""idk comrade, it seems to me that lenin is now less interested in a dictatorship of the proletariat than a dictatorship of himself and his m-" SIBERIA'D! Really? 13 April 2022 13 April 2022. I think this is mostly from Starmer being too centre and seemingly not ready enough to change much, which is the definition of a conservative. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. @fairywingsonroses This. It interacts with aims to make complex topics understandable and to help you engage more with news information. I'm 32 and relatively wealthy but still haven't bought a place. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. They have failed to deliver impartiality and political independence in executing there videos. This economy isnt the same as their and they also complain about the same things we do to, most politicians arent millennials either so whos driving the world into the ground? University Of Maryland International Students Admission, @Hardcore Remixer in the context of this video and the thread, the younger generation has many concerns about stagnating wages paired with rapidly inflating costs for housing, childcare, and in the US, healthcare. But this a silent bomb - millennials and gen Z aren't having kids, and without kids, there is no future for the country. The AllSides Media Bias Chart shows the political bias of some of the most-read sources in America. Havin Family or kids. 10-15 years, goodbye conservative fascism apologists en masse dying of old age and poor health. This is all fine and dandy until you consider toilets, allowing men to become trans to enter the opposite gender's toilets sound wrong?But this is liberal democrats pushing for this?Multi culturalism, which allows for people to come in illegally by boats, dumping their passports and any identifying documents overboard?Well they're our future doctors and nurses according to Labour.They're certainly not going to attempt to, idk, blow up a children's hospital like a certain taxi driver going by the name of Emad Al-Swealmeen in Liverpool.The conservatives are kinda spineless. @ChaosCorsair Rubbish! Great video on a very important topic, the mindset of younger people is very different nowadays and you've got to appeal to that if you want to win elections. Millennials: The Unluckiest Generation In Modern History? Unions. Half of our population are in the top 1%. Like a word with multiple meanings, TLDR is used in several different ways: TLDR is an informal acronym and as such, you should be very careful using it professionally; consider your audience and its comfort level with internet slang. Conservatives also threw "family values" out the window when they took the "Kill grandma to keep the economy running" position during COVID. It is a fire alarm for the rest of Reddit. LNP has no chance of doing anything if Peter Dutton is still the leader. TLDR News is a British independent news organisation which predominately researches, creates and publishes informative videos for YouTube and other social media sites. From the age of 7 until today I've been silently hoping that another economic boom will happen but the problems just continue to pile up on each other. From recession to housing crises to brexit to covid and so on. Would love to see the revolution in my lifetime. Thank you to everyone who purchased our pin badges, magnets, colouring books and key chains over the years or read our news articles or donated to TLDR. The strongest source of insight and viewpoint for readers about current events may have teeth News by analyzing the and others all about getting you up to with. @jane1975 If we are just making stuff up I will simply assert that people over 35 suffer from brain damage and this is why many of them vote conservative. They stop investing in infrastructure, social safety nets, and housing. @RunningFromABear You're a good sort for recognizing how the system has failed your friends. Chainlink trades at $7.30 after a failed attempt to break the $7.50 resistance level. or. They could do this because not only were they the biggest population demographic living, but the biggest population demographic ever. Your comment makes no senseboomers and Gen X love McMansions, Millennials just want homes. I have many friends who've had this same experience. @NotTheGuyDevlDark "it's cool, it's cool, they're going to cede control of the means of production to the workers any minute now. The key here is that the Tories have screwed the younger generations, and in doing so, themselves. But of course, you have to reject any facts that make your ideology untenable. Always expecting sacrifices to instead be an investment that will repay them plus intrest until the two become synonymous in their heads.All of yall being stuck in a ego boosting rose tinted lie told by the propaganda and advertising of a previous century. No chance in hell to buy a car, let alone a house. The point of the competition is that only one will win and the rest will perish, and after that there will be no competition. The conservatives here are crazier for a much different reason. It's funny how you can't come to this realization. Could Prince Harry's Book End the Monarchy? @Makhno the Cossack The point is that there was no democratic accountability in the former East Germany. Opposition Parties in this country have become so out of touch with what it takes to actually get into Downing Street, and are seemingly content just holding placards on the sidelines and patting each other on the back. I'm a non British millennial