As a reward for rescuing them, Hermes teleported them to Paris, where they enjoy a dinner, a walk, and a boat ride. She scans the handcuffs onto her laptop which produces a 3-D model on the screen. Once back at camp, Percy and Annabeth accidentally discover an entrance to the Labyrinth under the rock pile known as Zeus's Fist while on a camp game designed personally by Quintus. The ship they arrive on is the Princess Andromeda. He told me Kronos was going to use him to take over the world. Annabeth was devastated when Leo died and was furious at Hazel and Frank for keeping it from her, but her rage dissipated when they cried and she agreed that it was exactly a plan Leo would've done. Annabeth then called Piper a good friend and said shes angry at her for being annoyingly calm. When they arrived at Camp Half-Blood, Thalia sacrificed herself to save Luke, Grover, and Annabeth, but got turned into a tree in the process. He then turns to Annabeth and tells her that they will be together and he will not let her go. Increases Teamwork. Annabeth said that was sweet and kissed Percy on the cheek. While in Topeka Percy and Jason both call their steeds.. who comes in first to the call? What is Athena/Minerva wearing when Annabeth sees her at the station? But Percy interrupts by flooding the dock and dragging the Romans into the sea, he tells Annabeth that she dropped her dagger. Upon the realization, the rest of the group aboard the Argo II and Nico di Angelo come to the rescue and take Athena Parthenos. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Annabeth also told her how most demigods have ADHD and dyslexia and are labeled as troublemakers. Since Percy was taken by Hera, Annabeth has become reckless when a situation concerns him and developed a fear of being separated from him for a long time. Leo and Annabeth were the only people who could operate the engine room, so the two went in there a lot, with Annabeth going to help Leo in the engine room after he returned from seeing Narcissus, and the two staying behind in Kansas to make repairs after Leo needed Annabeth's help. Annabeth was also amazed when she found out that Frank could shapeshift. Percy and Annabeth decide to not tell Camp Half-Blood, at least not yet. Piper mentioned that Annabeth would make a cool friend in better times, and hoped she would be claimed by Athena, so they can be in the same cabin together. While talking to Percy in The Lightning Thief, Annabeth told Percy that if it was her dad imprisoned by Hades, she would leave him to rot. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Annabeth also wished Leo good luck when he went to meet him. In The Blood of Olympus, it is revealed that after her return from Tartarus, Annabeth approached Nico as he was tying up the Athena Parthenos. Annabeth repairs the dragon to the best of her abilities, then activates it. As he goes to meet the ship, he says he knows Annabeth is on board and this could be the best day of his life if everything went right. Percy, remembering the lines from the prophecy ('cursed blade shall reap'), uses Riptide to slay the Titan and the others erupt in cheers over the victory. She runs towards an old artillery piece that is glowing red, and using her knife retrieves a small bronze disc, which she stuffs in her backpack. Reyna was dumbfounded when she got the note, but when her dogs proved the legend was true, she decided to believe Annabeth, and told Marcus to get Scipio from the stables: she was going to meet the Argo II and bring the statue to Camp, for Annabeth and the peace of the camps, showing how much she trusted her. Magnus realized that Annabeth had been crying and asked what was wrong. The Mark of Athena. However, Annabeth began to slowly warm up to Rachel, and trusted her to get a car for them, though she looked uneasy. Annabeth orders Leo to stop the ship as she asks Terminus whether there is a rule against the ship hovering over New Rome. While studying the Labyrinth, Percy walks in on her. He also thought that Annabeth was no slouch. