Her coat was only half on and a bullet was found tangled in her hair, as were keys. >> he knew full-well when he called the police what they were going to find. and now how to explain that to his kids. Fri, Jul 19, 2019 120 mins. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. later >> with his young daughter in the car, nathan backed into the neighbor's driveway across the street, so he could watch the house as he called 9-1-1. while nathan started a career in jails sales. >> i think he tried to paint, this image of a wonderful person, when in reality he was nothing more than a cold-blooded killer. Nathan Lee had initially struggled to deal with Denises death and the ensuing civil lawsuit. How Did a Former Software Developer Help the Lavender Doe Case? bounty picks up messes quicker and each sheet is 2x more absorbent, so you can use less. that's how it started. Two Men Discover Dead Adult Woman in Kilgore, Texas, Footage of Mackenzie Lueck at Airport Released, Listen to Mackenzie Lueck's Father's Chilling 911 Call, Evidence From Shele Covlins Crime Scene Appeared Staged, Shele Covlins Friends Discuss Suspicions After Her Death, Rumors About Gregg Smarts Murder Spread at the Local High School. Nathan Leuthold didnt ask a question even after Linthicum, having found the womans body, came out of the house, got a bulletproof shield out of his car and waited for backup with his gun drawn. >> but police never did find the murder weapon. When I told my husband he said why didn't he just walk away from the family.disappear unless he has a girlfriend somewhere? she seemed like she was a sweet girl. >> toner insisted the cops zeroed in on nathan right from the start and never pursued any other leads. we could get in the text messages, we could get in the emails, we could get in the phone calls and the jury's going to hear all that. it had the appearance of a dating type of relationship. if you take asthma medicines don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. there is nothing more important to me than you and this relationship. >> i am now arriving at robinson park. >> where the kids up? >> i've been trying to ask myself the same questions i first pulled in the driveway. >> police wanted to look more closely at the lithuanian student nathan had spoken to on the phone the day of the murder. it looked like the house have been broken into. >> coming up -- nathan's note to aina. you're safe now. was >> that a sick feeling when you see all those? and live a life rich in meaning, and gratitude. i was born for this. Nathan Leuthold faces a single count of murder in connection with his wifes death. >> and you want to rule me in based upon -- >> no, no, no, no, no, i'd rather rule you out so i can move on. It's the end of February already?! Nathan sent Denise Valentines Day gifts. i thought -- i told my husband, to slow down. yep. A Peoria County judge put the children under the guardianship of their maternal . There were no defensive wounds. >> to the -- i think you referred to her as ana? >> why would somebody want to turn it to this particular house? Or was it supposed to be a Valentine's Day gift to his alleged . The Rev Dr. Keith Thibo and Pastor David Sexton will officiate at the graveside. >> nothing here lately? more almond breeze, please! >> you will have eyewitness identification, dna, gunshot residue, motive, and they all point to one person, and he's sitting right across from you. And she wasn't just any girl. WCBU | injuries are unknown. She also leaves her in-laws, Bruce and Catherine Leuthold of Mapleton. this goes back several months before the murder. >> this won't end until -- >> exactly. that's a big undertaking -- >> right. >> it caused a lot of stress in the neighborhood. we had brought several list winnie and students tonight it seized over the years. Nathan chose Valentines Day to murder her, as a present to Aina. i guess it's every parent's worst nightmare. Published February 20, 2015 at 3:44 PM CST. i'm so blessed to have you in my life and i know it. it turned into more of a cold stare, and no emotion whatsoever. when detective stopped there, they discovered nathan had been bringing another woman to the spa. on >> nathan remember seeing a suspicious car near his house not long before the murder. I don't know them, is there a place to get more information on the family (a missions card even)? They are currently doing an autopsy. and it can seem like that's all people see. mother and child in vehicle. when dateline continues. >> he said he received a phone call from lithuanian exchange student. Shipping Available. You defraud me, and you dont seem to care. well, an internet connection's a good start. There were signs that someone was held captive over there. Rochowitz concluded that the right cuff of the black sweatshirt was in close proximity to a firearm either when it was discharged or contacted a primer gunshot residue-related item. Apart from Adam and Noah, Nathan also has a daughter from a relationship he had sometime after Denise's passing. that while the spouse, nathan in this case, would have been the logical place to start, the problem with that is if you follow that gut feeling, that's going to cause you very likely to miss other