will fix your boundary from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River Euphrates (Exod 23.31). They are coming from all over the world, from wherever they have been scattered amongst the nations. Think about the billions of humans born since the world began. 2. Therefore, it is an error to state that the term or the name of Palestine has only one modern day meaning. Indeed it has become a den of jackals. The Levant objective falls under the general Islamic ideology of a world-wide caliphate, link. ENLARGE, Fig.4: Future land allocation around Jerusalem according to Ezekiel 45,48 (sizes in cubits). First, it does not appear that there were then any bridges thrown over or boats regularly established on the Jordan; and secondly, because "Jordan overflowed all his banks all the time of harvest." And during the final war against Israel prophecy says that God will again clearly intervene to protect His people: Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle (Zech 14.3). The Maritime Plain was a very fertile region located along the western shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Israels enemies should take note of Gods promises to Israel: Whoever assails you will fall because of you no weapon that is formed against you will prosper (Isa 54.15,17) I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. Numbers 34:1-12 (KJV) . PARADISE (EDEN) WAS LOST, BUT THE APOSTLE JOHN WROTE THAT IT WILL BE RESTORED IN THE FUTURE. 6. This tiny war-ravaged and unpopular nation is predicted to be the ruling power of the future? This view is of course incompatible with Christs teaching, namely, that the gospel (as spread by the church) should be first conveyed to Gods people, the house of Israel (Mat 10.6). Large Map of the Roman Empire in the Early First Century - Click around on the Places. All you have to do is read the genealogies and add the ages when each father had a son, starting with Adam and Seth. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. In 1915 there were just 83,000 Jews in Palestine (modern Israel) but this increased to over 6 million Jews by 2015, corresponding to an amazing 7400% increase! But to date rainfall statistics show no long-term rainfall improvement since the 1970s, link. Would they have been given the gift of immortality as a reward? The Farah River flowed east and empties into the Jordan River near Shechem and just east of Mount Gerizim. It was associated with their northern border almost as intimately as the sea was with the western. Mt. Study Helps. Heaven is Gods throne and earth is meant for man. Teacher: REFER to MAP. . Numbers 34:1-13 defines a smaller territory for the Israelites to occupy. These fords were rendered so much more precious in those days from two circumstances. Importantly, it is this return of Gods people that will eventually bring the nations to know God (Ezek 36.23). Israel effectively annexed East Jerusalem - claiming the whole of the city as its capital - and the Golan Heights. b. The context of the written material must communicate the correct sense of the term. Here age is translated from the Greek ain, meaning an age or a cycle of time (not world as sometimes translated). Revelation 21.8 says: But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. More . The images in many areas are detailed enough that you can see houses, vehicles and . 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In the early 20th century the land of Israel was a mix of many peoples representing some 50 languages and there was no common Arab identity. This mountain was the great landmark of the Israelites. They leave Egypt in 1445 B.C. Mellany McKenzie. Dear brethren, please also not that the GREAT sign spoken about in Revelation took place in the heavens directly above Jerusalem on the 23rd September 2017. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. Sanctuaries: Hermon marked the northern limit of Joshua's victorious campaigns (Josh 12:1, etc.). It was near this stream that the Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord (Genesis 32:22). against Babylon and the people of Leb Kamai. Refreshing breezes blow from its cold heights. Israels King David asked a similar question. The Jewish leadership in Palestine declared the establishment of the State of Israel on 14 May 1948, the moment the British mandate terminated, though without announcing its borders. Every believer will stand before the judgement seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10, 1 Cor 3:10-14, Romans 14:10-12) and give account for what we did to advance the gospel to all nations. The tribes listed above are named after the sons of Jacob. Map copyright: By No machine-readable author provided. 2 Chronicles 9:2226 (NASB). New Testament Maps The Ancient Near East The Ancient Near East Biblical Regions - Galillee, Bashan, Gilead, Gilboa, Jezreel, etc Modern States Superimposed on Ancient Near East Egypt: Land of Bondage Syria and Lebanon The King's Highway Nu 20:17, 21:22 - ( another map) ( article - WP) ( article 2) He will cause the rain to come down for you the former and the latter rain (Joel 2.23), Israels National Water Carrier. When you can logically explain how a 2,500-year-old prophecy (Ezekiel 37) came to pass on May 14, 1948 (the date of Israels rebirth) without sounding nuts yourself, Im all ears. He proved that too, by His resurrection from the dead. 3:8, 4:48; Josh. I think you need to go and sit in the naughty corner Unless of course you can be an adult and justify your opinion, we know not the time nor the season not even the son only the Father knows. Still, Israel is small compared with most countries around the world, most states in the U.S. and most other countries in . Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.So God created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them. The distance precludes the possibility of the literal dew of Hermon "descending upon the mountains of Zion." ch. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Out of the 6.2 million Jews in Israel (2015), the demographic is: Orthodox (20%), traditional (38%), secular (42%). We see the majority of the nation now following Gods Holy Feasts and keeping the Jewish Sabbath. At the very end of this age prophecy indicates that all nations (Gentile and Islamic) will attempt a final invasion of Israel: I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle (Zech 14.2) Amen! The border with Egypt is given as the Nachal Mitzrayim ( Brook of Egypt) in Numbers, as well as in Deuteronomy and Ezekiel. This [was] the inheritance of the children of Reuben after their families, the cities and the villages thereof.Jeremiah 12:5 - If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? So how many survive these onslaughts on Israel? Fig.2: Israels past and future borders. Has a nation ever been born in a single day? (Isa 66.8, NLT). Israels climate change is certain since her God is faithful to His promises. This mass migration is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy that towards the end of this age and just before Christ returns, God will call the children of Israel out of the nations and once more put them in their own land: Behold, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations where they have gone and bring them into their own land (Ezek 37.21). "For I know the plans I have for you.". 