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Question about The Mark of Athena: "why did annabeth have to do find the mark of athena all by her self?" Where exactly the place that Pipers vision told her to go? When Percy was offered immortality by the Olympians, he saw that Annabeth was very pale and suspected she was having a panic similar to the one he had when he thought she was going to join the Hunters of Artemis. While fighting Khione, Piper thought about what Annabeth would do. Another curse Annabeth had was the curse of despair, which caused Annabeth to think that Percy abandoned her, even though he was just next to her. Realizing that Tyson's eye would be a problem for the group, she sprays Mist on him in order to create the illusion that he has two eyes instead of one. Annabeth also loved Piper's charmspeak, which filled her with the desire to have a long talk with her and drop her dagger. Fortunately, there are a lot of tourists which causes chaos but also stops Annabeth from moving anywhere quickly. Nico was afraid she found out about his crush, but instead, she went out of her way to thank Nico for being nice to Iapetus (even before Percy did so), and telling the Titan that Percy is worth saving. Annabeth and Percy go on the attack, with Annabeth stabbing him in the back of the knee and Percy stabbing his leg. When Rick Riordan chose the name Annabeth, he modeled Annabeth after, Her first name, 'Annabeth' is an anagram of ', Circe invited Annabeth to become a sorceress and stay on her island in. Frank and Hazel tell the others about Leo's plan. She tells Percy that Luke had visited her before they went into the Labyrinth, explaining why Hermes was mad at her for not saving Luke when she had the chance to. Arachne is unsettled as the silk required to make it to Annabeth's dimensions would require more silk then she could make in a year, but Annabeth suggests using the silk covering the Athena statue. He even leaned over the chasm, reaching out to help her and Percy, to no avail. Much like Percy and Thalia, she has shown many signs of bravery, courage, and dauntlessness. But a raid of campers led by Clarisse snoop on this and throw them into the camp lake. Annabeth helped weave a makeshift bed to take him home. However, Annabeth knew it couldn't have been Leo and agreed that it was most likely magic from Gaea or Octavian. In The House of Hades, the Argo II thinks that Nico has a crush on Annabeth, including Jason, who learned from Piper. Leo sets course for Charleston, while Percy and Frank tell the demigods what happened, with Hedge interjecting from time to time. Annabeth then elbowed Percy saying that he keeps trying to die and he put his arm around her, kissing her blonde curls on the top of her head, making Magnus's heart do a little twist, reminding him of what was at stake if he didn't stop Loki. The group is accompanied by Tyson despite Annabeth's protests. As she manages to keep going, she finds that the tunnel she came from is filling with spiders. Will and Hades were both frustrated. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. After she fell into Tartarus, Jason tried to dig through the rubble to find her and Percy, to no avail. What more does Athena want from her? Annabeth gives Piper a tour of Camp Half-Blood, also letting Piper choose her weapon Katoptris, then explaining that Piper's relationship with Jason at the Wilderness School was an illusion due to the Mist and wanting to give Piper a chance to break down privately when she realized the same thing, though she has been holding herself together as well, it is obvious that Annabeth is equally crushed at losing Percy so mysteriously. However, Annabeth got miffed at Tyson when he called Rachel Elizabeth Dare pretty. In the middle of the night, Annabeth sneaks into Percy's cabin and wakes him up. Piper and Jason try to calm the angry mob by telling them they would never attack New Rome, but fail. Annabeth informs Arachne that she is the new architect for Olympus, and would love to feature her work in the main hall. What happens to both Percy and Annabeth even as the Athena statue is rescue? During his quest, Percy has flashes of memory about Annabeth, as when he looked at Mount Tam, he remembered the fight with Atlas and he told Frank and Hazel he had been their once looking for Annabeth. Percy apologized to Rachel, saying Annabeth usually wasn't like this, but Rachel knew why: she was jealous of her. Oh my gosh so many scenes I want to draw . While he was with Nike, he missed having Annabeth with him because she was good at talking. The Oracle of Delphi gave her a prophecy which appears to have scared her and she refuses to say the last line. Thalia was upset and angry over losing Annabeth, and blamed Percy for what happened