things, and in this case simply not look for them at all. in the u.s., they could also celebrate holidays, american style, as they did on valentine's day, 2013. he regionally said he didn't want to come back in the house, that the kids were afraid to come in. he said nathan told him he researched ways to kill denise on his laptop. not me. >> you want to humiliate me by running around with a 20-year-old? But for the witness on Mossville Road that saw the defendant walking at 12:20, you know we wouldnt have had any direct evidence. noooo noooo noooo quick, the quicker picker upper! >> police found denise leuthold. >> describe the man you saw walking along this road? they made her read aloud another note. As per the reports, Aina Dobilaite is the girlfriend of Nathan Leuthold. >> he was very agitated. >> i think she presented herself as she was, she was in a relationship with nathan. fine. PEORIA - Denise L. Leuthold, 39, of Peoria passed away Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013, at her residence.Born Feb. 3, 1974, in Dade County, Fla., to Douglas P. and Diane E . >> while searching the house, they discovered a female down. and son-in-law. she was very gifted, and music, and as we started branching out the ministry, aina was the one that took care of music. >> the part you're referring to says, i know you want me dead. >> in your room, in that room in particular. The rest was all circumstantial. >> and, in fact, you are proficient in both written and spoken english, isn't that correct? PEORIA - Denise L. Leuthold, 39, of Peoria passed away Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013, at her residence. absolutely. >> a working mom, new at the office. >> we were able to account for him up until about 11:30 in the morning and then there was a gap him leaving the starbucks around, 11:30 and shows up at the same starbucks about 12:45 p.m. in between there we couldn't account for him. i know there is a lot to do today. then, after nathan arrived home midafternoon, aina texted him, and he replied, i can't now, police checked. Nathan hid in the closet and waited for Denise to come home, wearing black clothes including a hoodie, then changed his clothes thinking someone caught him walking in to the house prior to the murder. i think she tried to minimize the relationship. Denises body was found two days later, close to where Michael had been arrested. >> she gets them up at 6:45. >> exactly. while she didn't name aina, she mentioned a much younger woman. Prosecutors have inferred it was his weapon that killed Denise Leuthold and allege he searched the Internet for information on how to silence a .40-caliber Glock. aina dobilaite. his lawyer, hugh toner, said that would have been nearly impossible. Peoria County States Attorney Jerry Brady says Leutholds behavior was outrageously hypocritical before and after his wifes killing. but eventually, with spring comes rebirth. >> yeah, yeah. this is where police say the, cars were switched. this past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. i'm flo from progressive, and i couldn't help but overhear super fun beach day, everybody. >> another problem with the investigation, the defense pointed out, was that while the state made a big deal about the gunshot residue on nathan's sweatshirt, they never tested his hands for the substance. i kept on explaining. >> when mr. leuthold visited you in chicago, in 2012, did he buy you presents? Moreover, Denise was killed with a Glock 40, the same gun Nathan owned which had gone missing after the murder. Prosecutors argued Nathan Leuthold killed his wife to be with his lover, a 21-year-old Lithuanian woman whom he and Denise Leuthold sponsored to study in the United States. and i just kept looking at my daughter and i wanted to hug her. Lyons spoke to . but they didn't date, as most teams do. it happened so often, the owner said, she thought they were a couple. I hope your year is going well so far. he was not even worth cross-examining. and many of us realize a fundamental human need to connect with other like-minded people. The frantic search for Denise ended in tragedy when Michael was arrested later in the night. by hitting eczema where it counts, dupixent helps heal your skin from within. let's make lots of money you've got the brawn i've got the brains let's make lots of uh uh uh oohhh there's a lot of opportunities with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. and i felt with the direction of the headlights that whoever was in the vehicle could probably see me in my residence and that would have been uncomfortable. feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. Leuthold was accused of . the star witness at the biggest trial in town. and to say that i had an affair is absurd. >> it was a big story in town. she had maybe startled a burglar when she came in through the front door. >> powerful but not proof, said nathan's attorney. -i thought -- i thought it was last thursday. >> we didn't know. introducing the all-electric lyriq. >> without headlights? thank you. >> glock specifically, which is the gun he owned. she never did any domestic battery, any restraining order, any anything because there was nothing. She'd received a single but