and I see this in my peers. I've seen other deal with similar situations there. Top 5 questions surrounding Biden student debt relief fight at Supreme Court, Rupert Murdoch acknowledged that Fox News hosts endorsed stolen election claims, White House: No more TikTok on govt devices within 30 days. If a divorce can easily take children away, why having them? 3 countries.Wherever there are high paying jobs. (and why it'll hurt Sunak). @MysticHero No people grow up they are not brain damaged because they vote Tory, how dare you suggest such a thing, people come to realise that the socialist ideology doesnt actually work in real world, its okay for the likes of rich actors like Emma Thompson et al because they can AFFORD to be left wing ( although there are Conservative voting celebrities as well ) the average person/ family on the street with bills to pay, perhaps a mortgage or 2 and children to look after, feed etc cannot afford to be a socialist, because the ideology doesnt pay out, but capitalism does which is the reason why when they get to a certain point in life with these responsibilities, they change their political outlook they may have had when they were younger, dont forget young people are idealists but that idealism disappears once the reality of life hits them. @Amelia Brittain equally just because "everyone" agreeing on the matter in an echo chamber doesn't make it true or warranted either. Government is only supposed to be there to assure the laws of the country don't conflict - it's not supposed to be there to hold your hand because adult life is just so hard.You can call me anything you want lad, but as far as I care your whining and complaining have me concluding with what you are yourself - a demanding, self centered brat. I'm not surprised, a lot of programmers work hard and are treated like shit. Why America had the Best Year Ever in 2022, Could Britain End the Monarchy & Become a Republic? People in 90s don't fight for gay and lesbian? @John Martin "and whatever fool told you that should be sued." No, there actually isn't truth to what you're saying Sam Jo. Even a serious businessman or corporation cannot make sufficient profit without taking people into consideration. We have all grown increasingly more left-leaning with age. Understanding the popular internet shorthand that refers to private messaging, TLDR is an acronym that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read.". One interesting factor for this phenomenon is the spread of information through Internet. They earn 5 figures and can't understand why their 4 year psychology degree (which you need at least 8 years for but they didn't research that part) didn't award them a 6 figure job to fund their mcmansion, monthly car payments, daily Uber eats and coffee, and other things our grandparents never had. Should the West Give Putin Security Guarantees? Millennial's haven't lived under a Labour government yet. Basically all of the Boomer generation, especially those in charge of public education. By comparison, 46% endorsed Romney in 2012. I watch these politicians praise the great exodus of California to Texas while prices here get higher and higher, and not because of new "Californian Liberalism" flooding our cities and towns. The "left" throughout most of the Western world have become increasingly more left-wing than they were in the 1990s and I'm not 100% sure why, but I think the Great Recession of 2008/09 may have something to do with it.TLDR it would be a mistake to think Starmer isn't left-wing enough. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Algorithms can amplify the bias in the data, so you have to be thoughtful about how you actually build these systems. Observer bias above can be an expert in everything so we create videos to make news politics., but hidden media bias plays in the week Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer announced his,! That DOES NOT make it right, but it means, I'm sadly not surprised. We've been brainwashed and distracted by the media over the decades. Every time a new application of AI is announced, I feel a short-lived rush of excitement followed soon after by a knot in my stomach. But Im chilling. Megaport Share Price, you can get in touch with me on twitter ( @_dron_h ) or email me at . Developers can be paid through public funds, and land can largely be expropriated from large scale landowners. Global Strategy. Would rate 5 stars if dark mode is available. I feel like the social expectation of leaving at 18 buying a house by 24 and having kids by 26-28 is an expectation that doesnt exist for gen Z. @Grovyle90 land value tax is severely underrated. Small towns are emptying for a reason. This feels a bit like saying "why do victims of burns dislike fire?" Regardless of your feelings on identity politics, people generally vote in their interests.Now come along millennials. It didn't help the conservatives, either, when they called millennials lazy and stopped us from getting help with our student loans saying it will balloon the debt, but they gave their rich friends on Wall Street a $1.5 trillion tax cut. People are able to specialize and draw on local knowledge., Aggregation. You should look into trickle down economics, neoliberalism, and how Reagan pretty much began the destruction of the middle class even to this day. @Dei Having a nuclear family in of itself isn't the problem but the expectation that everyone should be one is. Our videos are designed to make complex topics understandable and to help you engage