to her, especially after Luke was lost too. Annabeth also told Piper how her memories about Jason were manipulated by the Mist, and Piper told Annabeth all of her fake memories about Jason. Annabeth was also the one to tell Leo that he had been claimed by Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths and fire, when he thought his head was on fire. Because of her status as a demigod attracting monsters and knowing that he had been reluctant to take her in as a baby, Annabeth felt that he, along with the rest of her mortal family, hated her. What was Annabeth's last words to Percy Jackson? Percy pulls Annabeth into a long kiss declaring that rivarly to be over and that he loves her, his feelings for her melt Annabeth's heart. She is greatly relieved when seeing him, but that quickly turns to anger with her judo-flipping him and threatening him to never leave her again. Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel find the 'ghost' who turns out to Aphrodite, who invites her to have tea and chat, even though, according to her, war is coming and bloodshed is inevitable. Annabeth to Percy Jackson in The Last Olympian, . After Annabeth outsmarted Arachne, Hazel began to admire her quick thinking, and was the first person to realize that Arachnes rope was pulling her into Tartarus, yelling for her crewmates to cut Annabeth free. When the Sirens sang to her, she saw her father and her mother together again and happy. Once on the other side, she burns the bridge so the spiders couldn't use it to follow her. Annabeth also got worried when Percy got a look he gets when he gets an idea. Note: The paperback edition features a new short story, The Staff of Serapis. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Jason also described Reyna to her after. Annabeth thought Leo was seriously ADHD, even for demigod standards, and respected him as a mechanic. Hazel Levesque feels that without Annabeth there to come up with ideas and without Percy there to motivate them, the crew is slowly falling apart. After Carter gets blasted, Percy turns into his vulture avatar form, and Sadie whispers something into Annabeth's ear. At some point around this time, Grover taught Annabeth a wilderness survival course, which while she considered "silly" at the time, would come in handy for her years later. In The Mark of Athena, it is revealed that even though Annabeth tried to hide it, he didn't trust him, and thought he acted and looked too perfect, and was afraid he would betray her to the Romans. Unable to figure out what the visions or prophecies mean, they decide to visit Kansas, where Piper saw a strange man, Bacchus is standing in front of a sign saying 'Topeka 32'. Instead, she uses the time they are gone to continue her search for Percy. 120 seconds. Annabeth helping Percy escape was the reason why Reyna made it to Camp Jupiter: she was kidnapped by pirates, escaped, and made it to Camp. They then form a new plan to get rid of Serapis because he emerges from the rubble. They run back to the Argo II and Annabeth and Percy pilot it to Fort Sumter. Annabeth cried while watching Thalia die and was devastated, and blamed herself for what happened to Thalia, and became distrustful of all cyclops, including Tyson. Led by Annabeth, they look for the dragon's body, finally finding it in another part of the woods. They can't talk about this more as the Argo II is attacked by Chrysaor and his crew of dolphin-men. Leo and Annabeth first met in The Lost Hero, when she rescued Leo, Jason, and Piper from the Wilderness School, and knew about their protector, Gleeson Hedge. Annabeth and Coach Hedge collaborated well together and they helped stop the Argo II from sinking in the middle of the Atlantic, and Annabeth saved him from Chrysaor's bonds. She would subsequently scream for her father, who was always away for work, so her stepmother would see her. Annabeth later tried cheering up Hazel after she got into a fight with Jason and Leo by telling her funny stories about Percy. But Annabeth still cannot shake the feeling that something is about to go terribly wrong. Despite their escape, the group was delayed long enough for a pack of Hellhounds and all three Furies to catch up to them. Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods. Piper and Annabeth later took a walk, where Annabeth told Piper about camp and being a demigod. In return, Leo was sad when he thought that Annabeth wouldn't trust him. Just then, Tiberinus and his wife, Rhea Silvia, appear and tell Annabeth that they are here to take Annabeth onto the next part of her quest, as they have done for other children of Athena. As Percy is about to let go and perhaps fall to his death in New York during a mission to apprehend one of the Chrysae Celadones, Percy remembers his time with Annabeth spent in the Sea of Monsters and how her anger at his death would be way scarier than any monster, which gives him the extra willpower to snap out of the Celadones' spell and come up with a plan to fight back. But this made Nico more upset, telling Annabeth that she didnt care about Bianca, and that if she did she would help him. Magnus reassured her that he was okay and staying with "friends", and she asked for details, but Magnus said he didnt want to put her in danger. She also wears her father's college ring and later a coral pendant that Percy gave her on a leather necklace with the clay beads that she earned every year at Camp Half-Blood. Afterward, while Annabeth is doing patrol for the camp, the fleece's magic works too well, causing Thalia's pine tree to 'give back' Thalia's spirit, causing Thalia to come back to life. Magnus apologized, saying he didn't want to rope Annabeth into his problems, but she said she understands more than he thinks. She knew Seaweed Brain was keeping something else from her but she couldn't figure it out. They'd been through so much together, at this point Percy was part of hera sometimes annoying part, sure, but definitely a part she could not live without.Annabeths thoughts about Percy as she asked Damasen for help. She laughs and warns him that she will never make things easy for him and that he should get used to it before kissing him. As a reward however, Hermes transports them to Paris for a special dinner gourmet foods. The three of them lead the dragon back to Ant Hill, where he attacks the Myrmekes and buys time while Annabeth, Percy, and Silena find Beckendorf and get him to safety. Mr. Dionysus, the god of wine and camp director, and Chiron investigate into the case of a Cyclops somehow making its way through the Camp barriers who is revealed to be Tyson, Percy's half-brother. What does Leo do against his will aboard the Argo II? As a result, Annabeth ran away from home at the young age of seven, thinking her family hated her. One of her most impressive displays was in The Titan's Curse, where after holding the sky for hours and starting to die, she vehemently protested against Artemis for taking her burden. Annabeth questions who would do such a thing when Percy announces it was Luke's plan to poison the tree. and the entire wall collapsed on him. While Percy is sneaking up on Setne, he trips and falls on his butt which makes him noticeable to the magician. Suddenly, Sadie and Carter arrive and attack Setne with a camel, but he manages to escape. Annabeth and Percy decide to face Setne, who is reading from the Book of Thoth, by themselves. After Annabeth was rescued, Annabeth was very supportive of Thalia joining the Hunters and squeezed her hand. Fido then breaks loose and both Sadie and Annabeth are blown backwards. She states that when she found Luke, Thalia, and Grover, they were tied up and hanging from the ceiling. This resulted in her running way from home at the age of seven and became a year-rounder at camp. When Annabeth scowled, Reyna laughed, and said she is definitely a warrior and has fire in her eyes. After the seven arrive in Rome, Annabeth sets out on her solo quest with Percy Jackson initially joining her. They escape using Blackbeard's ship. Upon realizing that Reyna made a move on Percy, but Percy rejected Reyna for her, Annabeth silently forgave her boyfriend for everything he ever did wrong. After finding him, the quintuplet goes after the crown so he doesn't turn into the ground. The monster glares at her, and then turns away, as if it has business elsewhere. Annabeth has wanted a quest for a long time to prove herself to her mother and gain some . Thalia also thought caring for Annabeth was giving her a second chance after Halcyon Green sacrificed himself for the two. Annabeth likes Percy, which she hints at, but she still had lingering feelings of kinship towards Luke. Annabeth also noticed that Reyna had a "hungry sort of gleam" in her eyes when she reunited with Jason. When Thalia was revived