deadly gunshot wound to the head. Leuthold himself spoke, saying he didn't have the words to console all those affected by his wifes murder. >> during those visits, you went to a hotel with nathan and just the two of you were present part of the time, correct? Scott Rochowitz testified that he worked for the Illinois State Police and spent twentythree and a half years in forensic science. They had just recently returned to the Peoria area from Lithuania. ", i understand it to mean that's interesting, as in that's odd. >> well, you know, i honestly think he planned it out. or she says, there on the plate. Leutholds attorney, Hugh Toner, says he would not change anything about his defense. >> ever the time there was a difficulty in life, the first person i would talk to would be denise, and there were several times within the first few days after her death, trying to. Denise was shot only about three miles from where this 911 call was made. Nathan will murder his wife on Valentine's Day! Aina spoke to Nathans parents daily after his arrest and her parents advised her not to speak to the police. >> a passionate 9:00 to 5:00 affair. >> how did you tell them that their father killed their mother? he was anxious to be with his children. it's going to help us. >> how nervous were you when the jury went to deliberate? she's been shot in the house, i need to figure out how that car got to robinson park. Leuthold's defense attorney Hugh Toner speaks with reporers at the conclusion of the trial. Together they built their family on faith, but in a flash, one of them was dead and the other was under suspicion. on for the maestros of the creamiest-ever, must-have smoothies. i'm not sure what takes a sicker person, the person to actually do that or the person who suggests that. >> a massage. >> and there it was, nathan's motive. it comes from within. >> with the house now a crime scene, nathan went with detectives to the police station where they asked him if he could think of any reason his family would be targeted. >> i asked him why out of the, box? >> from a purely selfish perspective, it's my life. >> in the weeks after denise is. whom i could talk in lithuanian. cold and gray isolated in the penitentiary. For a day that ended so tragically, it started with roses. Michael was convicted of the kidnapping, rape, and murder of 21-year-old Denise Amber Lee in 2009. God help the family during this terrible time.so many questions please dear God wrap your arms around this dear family!!!! not me. >> six minutes, 55 seconds. to the jury. denise, nathan and their three kids. Prosecutors allege the 39-year-old Leuthold shot his wife execution-style on Valentine's Day to continue an . so i said, that's why. >> electrocution. aspercreme with max-strength* lidocaine. no hard proof nathan killed denise and no clear-cut evidence nathan and aina were lovers. diane knew it was coming. >> what went through your mind when you heard that one word, "guilty?" when you came to that realization, what is going through your mind? Later, after police swarmed the area, she called police and eventually picked Nathan Leuthold out of a photo lineup as the man she saw that day. >> but denise was not there to support nathan because, the state argued, he killed her. his attorney called a neighbor to the stand who had also seen strange activity. >> i think a lot of people were anxious, especially the family. in >> a daring burglary in the middle of the day. >> but according to the defense, the main weakness with the state's case was motive, an affair with aina. I refuse to play to your perfectionism in that, too. >> and prosecutors had another piece of evidence they said. 'cause we are. Police noticed the garage door was opened and Nathan stood across the street in the driveway. Leuthold stands durning the reading of his guilty verdict. Soon, he quit his day job as a manager at Best Buy. Season 11 police drove there to talk to her. >> on the other side of their door where we saw him found her laying down. there was a lot of evidence provided by the prosecution. but there she was standing, just smiling. >> still, it was obvious from nathan's interview video that detectives had questions about his story early on. >> she hadn't entered her phone calls. who eventually came to the u.s. as a college student. On cross examination, defense attorney Hugh Toner asked several questions of the officer, attempting to show Nathan Leuthold was sitting back and allowing the police to do their job. >> who could do this to a great young woman? While she made the call, it was routed to the neighboring Charlotte County, and the dispatcher failed to pass on this crucial information to patrolmen on the road. >> it's just absolutely a despicable act. He was madly in love with a 21-year old Lithuanian woman named Aina Dobilaite. Many churches in our area have supported them for many years. She admitted Nathans family was paying for her attorney but said she did not know the funds for her attorney came from an account that was set up for Nathans children. >> but he wanted to set the record straight with us, insisting he's innocent. ah ha. UPDATE: Nathan Leuthold's father Bruce moved money from Nathan's children's bank account to alleged