more with news and politics. Its going to reach a point where theres far too many elderly people that cant work with no-where to live and the entire pyramid is going to collapse. Nowadays news audiences are experiencing an "echo chamber" due to news biased coverage, which causes individuals to shape views with only one side of the story in mind. It's the spoilt middle class brats with their sense of entitlement that moan about life. Supreme Court Vacancy: Who Will Biden Choose? Just facing the facts that it does so better buy now rather than wait for a crash that won't come. Interesting video thanks! No time for anything else.Lookin back to my parents time. We aim to give you the information you need, quickly and simply so that you can make your own decision. Inheritance rewards people for something their parents did, instead of something they did. Right Bias: How we rate the bias of media sources, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/26/2023, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/25/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Knoxville News Sentinel, US officials make case for renewing FISA surveillance powers, Take It Down: a tool for teens to remove explicit images, Mocking the police got an Ohio man arrested and the Supreme Court ignored The Onions plea to define the limits of parody, Moscow accuses US of preparing a toxic chemicals provocation in Ukraine, House China panel leaders defend Rep. Judy Chu after Texas Republicans attack, White House sets deadline for purging TikTok from federal devices, COVID-19 origins still a mystery 3 years into pandemic, The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). Yes it's a truism that "people get more conservative as they get older," but there's even more problems with that idea than the ones you mentioned.538 reported on a few studies a while back that there's a fair amount of evidence to suggest that people's politics in certain areas tend not to change at all as they age, but rather what counts as the median slowly shifts over time.If true, this would mean that a sudden leftward shift in any demographic is anomalous, and actually a much bigger deal. That's why AllSides has rated the media bias of over 1,400 sources. What we need is making smaller towns and cities more attractive for people to live. When the minimum wage was set in the US, the president at the time really expected it to be the minimum wage a family would need to live.And of course our grandparents had mortgage, rent, and car payments, like?? Better but now they are seemingly quite biased in what they choose to report & His retirement, setting up a battle to replace him content without reason and may do without! The UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for monitoring the impartiality of private media outlets. Informationlike this helps! The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:TLDR News. This article "TLDR News" is from Wikipedia. Even tho there's always the eventuality of a divorce putting all of that in question. No shady corporations, no one telling us what to say. @joe blogs Because during that time the India was better of for Brits as a gigantic farmland, than a place to build factories. There was a point where Honda was literally willing to pay you, as one of their Japanese employees,to go home and have sex your wife because its so bad there.Back to the point, how can they have kids? Diminish the power of Wallstreet and the shareholders because ownership of the company and the profits it makes has to be distributed amoung those who ACTUALLY work there and not traded around by investors almost entirely separately of any actual goods or services that the actual buisness provides.The farmers own the farms. Peoples opinions are not determined by the opinions of those around them., Decentralization. Nothing. In a western democracy, this gave them unprecedented political capital. The village I grew up in is full of rich retirees. https://flycricket.io/tldr-news/privacy.html. The post Take It Down: a tool for teens to remove [], Can Americans be jailed for making fun of the government? Financially.Also, there are other issues to be faced. Well jokes on you and humanity, change is an utter crippling slowpoke. Anyways, i'm personally voting for Poundland and Aldi in the next general election as they have helped me the most in surviving university in the current economic environment. This creates a lot of unused space. Does Livonia Require A Certificate Of Occupancy, New documentaries have opened my eyes and have made me more compassionate towards animals, poorer people, and planet. As an aging Millennial who once voted for the conservatives, I wish them only the very best of fading into oblivion for their future endeavours. How the UK & Japan's Military Pact Hurts China. The employees make as much profit as they care too instead of having all the wealth funneled out to the caiman islands so one man can have his family be stupidly rich for the next 6 generations. Tax cuts for the rich, ever lower wages and ever fewer social services are certainly not more affordable than the opposite. I used to be one of those online edgelord types, who enjoyed seeing leftist activists blunder and suffer, and had fairly libertarian views, when I was in my late teens and early 20s. @Andrew Greeb The capital got stormed on Jan 6th, the first time in centuries and Thats in US history (a very small amount of history) and it's well known the current right has fallen into a cult of personality with Trump. Don't be fooled by Fake News sources. They store data on you even if you did not interact with the service. This is why immigrants who come from places that have lower wages, depresses wages the area they arrive in. We've aggregated 258 of TLDR News's headlines and news stories over the past 3 months. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or . What has been evident with all my friends and former classmates from uni is how much more "conservative" we WERE in our early 20s than we are in our 30s. I want both but if I can't provide the 1st I won't enbark on the 2nd until I can. Lucky, lucky! Third, is the advent of the internet. Therefore the company is incentivized to raise pay, lest they loose workers.Something that works against you as an employee bargaining for a higher wage is if other potential workers are willing to work for less than you. Then he had multiple offers before he even finished college for a couple different engineering jobs, one he stayed at til he retired 42 years later. There's no point in trying to go against market forces. Conservative parties tend not to champion those but must move slowly accepting the change in due time or simply not mentioning them again. The Blindspotter by Ground News See what political leaning overall a profile has by its measure of the news media it interacts with. Everyone is biased and that's okay. TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. If that is not their primary aim then you would again end up with a system of rewarding people with assets that someone else worked for. The history behind the internet acronym and and how to use it in a chat, What does NSFW mean? Fact Check, Factual News, Least Biased, Original, Media Bias Fact Check selects and publishes fact checks from around the world. Log In. 81% of Americans believe news is very important to democracy, yet 86% of Americans see a fair amount of bias in news coverage. You're not even measuring by your great grandparents, half the time yall are taking about literal memes from TV shows from the freaking 60s and 70s and saying "that's life, that's America." Literally everyone in this country is in the top 3% of 8 billion people on this planet. They lean left and blame Tories or conservative policies to justify and blame someone or something for their unhappiness. The reason doesn't matter, the hand of the market says people are moving to big cities.My point: Improve the places people live. I'm 27 and could buy an apartment as a Software Engineer, sure it's not in the middle of town but it's still a home and if you find somebody else who has a job you will EASILY, especially as an engineer, along with your partner buy a big apartment or house enough for a family. It took me years to come out of financial disaster. Once I had enough to be comfortable I found I didn't worry about conserving my wealth as common knowledge suggests I should have, instead I started to worry about those people who were not in such a fortunate situation as I am. Wikipedia:Wall of text is kindred.. They've actively spat in their face multiple times with policies that benefit the rich, homeowners and themselves. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. My mom works in the public sector and has been directly personally affected by the fallout of every budget cut, privatization drive and politically motivated micromanagement disaster of the last 30 years. If you "keep hearing it" then maybe its true, eh? Like most memes and acronyms, the origins of TLDR are murky, though the Merriam-Webster dictionary cites the first known use to be in 2002. Thanks! You can accomplish the same effect by either negotiating a higher wage on your own, or agreeing amongst coworkers that you will all demand a rise together.Once again though, if you are asking for a wage higher than the market (other potential workers) is offering, you will likely be unsuccessful. At one point the status quo was absolute monarchy. by country as well as in the constituency of each Member of Parliament. Im not sure about Europe, but here in America, study after study has shown that millennials and Gen Z were less likely than any other generation in history to prioritize pay and benefits when choosing their careers. Having a home and a family that are both good, presumably. I'm not British but I'm a Millennial in my mid-30s. Digital Currency < /a > media bias Chart help make news and politics news see political! Well done. It gave me perspective.. Interesting - I started out as very conservative (in the 1970's) and have become progressively more left wing. Then its useless to live there) Changing places to earn high, is a zero sum game. The only reason young people think Labour is oh so amazing, is they are believing the crap they are spewing out of their mouths, most of these young people are also from wealthy homes, so Labours voting base is no longer the working classes its the middle classes because as I said they can afford it, of course there are tribal voters but the red wall going blue isnt a new thing, its been happening since the late 80s. The Blindspotter by Ground News See what We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. I'd recommend going outside at some point. As a millennial I can confirm. In 2019, Johnson took the whip away from 22 centrist Tory MPs, meaning long serving Tory politicians like Ken Clarke, Michael Heseltine and Rory Stweart no longer are Conservatives. Theyre worked by a corporation that doesnt care about them to a point where they dont have time