due to the Golden Fleece, Annabeth was the first one to find her and stayed by her side in shock, but didnt celebrate the moment because she wondered what it would mean for the future. Upon finding that Annabeth was a demigod, Luke and Thalia agreed that she could run away with them and Luke promised that he wouldn't let anything hurt her and they would become a better family than her old family, a promise he would break some years later. However, Reyna realized that Jason and Piper were a coup. Who's secret cult of warriors did Annabeth run into? She then learned from Magnus and Alex that using their demigod powers short circuits mortal brains, and that they don't need to sneak around, they can just be themselves. According to. Light Physical attack that boosts Teamwork. On Olympus, Annabeth meets her mother for the first time. After safely arriving at the bottom, she places the kite string back in her backpack. Annabeth then realizes that she had met Reyna before at Circe's Island. With its steaming bronze dragon masthead, Leos fantastical creation doesnt appear friendly. In writing, give specific reasons why you would buy a certain brand and model. Annabeth recognized that Reyna felt betrayed by Jason, and she was too bitter, lonely and believed nothing could go right for her in the future. Annabeth quickly uses the kite string and plastic swords to make a rope bridge to climb down with. Annabeth then claims that for doubting her powers, she can destroy the cavern in one strike. She yells at the sky saying,"What do you want from me? She is the head counselor of Athenas cabin and the architect of Olympus. After sneaking into the palace, Annabeth repeats their plans before splitting up from the group. After seeing Annabeth and Percy holding hands, Nico looks pained, showing that his secret crush on Percy is as strong as ever, although Hazel just thought it was because he went through Tartarus alone. Silena and Annabeth were very good friends in The Demigod Files. How do I choose between my boyfriend and my best friend? Annabeth leads them to an old hideout used by her, Luke, and Thalia. Which is correct poinsettia or poinsettia? Annabeth sees Percy using water from a fountain to douse the angry mob of Romans. Despite the beams being too wide and weak to walk across, Annabeth uses the kite string to weave a rope bridge across. During the next three years, Annabeth would talk to her father via letters, as phones were too dangerous for a demigod. Piper comforted her by talking to her and taking her hands as she cried. After entering the sea, Percy and Annabeth are split up from everyone else when Clarisse's submarine explodes and arrive at C.C. Daughter of AthenaWise Girl (by Percy, Clarisse)Owl Head, Miss Princess (by Clarisse) Annie Girl (by Dionysus)Annie Bell (by Dionysus)Annabell (by Rachel, Dionysus), Frederick Chase (father)Zeus and Metis (maternal grandparents)Kronos and Rhea (maternal great-grandparents)Grandpa and Grandma Chase (paternal grandparents)Erichthonius of Athens, Sicyon, Daedalus, George Washington, Frederic Bartholdi, Zane Carver and Malcolm Pace (maternal half-brothers)Athena's Cabin (maternal half-siblings)Matthew and Bobby Chase (paternal half-brothers)Randolph Chase (paternal uncle) Natalie and Caroline Chase (paternal aunts)Magnus Chase, Emma Chase, Aubrey Chase (paternal cousins)Mrs. Chase (step-mother)Frey (possible ancestor), San Francisco, California (formerly)Camp Half-Blood (formerly)New Rome (present), Drakon bone swordAnnabeth's Yankees CapVideo Shield (destroyed), The Sea of Monsters (film)The Titan's CurseThe Battle of the LabyrinthThe Demigod FilesThe Last OlympianThe Ultimate GuidePercy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo (mentioned)The Lost Hero The Son of Neptune The Demigod DiariesThe Mark of AthenaThe Son of Sobek (Mentioned)The House of HadesThe Staff of SerapisPercy Jackson's Greek Gods (mentioned)The Blood of OlympusThe Crown of PtolemyThe Sword of SummerThe Hidden Oracle (mentioned) The Dark Prophecy (mentioned)Camp Half-Blood ConfidentialThe Hammer of ThorThe Ship of the DeadThe Burning Maze (mentioned)9 from the Nine Worlds (mentioned)The Tower of NeroPercy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods, Alisha Newton (Young Annabeth) (films)Kristin Stokes (Broadway, Off-Broadway & National tour)Leah Sava Jeffries (Disney+ series. 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