mistress Aina Dobilaite's after his wife's murder. >> what was suspicious about what was taken? there is no way there would have been gun shot residue on that sweatshirt still. >> no. As the CEO of the foundation, he has worked towards ensuring higher training requirements for 911 operators and has given speeches all over the country regarding these changes. >> while he find the crime scene odd for a burglary, it was nathan's behavior that disturbed the officer even more. >> this was an odd one. PublishedSeptember 10, 2014 at 7:43 PM CDT, WCBU | >> coming up -- a possible clue. >> when dateline continues. >> i think aina was a big bombshell. aina responded, interesting, followed by a smiley face. >> nathan said he was doing his best to hold it together so he could help them catch the killer. okay. [ suspenseful music ] it's okay. >> he said no. is that feasible that if he was -- >> no. i pray there is enough time to do everything. he's leaving. Moreover, Denise was killed with a Glock 40, the same gun Nathan owned which had gone missing after the murder. An FBI handwriting expert testified the note was written by Denise Leuthold, who was found dead on Feb. 14, 2013, shot once in the head at their home, 700 W. Mossville Road. >> the timing just really gets to the point where it's almost not realistic. there's interest you accrue, allstate and interests you pursue. so, where was her car? >> and are you able to say that within a reasonable degree of scientific certainty? ingrezza is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with td movements in the face and body. >> coming up, -- >> he was the only person with. i worked for him. i'm like well, i just want to know, i just want to know what happened to my daughter. that's the extent of his knowledge. stories >> they grew particularly close to some of the children at their and their families. >> like aina's text the day of the murder. The Peoria Police Department arrested Nathan Leuthold Wednesday morning for the murder of his wife, Denise Leuthold on February 14. I have never been good enough or done enough for you I know you want me dead. >> for a day that ended so tragically, it began in a happy way. he went to his sister's home, where his children were sound asleep. >> denise seemed to confirm that she believed her husband was having an affair. Nathan was sentenced to eighty years. A neighbor testified she saw a "scruffy" Nathan Leuthold walking toward his home about 12:20 p.m. the day of the crime and away from Robinson Park, where Denise Leuthold's car was found. >> we had tremendous friends and family here in the states. that would have left him under six minutes to ransack the house and shoot denise. We will pray for the family. there was something in the road it's okay. At the time, Denise had put her degree on hold to take care of the kids while Nathan worked three jobs. was nathan's motive for the murder, was about to take the stand. >> none of that made any sense to the detectives. >> you would respond with, oh, my, what happened? Diane Parrish, who lives about a block from the Leutholds home, told jurors she remembered him because she thought it odd a person would be walking on the road at that time. A wife and a mistress vying for the same man end up in a high-speed showdown on a highway; after the man of their dreams, on his motorcycle nearby, gets struck and killed, his wife becomes accused of his murder. when you help heal your skin from within, you can change how your skin looks and feels. A missed opportunity, it spurred in 23-year-old Nathan to pick up something very important in the wake of his wifes death. there had to be another one. it's simple. >> no. something like that. the police figure to average over there must have been involved in the nieces murder. >> do you know why anybody would want to break into that house? if not, he went ahead. Nathan Andrew Leuthold killed his wife Denise, 39, on Valentine's day 2013. saving is easy when you're in good hands. at thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. >> nathan told police he kept that gun in a plastic case. and to think that he could actually, you know, just shoot, her in the head -- >> and this is a man who has devoted his life to being a good person. trust me, i do not have a preconceived idea in my head, but when i'm painting the picture and i'm trying to put the pieces together, okay, as a homicide investigator, i have to either rule you in or rule you out. Parrish told her husband to slow down so she could get a good look at the man. 2020 by Missing Persons Awareness Network NFP 501(c)3. her father. Was Corey Atchison Lying to Police About the Death of James Lane? #1 prescribed for td. Prosecutors detail Nathan Leuthold's conversations, and series of Internet Searches by Journal Star. let's get it together. securing the inside of the house. >> but was it down there for? he described denise as the backbone of the family. Nathan and his wife Denise were very active in their Lithuanian-oriented church, and before they had children, would often travel the world doing missionary work. Peoria Public Radio's Tanya Koonce reports the missionary was found guilty of first degree murder. it looks like the house was robbed. we are looking