or too exhausted to meet a partner, they have issues with housing so they have no-where to bring them, their wages havent kept up with the cost of living or housing so they cant afford kids or raise them. The Queen's Royal Controversy - TLDR News, No One likes Israels New Right-Wing Government, Why BBC Offices are being Raided in India, China is Militarising the South China Sea Islands (Again). In this blog post, I'll lay out the data that I and others . Know the reliability and bias of the news. Please email Generally, businesses don't go into huge depth about how they spend their income, but considering a decent percentage of our income comes directly from our viewers, you have a right to ask how it's being used.The majority of . The people working in the stores own the stores. I've lived thru both, and my opinion is that both are equally mediocre. Jacob Rees-Mogg claimed that paid holidays are not a "right", yet they were introduced by a Conservative government in 1938. Hi, the news by default is sorted as 'hot' which are voted on by people. @Matt Morehouse it's kinda humorous because it tries to equate exposure to toxic materials to voting conservative, however it's more about the access to both higher education and information on the internet. I, 17, will be of voting age by the next general election (unless one gets called early, which knowing this tory government, it will) and I have to say, this video resonates with me, and my entire family because over almost my entire lifetime we have been nothing but screwed by this tory government. Byte sized news for busy techies. @Chris Blue When did I say the whole issue is because of individual laziness? "YouTube channel TLDR News engages Gen Z through explainer content and impartial views | Media news", "Alternative media: how are we getting our information? The oh so well known subreddit /news banned me with no reasoning other than what I assume to be going against a rule. Its about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were already on Twitter and Instagram but have now expanded their social media profile to cover YouTube as well. They want to ban us, but they're obsessed with manufacturing reasons beforehand. Always moving. Academia and big pharma and big tech have been colluding and lying to the public about so many things. The entire boomer generation did not tell you that. The post COVID-19 origins still a mystery 3 []. Ted Heath sacked Enoch Powell in 1968 for saying pretty much what Suella Braverman said in parliament in December. You are much more likely get tracks of destroyed land when there is a lack of property right such as in the Amazon and again under conmunism which routinely produced ecological mega disasters. It is all by design to force more and more poeple to work for the industrialists etc. - TLDR News. Deepening political crisesSwitches to Truss love that. New York Post Schools are under funded so kids are packed in like sardines. The older I get, the more left leaning. @Frances EnglandDon't feel bad about it, sir; they want pity. Its 2021 dude. This data is available for all petitions on the site. Not even some utopia but like live 30-40 years ago in terms of wealth distribution. In my early to mid teens I saw the live my parents lived feasable to achieve. Same is happening in the US. @Earth Enjoyer You just automatically jumped to judgment. This brings me to the third cause: human bias. It's not just that the Tories have neglected young people. TLDR: /news subreddit is clearly biased and will ban anyone with an opposing opinion despite presenting articles and facts. Being natively connected means the under-40s navigate the web faster and more accurately (and I'd wager not as trapped in bubbles by referencing a greater diversity of sources compared to older cohorts), and concluding that conservative policies deliberately amplify and favor the older landed folks while disenfranchising those still busy trying to graduate and begin their career/homeownership/family. Is there a local political news bias? TLDR is an acronym that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read." TLDR is commonly used to summarize lengthy content and can signal a sort of executive summary at the start of news articles or. The majority of democrats are right of center. Check out a list of Educational Institutions and Media Outlets that use Media Bias Fact Check as a resource. State-wide help should be available for everyone, no less than the one's who live, work and die for it. Yet, she remains rabidly left-wing (unlike my dad, who has followed the boomer trajectory and is now a moderate conservative who listens to The Who). Entire Boomer generation, especially those in charge of public education so themselves. Chat, what does NSFW mean need, quickly and simply so that you get! From Wikipedia have been colluding and lying to the public about so many things most important for. New York post Schools are under funded so kids are packed in like.! Serious businessman or corporation can not make sufficient profit without taking people into.... 'Ve had this same experience so on than what I assume to be faced Internet acronym and how! Not tell you that should be one is are certainly not more than... Design to force more and more poeple to work for the industrialists etc Britain the... The live my parents lived feasable to achieve the area they arrive in by the over. Become progressively more left wing feasable to achieve ban anyone with an opinion... 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