4The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestockthe calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. And [this is] the east side.Joshua 1:15 - Until the LORD have given your brethren rest, as [he hath given] you, and they also have possessed the land which the LORD your God giveth them: then ye shall return unto the land of your possession, and enjoy it, which Moses the LORD'S servant gave you on this side Jordan toward the sunrising.Joshua 3:14 - And it came to pass, when the people removed from their tents, to pass over Jordan, and the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people;Psalms 114:5 - What [ailed] thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest? Add to this the Hamas objective of replacing the Jewish State with an Islamic caliphate, link, then the two-state solution is clearly impossible! As discussed, Israel failed and broke the contract, and so in the New Testament era the contract was offered to Gentiles namely the church. They settled mainly in the area currently referred to as Israel, including the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights, although the tribes of Gad, Reuben and part of Manasseh settled east of the Jordan (Fig.1). The Millennial Age on earth provides a forum for the completion of Gods unconditional covenants with Israel the Abrahamic, Davidic, Palestinian and New Covenants. AMEN His humble servant. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. The Jews remain aliens and tenants in God's Land, just as we are here today. Such a fate of the invaders is suggested in Zech 14.12. Furthermore, the significant sign of Jesus coming is the gospel being preached to all nations (Matt 24:14) and as followers of Jesus he gave us a command to proclaim the Gospel to all nations in the famous great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 (note not a suggestion but a command and if we love Jesus we will obey his commands-John 14:15, 23, 15:16). In reality there can be no lasting, workable two-state solution. In fact, Israel becomes the focus of world attention as she once more takes up her role as God's witness to the nations (Isa 43.1,10 and 2 Sam 7.23), link. 2. Jerusalem was first divided through the 1948-49 Arab invasion of Israel, but at no time was East Jerusalem under legal ownership by an Arab entity. The History of Rome - Brief Overview Of Roman History from Her Dawn to the First Punic War. This differs from the first past the post system in the US and UK, and permits small parties to be elected. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. 1Ch 5:23 It stands at the southern end, and is the culminating point of the anti- Libanus range; it towers high above the ancient border city of Dan and the fountains of the Jordan, and is the most conspicuous and beautiful mountain in Israel or Assyria. Answer has 6 votes. But God has compassion on His people (Deut 30.3-5) and promised that He would bring them back from the nations and place them back in their own land: And (the Lord) will lift up a standard for the nations, and assemble the banished ones of Israel, and will gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth (Isa 11.12) Outside the city are the dogsthe sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie. In the Genesis account of mans creation the Bible speaks of mankind made in Gods image: In Genesis 1:26 The Apostle John wrote in the book of Revelation that Eden will be restored and populated by all who believe in Jesus. God made this unconditional promise to Abram (Abraham): I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you I will give to you and your descendants all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God (Gen 17.7,8). The territory was about 60,000 square miles, 144 miles in length from the north to the south, 40 miles across the southern border, and 20 miles along the northern border. Lets put aside religious biases, mystical interpretations, or even our secular worldview. Most of the western world aims for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Christ will reign from a new temple in Jerusalem Snow lies long on the summits and shoulders of the mountain; and in some of the deeper hollows, especially to the North, it may be seen through most of the year. The borders also include Gaza, significant parts of present-day Syria and probably all of Lebanon. Lebanon means the "white" mountain, the Mont Blanc of Israel. More . Battle of Lachish. During an interview in 1989, Arial Sharon was asked: Do you think of Arabs as your friends, neighbours, your enemies? He replied: From my childhood, I have believed Jews and Arabs can live together, and I believe now they should live together. The terms of the mandate entrusted Britain with establishing in Palestine "a national home for the Jewish people", so long as doing so did not prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities there. Israel is the central player in that spiritual world. According to international law, Israel has a well-founded claim to sovereignty over Jerusalem, including its Old City. Image: Central and Northern Arava R&D. Arava agriculture. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. Because the Land belongs to God, it cannot be permanently bought or sold. Great reservoirs in the depths of the mountain, fed by the melting snows, find outlet in the magnificent springs at Chasbeiyeh, Tell el-Kady, and Banias, while the dew-clouds of Hermon bring a benediction wherever they are carried (Ps 133:3). They were commanded to love strangers and to let them live normal lives amongst them (Deut 10.19): When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall do him no wrong (he) shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself (Lev 19.33,34). Also elected for a term of four years in nationwide elections Lebanon means the `` white mountain! The whole of the city as its capital - and the leaves of the literal dew Hermon. Proved that too, by his resurrection from the dead time ( not world as translated... Desert without proper agriculture God ( Ezek 36.23 ) two circumstances ( sizes in )... Land of Canaan ( Deuteronomy 2:13, 14 ) slavery God sends Moses and Aaron to free the of... To him, most states in the Millennial age under Christs rule Arial Sharon was asked: Do think! At the end of this age and the Eastern mountain Range.1 this was! Think about the billions of humans born since the 1970s, link he implied Israel! 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