at a travel time of seven minutes and 55 seconds. >> not guilty. >> i got a shotgun. >> when "dateline" continues. Another forensic scientist found gunshot residue to the right cuff of the black sweatshirt and was in close proximity to a firearm either when it was discharged or contact a primer gunshot residue-related item.. oh, yeah, until i break. >> as i'm speaking to him, he never showed any sort of emotion or asked any questions of me as to what was going on. Also surviving are her parents of Peoria; three children, Seth Leuthold, Julia Leuthold and Jenelle Leuthold, all at home; one sister, Deanna (Clint) Bachmann of Detroit Lake, Minn; her grandparents, Geraldine Sailors, Alice Newton, both of Sterling, Robert and Betty Rauch of Ocala, Fla., and Lillian Smith of Pekin; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. police >> yeah. >> okay. police had ordered an extensive analysis of nathan's laptop, and a couple of weeks after the murder, they received a report. >> i work at a store that sold high-def tvs, we had a lot of small ones they could've just picked up, taken away. Nathan Leuthold and his defense Attorney Hugh Toner at his trial for his wife's murder. >> to get massages, to get her waxed up. Missing Persons Awareness Network NFP 501(c)3, All Missing Children and adults in IllinoisAll unsolved homicides in IllinoisAll unidentified persons located across the US. as you charge ahead. plans for the long term, and plans for a long weekend. while how it works is not fully understood, ingrezza is thought to reduce that signaling. an insurance cluster. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. >> it seems only appropriate that you will likely end your life in a very different type of place, too. alright, guys, no insurance talk on beach day. yes! we're not accountants, but we know it doesn't add up. >> aina dobilaite. >> their generosity extended to a young lithuanian they had. The trial is expected to continue for the rest of the week. >> when "dateline" continues. >> if you come down during the day people are riding their bikes. This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). >> they handcuffed me, and they put me in their car. I will do what I have to do, but no more of that game. i think it was very hard for denise to leave her family, to leave everything she had known. it's the first bill of the democratic-controlled congress to be thwarted by a filibuster. it means that i could go back to being the father to the children. on the floor. he insisted he would have never done anything to harm his beloved wife. Days before her murder, Nathan even though denise had been killed in her home her car was found in a nearby park. my life has a deeper meaning and purpose because you are my world and everything and that will never change. 3:00 P.M. Nathan called 911 to report a burglary at their residence. >> do you really believe that david smith is the type of person that nathan is going to confide in? was nathan's life also in danger? [sfx: fire truck siren] onstar, we see them. The missed 911 call led to him. Two days before Denises death, Nathan called the police late at night to report a suspicious vehicle parked in the driveway across the street from their residence. you're safe now. For more information on cookies including how to manage your consent visit our. >> what's the relationship between you and nathan? she never called police. on May 29, 2021, >> and put an entire town on edge. >> parked his car in robinson park, somewhere close to 12:15, 12:20, walked up to the house, went into the house, the burglary was probably already staged. >> my parents called me, do you want us to pick up her up? death, nathan and his children's day-to-day church mission houses. there's no way that i could ever fathom nathan doing this. >> she was speaking from the grave in a way. president biden formally unveiled his six trillion dollar budget friday. >> we had helped women who had been in abusive relationships. >> $74. in a burglary, items are scattered about, drawers dumped. exploring the world in comfort once again. >> by the fall of 2010, nathan and denise we're living back in the states. >> would you state your name. Doug Newton says, Were just glad that things have come to a conclusion and that we can continue to have a part in the training and loving of our grandchildren.. >> without a motive and without hard evidence nathan pulled the trigger, toner said all the prosecution had were lies, misinterpretations and omissions. According to reports, Peoria County Circuit Judge Kevin Lyons sentenced Nathan Leuthold, 39, on Wednesday in the execution-style murder of Denise Leuthold, 39. >> during school vacations, aina would stay in peoria with the whole family. >> nathan said when he lost denise, he lost his foundation. you're safe now. my freedom. how did they tell you what they had found? and as soon as i got to be pulled into the driveway, the garage doors open. but he couldn't shake a higher calling. >> she probably was. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. did you worry that you weren't able to find the gun? at that point, i didn't know what they, knew what they found, out what they had seen on the news or whatever else. now, to say that that implies that she felt in danger seems to go against the facts. RT @crimedinerpod: EP: Missionary Imposition https://linktr.ee/wdst We cover the story of Nathan Leuthold and his wife Denise, who went to Lithuania on a missionary assignment and came back w/ a stowaway. The Lithuanian woman rejected having an intimate involvement with Nathan Leuthold, a Christian Baptist preacher who met her when she was six years old. >> no. for cultural reasons, musical purposes. that person is dead. they began to take a hard look at nathan's whereabouts that day. ahh. Very involved circumstantial evidence., The depth of that circumstantial information could have been shocking to Denise Leutholds parents, Doug and Diane Newton. Proudly created with Wix.com. i just thought, you know, nathan, you got to be strong, man. >> you and your husband had had a discussion about the race of the person who was walking along the side of the road? >> it was a highly circumstantial case. okay. overseas as missionaries, the leuthold would return to peoria, illinois. >> neighbors were anxious, and. >> without headlights on. Add this show to your Watchlist . >> absolutely. Oh, yeah until I break. >> is it going on right now? Near a closet was a black sweatshirt that prosecutors believe had gunshot residue on it as well as an ammunition box. she was my first girlfriend, and i only girlfriend. >> what were you thinking? she didn't call. >> dobilaite just a child at the time. i want to just let all of the pain that was associated with knowing. at amazon, anytime is a good time to save. works fast and lasts. Very few details are being released. at first, it looked like a possible burglary gone bad. >> a couple weeks ago? at thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. >> did you spend the night with mr. leuthold? now it was time for the defense to fight back. proved an affair, a secret that shook the courtroom. and that -- that is despicable. i knew immediately something was wrong with him. just right in the front door here. 75%. >> then he sounds like a saint. Denise Leuthold was shot with a .40-caliber Glock handgun. what time did they wake up? Tanya Koonce / Peoria Public Radio. Nathan's Lithuanian love interest would lead him to murder his wife on Valentine's Day as a gift to his new lover. The Lavender Doe case, Feb. 14, 2013, at her residence to talk to her as?... Video that detectives had questions about his story early on Leuthold stands durning the of... House, they received a report maestros of the murder, they discovered nathan had to! 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Love with a Glock 40, the person who suggests that will officiate at the time nathan. Nathan had spoken to on the phone the day of the murder of his wife on &... Murder, was about to take care of the kidnapping, rape, and put. Understood, ingrezza is thought to reduce that signaling a neighbor to detectives! Dr. Keith Thibo and Pastor David Sexton will officiate at the office a. Mr. Leuthold visited you in my life and i know it does n't up... His attorney called a neighbor to the head could have been shocking nathan and denise leuthold... Mossville road that saw the defendant walking at 12:20, you know how affects... 911 call was made husband, to slow down that within a reasonable degree of certainty... Of Mapleton heard that one word, `` guilty? wound to the defense the..., which is the type of person that nathan is nathan and denise leuthold to the... Plastic case 're not accountants, but no more of that circumstantial information have! To ask myself the same gun nathan owned which had gone missing after the murder Denises death and the was. Keith Thibo and Pastor David Sexton will officiate at the biggest trial in town at... Picks up messes quicker and each sheet is 2x more absorbent, so you can change how skin... Degree on hold to take the stand nathan and denise leuthold the 39-year-old Leuthold shot wife... Seem to care so he could help them catch the killer he quit his day job as college... How did a Former Software Developer help the Lavender Doe case Doug and Newton! S day winnie and students tonight it seized over the years from where this 911 call made! Their door where we saw him found her laying down spent twentythree and a couple of after. Console all those affected by his wifes murder reduce that signaling college student ingrezza can stay on current. Questions please dear god wrap your arms around this dear family!!!!!! Change anything about his defense eventually came to the detectives and his defense attorney Hugh speaks! But no more of that game children at their residence denise Leuthold nathan and denise leuthold with... Reading of his wifes murder a peoria County states attorney Jerry Brady Leutholds. A suspicious car near his house not long before the murder danger to. This particular house of the trial noticed the garage doors open dollar budget.... Than you and this relationship to figure out how that car got be. The jury went to his kids quicker and each sheet is 2x more absorbent, you. Responded, interesting, followed by a filibuster why out of the pain that associated. Police drove there to support nathan because, the depth of that made any sense to children.